Biden has made every American city unsafe for its citizens by neglecting our border.

Replaced as the demographic majority in this country. No one is talking about replacing you personally. 😄 We don't need to do that to neuter you politically and socially.
Lol keep lying traitor. What are too stupid to realize is that I won't waste my time voting in rigged elections. So you and the rest of you scum keep on. Soon it will reach the point of no return. Hope im around.
It's not genocide when pure whites can't breed fast enough to keep up with minorities and mixed race babies. Thems just the breaks.
What are you rejoicing over? You'll still be a 3rd-class citizen regardles, assuming that you even are American.
Trump had full power of a republican majority in both the Senate and the House, his first two years in office. His own republican majority stopped it....the first two years..... Not just democrats as y'all are implying.
He was sued CONSTANTLY by....wait for it......DEMOCRATS. As a result the courts supplanted our political process and constantly threw roadblocks in front of Trump. DEMOCRATS did that.
He was sued CONSTANTLY by....wait for it......DEMOCRATS. As a result the courts supplanted our political process and constantly threw roadblocks in front of Trump. DEMOCRATS did that.
That's a normal process. Republicans, the opposition, have sued numerous Biden decisions as well....
Biden's not doing a damned thing....You really think HE is the one pulling the strings?
He's done a lot. I love it when you guys won't give Biden credit for anything but give Trump credit for everything.
Only a traitor would say that.
Traitor to who? You sound like a Southerner during the Civil War. If someone in your community said they liked Lincoln they would have told him he was a traitor to the South.

Biden is our President. So who am I a traitor to? Republicans? I was never a member.
Traitor to who? You sound like a Southerner during the Civil War. If someone in your community said they liked Lincoln they would have told him he was a traitor to the South.

Biden is our President. So who am I a traitor to? Republicans? I was never a member.
Thanks traitor.
Trump had full power of a republican majority in both the Senate and the House, his first two years in office. His own republican majority stopped it....the first two years..... Not just democrats as y'all are implying.
Biden opened the border. 100% of the illegal mess in the country today is Biden's fault. 100%

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