Biden Has Spent $20B Resettling Illegals Just the Past 2 Years


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
While millions of American citizens sleep on the streets.

But hey, it’s great having so many illegals around who are happy to work for half the minimum wage and zero benefits. Thanks Joe!

Wouldn't it be less expensive just to build the Trump Wall? Maybe man the wall with all of these student loan deadbeats so they could earn the money they owe to the taxpayers? Think of all of the construction jobs this would create for a 700 foot high fortification that long. Be great for Mexico too. Maybe Mexico's cement giant , Cemex, can get a contract for the concrete needed.
While millions of American citizens sleep on the streets.

But hey, it’s great having so many illegals around who are happy to work for half the minimum wage and zero benefits. Thanks Joe!

They aren't willing to work at all.
New England states - Democratic States need the unfortunate to replace the Flood leaving them.
They who move South mostly are wanting to drive EV's where it isn't so dang cold.
The Unfortunate will start businesses, work in human services for the wealthy and things will be just great in a few decades.
The Unfortunates children will educate, work and do well as the generations increase. At least they stay in those Demo States.
Sure, they are on long term Gig Contracts. Across the globe, of course, the Greatest Mass Migration in History 275,000,000 is happening.

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You're as full of shit as the OP
No, YOU are the one full of shit, brainless leftard.

You want to come with me down to the Mission district? We'll do a head count.

Then we'll multiply by the number of population centers.

Believe your lying eyes, brainless leftard fuckwit.
Let's do some math: There were 653,100 counted homeless people in the US in 2023.

If you divided up $20 billion dollars between them, each one would get $30,623.18.

Of course, they'd spend most of it on crack and fentanyl, but you get the idea.

Sounds like someone is getting rich shuffling around the Southern Brown invasion.
No, YOU are the one full of shit, brainless leftard.

You want to come with me down to the Mission district? We'll do a head count.

Then we'll multiply by the number of population centers.

Believe your lying eyes, brainless leftard fuckwit.
Total in the US is 653k and maybe 60% living on the streets.

Now kiss my ass you lying POS.
I takes at least $40K/yr to house 4 people on their own working. So they have to make lets' say $50K as a unit to be self-sustaining.

Obidens' just imported over ten million of them who are not working. IF they were all Husband/Wife/2 kids it would be 2.5 million units required, Times $40K (or $100B per yr.). Do the math tomatoe balled commee loons on this site.

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