Biden has made every American city unsafe for its citizens by neglecting our border.

Find me, make your move faggot. Make sense if possible traitor. Shove the wall up your ass.
We have made our move. You let your white children become demographic minorities already. If you wouldn't act for them why should I think you ever will? 😄
He bamboozled you. Before the Pandemic allowed him to close the border his policies only reduced legal immigration. Illegal immigration and drug smuggling continues unabated.
"President Trump entered the White House with the goal of reducing legal immigration by 63 percent. Trump was wildly successful in reducing legal immigration. By November 2020, the Trump administration reduced the number of green cards issued to people abroad by at least 418,453 and the number of non‐immigrant visas by at least 11,178,668 during his first term through November 2020. President Trump also entered the White House with the goal of eliminating illegal immigration but Trump oversaw a virtual collapse in interior immigration enforcement and the stabilization of the illegal immigrant population. Thus, Trump succeeded in reduce legal immigration and failed to eliminate illegal immigration."
The Border Patrol numbers say CATO is FOS. Biden's open borders are a disaster that he needs to be Impeached for. Trump only let in legal immigrants. Illegals had to wait in Mexico.



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Trump should have kept his campaign promise and built the wall he promised us Mexico would pay for it.

On other threads Republicans are also talking about paying off our debt. If you are going to build a 4000 mile long wall, how's that going to work?

Have you guys ever thought about using technology to patrol our borders? Fly drones with cameras over it 25/7. Have idle military watch while they sit around waiting for the next war.
Why Biden has had border agents weld doors open? Worst president ever.
Trump only let in legal immigrants. Illegals had to wait in Mexico.
That has to be the stupidest thing I've heard today. Do you think they asked "are you legal or illegal? If your're illegal you must stay in Mexico" and that put all the Coyotes out of business.
Not really your race aborts more of your babies than are born. You're a cuck of the democrat party.
You're another illiterate cuck white who can't read a census. White people were the only demographic in this country to lose more people over the last decade than were born. 😄
We have made our move. You let your white children become demographic minorities already. If you wouldn't act for them why should I think you ever will? 😄

It is their fault. They voted for Republican policies which for decades has made the middle class smaller and poorer. They supported the war on unions in the 2000's when Bush and Republicans were helping companies who were moving overseas.

They defend illegal employers. It was them who said illegals were just here doing jobs Americans won't do.

And today, they can't afford to have kids and remain middle class. If they have just one kid they become the working poor. And they voted for it.
That has to be the stupidest thing I've heard today. Do you think they asked "are you legal or illegal? If you're illegal you must stay in Mexico" and that put all the Coyotes out of business.
They are all illegal dumbass. That's why they wait in Mexico for their hearing.
30% +
of the illegals who have come in or will come in will voluntarily leave when our economy Tanks completely
30% +
of the illegals who have come in or will come in will voluntarily leave when our economy Tanks completely
The children they have while here will be American citizens though. And even if they go back to Mexico any children that their American children have in Mexico are also American citizens. Are you cuck whites beginning yet to understand how birth right citizenship has permanently fucked you? :lmao:

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