Biden has made every American city unsafe for its citizens by neglecting our border.

You become a cuck white who can't separate hard numbers and facts from what you see anecdotally on TV? 😄
Actually the "hard number" is the number of "mixed race" folks who don't play the race card.
Deal with it.
It's a win win for democrats. The FBI gets to look important and use fear to gain more power, distraction from Biden crimes, more war funding, gun laws...I'm not sure their plan for the split in dems supporting Hamas and Biden supporting Israel.
I would like to remind the forum how dictatorships are created. They gather from the public true Bidenista believers. Those create the path for the new dictator. They get judges appointed to office who demand criminals be released from jail. Because they and the criminals are of the same class of believers.

Why open the border and slash the protection put up by Texas?

This will assist us in explaining part of this.

He's done a lot. I love it when you guys won't give Biden credit for anything but give Trump credit for everything.
Well, I love that no republican ever gets credit, it’s always the democrat before, or after a republican president that did the good. So, more projection…
Well, I love that no republican ever gets credit, it’s always the democrat before, or after a republican president that did the good. So, more projection…
I feel you. Clinton was the best president ever and you credited Newt.

Reagan fucked us but it would be decades before we felt the effects of what he did. We're feeling it still.

Then you blamed Obama for Bush's great recession.

You didn't give Obama credit but the second Trump got in and unemployment went down .001%, you gave him full credit.

And Trump handed Biden another great recession. In fact how many Americans did Trump murder by not telling us how serious Covid was? He told Bob Woodward in and interview he lied to us because he didn't want covid to hurt his, I mean Obama's booming economy.
Maybe if you used a credible site--like the US Census and not some democrat think tank.

49% of U.S. children were White, non-Hispanic; 26% were Hispanic; 14% were Black, non-Hispanic; 6% were Asian, non-Hispanic; and 6% were non-Hispanic "All other races."

Why don't you show us your findings from the US Census
Like Barack and Kamala and me?
There are millions who prefer going back to the Republican "color-blind" days of Trump instead of playing the race card like Biden and the "old school" democrats looking for handouts. Just saying don't count your minorities before they hatch.

As for you, Barak, and Kamala
Barak is worth a cool $70m
Kamala is worth $3m-$5m
You? Probably doing just fine w/o that $2m <g>
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How many radical terrorists have infiltrated our nation because he REFUSES to deal with our border crisis.
The FBI now says we are at the highest risk since ISIS.

We keep poking the damn bees nest like a clueless child without any concern for the consequences.
If there is a terrorist attack in the US it is totally Biden's fault No questions , no excuses the blood would be on Biden's hands
I feel you. Clinton was the best president ever and you credited Newt.

Reagan fucked us but it would be decades before we felt the effects of what he did. We're feeling it still.

Then you blamed Obama for Bush's great recession.

You didn't give Obama credit but the second Trump got in and unemployment went down .001%, you gave him full credit.

And Trump handed Biden another great recession. In fact how many Americans did Trump murder by not telling us how serious Covid was? He told Bob Woodward in and interview he lied to us because he didn't want covid to hurt his, I mean Obama's booming economy.
Responses like this are exactly what I’m talking about…To take your revision at face value you’d think no republican ever did any good.
But that's what you want, all whites eliminated, by whatever means?
Not at all. I have white friends and white family members. It's an acknowledgement that there are a lot of racist whites in this country. Remember the white southern population voted against ending segregation only 59 years ago. Only like two or three representatives from former Confederate states voted in favor of ending it. There's a lot of white racism in this country, still, that has prevented us from seriously addressing socio-economic inequalities and I believe a black and browner electorate can mitigate a lot of those political roadblocks.
I feel you. Clinton was the best president ever and you credited Newt.

Reagan fucked us but it would be decades before we felt the effects of what he did. We're feeling it still.

Then you blamed Obama for Bush's great recession.

You didn't give Obama credit but the second Trump got in and unemployment went down .001%, you gave him full credit.

And Trump handed Biden another great recession. In fact how many Americans did Trump murder by not telling us how serious Covid was? He told Bob Woodward in and interview he lied to us because he didn't want covid to hurt his, I mean Obama's booming economy.
You must be either insane or the biggest liar of all time.
Responses like this are exactly what I’m talking about…To take your revision at face value you’d think no republican ever did any good.
I'm just pointing out how your side does it not ours. Clinton wasn't good, it was Newt.

What good did Bush 1 or 2 do? Forget Reagan. He sucked too but that was in the 1980's. Starting with Bush 1, what good did he or his son do?

And then remember Obama sucked and his unemployment numbers weren't real but the second Trump got in and unemployment went down .001% suddenly the number was real and Trump was the GOAT. LOL

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