Biden Has No Defense Against Impeachment

When Biden's indefensible case falls apart, he will throw Hunter under the bus. "I tried to stop him but he threatened to beat me up! He's always been a bad kid!"
Mikey, Its the Republicans who will have no defense for this stupidity

McCarthy said earlier this month that the House wouldn’t open an impeachment inquiry without holding a vote, but on Tuesday, he apparently abandoned that promise, announcing that he had ordered the start of an inquiry. The move gives far-right Republicans the impeachment proceedings they’ve demanded while avoiding a vote that would have likely failed, given opposition to impeachment from moderates.

“House Republicans have been investigating the President for 9 months, and they’ve turned up no evidence of wrongdoing. His own Republican members have said so,” White House spokesman Ian Sams said, referring to statements by Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo.) and others. “He vowed to hold a vote to open impeachment, now he flip flopped because he doesn’t have support. This is extreme politics at its worst.”

It is going to blow up in their face. The big losers will be congressional Republicans in swing districts who will be forced to go on record regarding an impeachment and conviction which will not happen.
Breaking: Joe Biden, "When I served on the SCOTUS I had a case like this, I ruled it was malarky"

Yes YOU !
Kick the old man Biden down in the basement where he belongs. Just give him plenty of diapers for when he sh*ts on himself. :p

Biden Has No Defense Against Impeachment​

Here's how incredibly stupid you people-of-the-cult are. 'Impeachment' is a charge. Not what you imagine it is. And Mr. Trump made being impeached (he was twice impeached) nothing to care much about. His cult-of-personality considerd being impeached, to be badge of honor. So...

"Impeachment is the process of bringing charges against a government official for wrongdoing. A trial may be held, and the official may be removed from office." --

The impeachment process

The Constitution gives Congress the power to impeach federal officials. An official can be impeached for treason, bribery, and “other high crimes and misdemeanors.”
  1. The House of Representatives brings articles (charges) of impeachment against an official. Learn more about the House’s role in impeachment.
  2. If the House adopts the articles by a simple majority vote, the official has been impeached.
  3. The Senate holds an impeachment trial. In the case of a president, the U.S. Supreme Court chief justice presides. Learn more about the Senate’s role in the impeachment process.
  4. If found guilty, the official is removed from office. They may never be able to hold elected office again.
  5. If they are not found guilty, they may continue to serve in office.
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Doesn't make a difference, as long as there are at least 34 D's in the Senate, Biden stands no chance of being chucked out.

Remember, D's will never stab their leader, Sleepy Joe, in the back.
Don't be so sure. Biden frozen the Democrat field for 2024, when absolutely nobody even wants him to run. There were quite a few Senators on the stage in 2020, none of them are getting younger and none of them got anything for dropping out. No Cabinet positions, no sweet book deals, and no third or fourth houses. Apparently Bernie broke the bank on that stuff in 2016.
Here's how incredibly stupid you people-of-the-cult are. 'Impeachment' is a charge. Not what you imagine it is. And Mr. Trump made being impeached (he was twice impeached) nothing to care much about. He cult-of-personality considerd being impeached, to be badge of honor. So...

"Impeachment is the process of bringing charges against a government official for wrongdoing. A trial may be held, and the official may be removed from office." --

The impeachment process

The Constitution gives Congress the power to impeach federal officials. An official can be impeached for treason, bribery, and “other high crimes and misdemeanors.”
  1. The House of Representatives brings articles (charges) of impeachment against an official. Learn more about the House’s role in impeachment.
  2. If the House adopts the articles by a simple majority vote, the official has been impeached.
  3. The Senate holds an impeachment trial. In the case of a president, the U.S. Supreme Court chief justice presides. Learn more about the Senate’s role in the impeachment process.
  4. If found guilty, the official is removed from office. They may never be able to hold elected office again.
  5. If they are not found guilty, they may continue to serve in office.
Democrats in the House said that impeachment is whatever the House says it is. Same holds true when Republicans are the majority party in the House, doesn't it?
Democrats in the House said that impeachment is whatever the House says it is. Same holds true when Republicans are the majority party in the House, doesn't it?
thank you and :boo_hoo14:

Here's how incredibly stupid you people-of-the-cult are. 'Impeachment' is a charge. Not what you imagine it is. And Mr. Trump made being impeached (he was twice impeached) nothing to care much about. His cult-of-personality considerd being impeached, to be badge of honor. So...

few really care in the way you people want them to.
That's a fact. I don't know how I feel about impeachment. I don't really understand the point of it during Trump or now when you know the Senate will not remove the president. I understand the need for revenge and paybacks but if it falls flat then I don't really know what you gained out of it other than personal satisfaction, which is all the Democrats got out of it.
Well, Pinochijoe is a felon and Trump is not. That alone is why Biden should be impeached. But if protected by his minions, at least sane folk will take notice of the proof of his numerous crimes.
If Biden had a good defense, then why does he have to mount a good offense? In the football games I have seen, you only need a good offense because you know you don't have an adequate defense. Does anyone else see this?

Tell that to the current Miami Dolphins
Except Democrats didn't indict him. Several grand juries (his taxpaying peers) did. To the tune of 91 counts.
It says the Donny is corrupt. Nothing else. :)
Those Grand juries were infested with Democrats. They aren't his peers.

All it says is that the Grand Jury system is utterly corrupt.

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