Biden had 8 million dollars worth of reasons to disclose to a civilian classified documents.

Provide the quote.

We have also considered that, at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory. Based on our direct interactions with and observations of him, he is someone for whom many jurors will want to identify reasonable doubt. It would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him-by then a former president well into his eighties-of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness.

Spin away, but Hur is clearly stating that a jury would likely come to the same conclusion as he did. Biden's memory is not sufficient to convince a jury that he had a mental state of willfulness. Ok, so it isn't, but that begs the question as to to how he is capable of being the President of the US.
We have also considered that, at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory. Based on our direct interactions with and observations of him, he is someone for whom many jurors will want to identify reasonable doubt. It would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him-by then a former president well into his eighties-of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness.

Spin away, but Hur is clearly stating that a jury would likely come to the same conclusion as he did. Biden's memory is not sufficient to convince a jury that he had a mental state of willfulness. Ok, so it isn't, but that begs the question as to to how he is capable of being the President of the US.
It’s total spin to say that quote means he’s not competent to stand trial.

Even the lowest information voter must know these are different. Im not denying the quotes about Biden’s memory deficits, but saying he’s incompetent is utterly dishonest.
what context? I literally quoted the entire paragraph. He didn't prosecute because he didn't think a jury would convict due to his cognitve decline. He made that cleark in the report, and in his testimony...I've linked both in this thread for you
Hur couldn't prosecute for the same reason Mueller couldn't prosecute a sitting president. Mueller even went a step further by not even accusing a sitting president, because since there could be no indictment, there would be no forum for a sitting president to dispute the claim.
what context? I literally quoted the entire paragraph. He didn't prosecute because he didn't think a jury would convict due to his cognitve decline. He made that cleark in the report, and in his testimony...I've linked both in this thread for you
The context in bold in post 194.

You must be misinformed. The word cognitive does not appear in the report.
I suggest nothing. I am simply conveying what the report says.

Hur determined they didn't have the evidence to prove intent.

It's in the first paragraph in page one.

If you need more details do a search for the word intent in the document.

Here’s the report. There is no mention of intent.

The report identifies that Biden “willfully retained and disclosed”

The act by Biden of theft is a crime.
Hur couldn't prosecute for the same reason Mueller couldn't prosecute a sitting president. Mueller even went a step further by not even accusing a sitting president, because since there could be no indictment, there would be no forum for a sitting president to dispute the claim.

True you can't prosecute a sitting President, but both could recommend charges (prosecution) Mueller's case there wasn't evidence, in Xiden's case he couldn't due to policy on prosecuting people with cognative decline
Are you sure you spelled it correctly, or maybe fat fingered it?

I see intent come up 46 times when I searched it.

The first occurrence is in page 5.

That is so dishonest,

You wrote earlier, “It's in the first paragraph in page one.”

No. it’s not.

Provide the exact citation that excuses Biden’s theft because of a lack of “intent”.
This is where stupidity reins supreme in your mind.

(e) A person's obligation to submit material for prepublication review remains identical whether such person prepares the materials or causes or assists another person (such as a ghost writer, spouse, friend, or editor) in preparing the material. Material covered by a nondisclosure agreement requiring prepublication review must be submitted prior to discussing it with or showing it to a publisher, co-author, or any other person who is not authorized to have access to it. In this regard, it should be noted that a failure to submit such material for prepublication review constitutes a breach of the obligation and exposes the author to remedial action
You seem talented to pull off ponzi schemes. Based on your support for the criminal Biden.
That exchange revealed another Biden lie. Biden and his minions in the press say there is a big difference between his and Trump’s case, namely Joe turned over all his stolen classified documents as soon as he found out he had them on about nine locations.

He clearly knew he had classified docs in his basement in 2017 because he gave them to his ghost writer who had no security clearance.

The analogy is, taking the documents is like shoplifting. Shoplifting is an illegal activity. But they claim Biden shouldn't get prosecuted because he took the goods back to the shop when asked.

So out in peasant land amongst us peasants, if a shoplifter takes the stolen goods back to the shop, does the illegal offence of shoplifting in the first place now disappear?

Is someone being above the law here!!
The analogy is, taking the documents is like shoplifting. Shoplifting is an illegal activity. But they claim Biden shouldn't get prosecuted because he took the goods back to the shop when asked.

So out in peasant land amongst us peasants, if a shoplifter takes the stolen goods back to the shop, does the illegal offence of shoplifting in the first place now disappear?

Is someone being above the law here!!

Yep. Curious how neither democrat Hillary Clinton nor Biden are charged with possession of classified material when Trump is.

Biden had stolen documents he intended to use for personal gain.
That is so dishonest,

You wrote earlier, “It's in the first paragraph in page one.”

Yeah, my bad. I just meant he declined to charge as referenced here on page 1.

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY We conclude that no criminal charges are warranted in this matter.1 We would reach the same conclusion even if Department of Justice policy did not foreclose criminal charges against a sitting president.

I assure you it wasn't my intent to be dishonest. It was just poor wording on my part.

Sorry about that.

No. it’s not.

Provide the exact citation that excuses Biden’s theft because of a lack of “intent”.
Here are some.

Page 243.

Biden was mistaken in his legal judgment is not enough to prove he acted willfully, which requires intent to do something the law forbids. 924 The defense will buttress these claims by contending that other credible authorities, including at least one former president and the Department of Justice, also have concluded that a former president may keep handwritten notes even if they contain classified information.

Page 239

That Mr. Biden was mistaken in his legal judgment is not enough to prove he acted willfully, which requires intent to do something the law forbids.

Page 242

We also believe some of the same evidence that supports reasonable doubt for the classified Afghanistan documents also supports reasonable doubt for the notebooks, including Mr. Biden's cooperation with the investigation, his diminished faculties in advancing age, and his sympathetic demeanor. These factors likely make it difficult for jurors to conclude he had criminal intent. Finally, factors likely make it difficult for jurors to conclude he had criminal intent.

Page 5.

In addition. Mr. Biden's memory was significantly limited, both during his recorded interviews with the ghostwriter in 2017, and in his interview with our office in 2023. And his cooperation with our investigation, including by reporting to the government that the Afghanistan documents were in his Delaware garage, will likely convince some jurors that he made an innocent mistake, rather than acting willfully-that is, with intent to break the law-as the statute requires. his cooperation with our investigation, including by reporting to the government that the Afghanistan documents were in his Delaware garage, will likely convince some jurors that he made an innocent mistake, rather than acting willfully-that is, with intent to break the law-as the statute requires
The analogy is, taking the documents is like shoplifting. Shoplifting is an illegal activity. But they claim Biden shouldn't get prosecuted because he took the goods back to the shop when asked.

So out in peasant land amongst us peasants, if a shoplifter takes the stolen goods back to the shop, does the illegal offence of shoplifting in the first place now disappear?

Is someone being above the law here!!
It’s a bad analogy because shoplifters never have the right to possess the items they shoplifted.

Biden and Trump had the right to possess those documents while in office. They just needed to give them back.
That isn't what Hur's report said.

If you can't prove intent they were not criminal acts.

Intent is required for I to be criminal.

What was outlined in they could not prove intent so they determined not to charge him.

No, he didn't steal them as he didn't know he shouldn't have them.

It's in the report.

Repeating your media sources won't be to helpful here I'm afraid.

I suggest sticking to the report.
Exactly what you were told about Trump. Trump has not been convicted of any crimes. He did not intend to commit any.
Here is the proof. Biden intended to write a book when he was Vice President. His book paid him 8 million dollars. Biden had that many reasons to commit a crime.

Point being is Trump did not have a book deal that included classified documents.

Biden did though.

Fake news TWS hysteria.

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