Biden Has Taken 7 of Last 14 Days Off and 13 of Last 30

It’s hard with Sundowners and he’s getting less and less good days.


You do realize tRump hasn't put in a full day of anything except golf since his inauguration, right? Morning "executive time", wander into the office around noon, break for burgers and diet coke at tea time, and back to "execute time" for some prime time ego stroking by faux.

What a strenuous day!
You Lefties sure are in a tizzy about Trump doing nothing then.
It’s hard with Sundowners and he’s getting less and less good days.

I hope that Joe has a bad dementia day on this first debate, even medications wont be able to help him... All Trump has to do is get him flustered one time and Joe will collapse into a babbling idiot..

And then he'll wet himself....

mr. boe opined yesterday that the reason the Dems are putting the lid on Joe's public appearances so early in the day is that they are trying to reprogram his circadian he doesn't fall asleep during the debates. The likely have an arsenal of Dr. Feelgoods to keep him doped up as well.
Joe is getting to the stage of dementia that medications no longer help. We have seen this already in some of his very limited speeches and scripted Q and A sessions. If Joe is having a bad day there will be no hiding his problems as the day length gets longer his ability to maintain will diminish.
It’s hard with Sundowners and he’s getting less and less good days.

I hope that Joe has a bad dementia day on this first debate, even medications wont be able to help him... All Trump has to do is get him flustered one time and Joe will collapse into a babbling idiot..

And then he'll wet himself....

mr. boe opined yesterday that the reason the Dems are putting the lid on Joe's public appearances so early in the day is that they are trying to reprogram his circadian he doesn't fall asleep during the debates. The likely have an arsenal of Dr. Feelgoods to keep him doped up as well.
Joe is getting to the stage of dementia that medications no longer help. We have seen this already in some of his very limited speeches and scripted Q and A sessions. If Joe is having a bad day there will be no hiding his problems as the day length gets longer his ability to maintain will diminish.

It's pathetic and disgusting. Not one person loves him enough to shield him from this abuse.
Yeah, they are trying so hard to hijack the thread to distract from the fact that racist dementia-suffering China Joe naps about 16 hours a day...

First question.
Will Joe be wearing a face mask throughout the debate?

It wouldn't surprise me if at the very last second the democrats don't insist that for safety's sake, Joe be kept separate, sealed in a locked room at an undisclosed remote location otherwise they'll refuse to debate at all.

After all, if Trump doesn't want to do it, at least Joe will try to set a good example for the nation. :smoke:

Maybe Joe shows up wearing a face mask and demands Trump wears one or he'll refuse to debate?

The beauty is that Joe can mumble anything behind his mask, hide his earphone, stutter and stumble and wander, and blame it all on the mask.

What did he say? Joe, could you repeat that?
Or they lie in the next couple of days saying Joe tests positive but asymptomatic for Wuhan-V and they bow out of the debate.
First question.
Will Joe be wearing a face mask throughout the debate?
Bet on it! I say he will... and he will try and shame Trump into wearing one or outright refuse to debate if Trump refuses to wear one.

I think you're right. He will make a point RIGHT OUT at the beginning saying he wanted a video debate but Trump refused, then he wanted a masked debate but Trump refused, then go from that into launching into how Trump doesn't take Covid seriously and has killed 200,000 people.

It's all planned, prepared, staged, rehearsed.

The DNC: the Hollywood Actor's Party of the Damned

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