Biden: If Trump Wins 2020 NATO Will Cease to Exist in 4-5 Years

I'm voting for biden,

Why would you vote for Biden? I understand not voting for Trump, but Biden is the same old status quo we've seen for decades. Nothing will change under him.
it's not voting for biden, it's voting against trump.

i did the same for hillary. :)

It is voting for Biden
don't let that poster speak for me, I voted against trump and hillary last election but am voting for biden this time [I'm a registered democrat] as for trump I've known him since the 70's [not personally] and never cared for him...until now, I like him better now than I ever have, he is in the face of all things liberal/PC and knocking the spit out of it, but if biden is the party choice then he gets my vote, problem is the PC crowd doesn't want him and is chopping him off at the knees.
[I'm a registered democrat]
There is this saying.. "Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me". When you said you are a registered democrat, this came to mind. A fools fool, that is a registered democrat.
Sorta like Obama and Hitlery turning the middle east into a ISIS training camp for JV teams? Yeah, sure we know all about you, and your libtardic ways.

Actually, you can blame George Bush for that

The True Origins of ISIS
I dont remember Bush, bombing Kaddafi, killing him and setting the middle east on fire? I dont remember Bush inviting the Muslim Brotherhood(terrorist group) into the White House. Are you really that stupid? Dont answer that, you are a liberal, yes you are that stupid.

Sorta like Obama and Hitlery turning the middle east into a ISIS training camp for JV teams? Yeah, sure we know all about you, and your libtardic ways.

Actually, you can blame George Bush for that

The True Origins of ISIS
I dont remember Bush, bombing Kaddafi, killing him and setting the middle east on fire? I dont remember Bush inviting the Muslim Brotherhood(terrorist group) into the White House. Are you really that stupid? Dont answer that, you are a liberal, yes you are that stupid.


A. Bush took us into Iraq without any plan to deal with the aftermath after Saddam was deposed and ISIS arose out of the power vacuum created

B. I’m not a liberal and if that’s your only retort you obviously have no argument, so perhaps take your own advice and stop really being that stupid
Sorta like Obama and Hitlery turning the middle east into a ISIS training camp for JV teams? Yeah, sure we know all about you, and your libtardic ways.

Actually, you can blame George Bush for that

The True Origins of ISIS
I dont remember Bush, bombing Kaddafi, killing him and setting the middle east on fire? I dont remember Bush inviting the Muslim Brotherhood(terrorist group) into the White House. Are you really that stupid? Dont answer that, you are a liberal, yes you are that stupid.


A. Bush took us into Iraq without any plan to deal with the aftermath after Saddam was deposed and ISIS arose out of the power vacuum created

B. I’m not a liberal and if that’s your only retort you obviously have no argument, so perhaps take your own advice and stop really being that stupid
Obama was the guy who pulled the troops out of Iraq before it was done, Obama said it was a great victory. Somehow your intelligence is lacking.
Obama: Pulling All U.S. Troops Out of Iraq Was Not 'My Decision'
“You know I say what I mean and I mean what I say,” Obama said in Hollywood, Florida on Nov. 4, 2012. “I said I'd end the war in Iraq. I ended it.”
Sorta like Obama and Hitlery turning the middle east into a ISIS training camp for JV teams? Yeah, sure we know all about you, and your libtardic ways.

Actually, you can blame George Bush for that

The True Origins of ISIS
I dont remember Bush, bombing Kaddafi, killing him and setting the middle east on fire? I dont remember Bush inviting the Muslim Brotherhood(terrorist group) into the White House. Are you really that stupid? Dont answer that, you are a liberal, yes you are that stupid.


A. Bush took us into Iraq without any plan to deal with the aftermath after Saddam was deposed and ISIS arose out of the power vacuum created

B. I’m not a liberal and if that’s your only retort you obviously have no argument, so perhaps take your own advice and stop really being that stupid
B. I’m not a liberal
Bush said he wasn't a liberal also, but his actions proved he was of the establishment by chumming up to his pals Clinton and Obama. Are you too ashamed to admit you are a liberal? Then change your attitude, you make the rest of US think you are a flamer.
Sorta like Obama and Hitlery turning the middle east into a ISIS training camp for JV teams? Yeah, sure we know all about you, and your libtardic ways.

Actually, you can blame George Bush for that

The True Origins of ISIS
I dont remember Bush, bombing Kaddafi, killing him and setting the middle east on fire? I dont remember Bush inviting the Muslim Brotherhood(terrorist group) into the White House. Are you really that stupid? Dont answer that, you are a liberal, yes you are that stupid.


A. Bush took us into Iraq without any plan to deal with the aftermath after Saddam was deposed and ISIS arose out of the power vacuum created

B. I’m not a liberal and if that’s your only retort you obviously have no argument, so perhaps take your own advice and stop really being that stupid
Obama was the guy who pulled the troops out of Iraq before it was done, Obama said it was a great victory. Somehow your intelligence is lacking

There would not have been a start had Bush not invaded in the first place and ISIS would not exist. Somehow your intelligence is lacking. Now why don’t you stop making a fool out of yourself
the leader of the free world can with a tweet start a war, crush an economy, can change the future of our children!
Sorta like Obama and Hitlery turning the middle east into a ISIS training camp for JV teams? Yeah, sure we know all about you, and your libtardic ways.

Actually, you can blame George Bush for that

The True Origins of ISIS
I dont remember Bush, bombing Kaddafi, killing him and setting the middle east on fire? I dont remember Bush inviting the Muslim Brotherhood(terrorist group) into the White House. Are you really that stupid? Dont answer that, you are a liberal, yes you are that stupid.


A. Bush took us into Iraq without any plan to deal with the aftermath after Saddam was deposed and ISIS arose out of the power vacuum created

B. I’m not a liberal and if that’s your only retort you obviously have no argument, so perhaps take your own advice and stop really being that stupid
Obama was the guy who pulled the troops out of Iraq before it was done, Obama said it was a great victory. Somehow your intelligence is lacking

There would not have been a start had Bush not invaded in the first place and ISIS would not exist. Somehow your intelligence is lacking. Now why don’t you stop making a fool out of yourself
So you are saying that a Liberal, whether Republican or Democrat are war mongering assholes, and the guy who got the Nobel Peace Prize had droned 1000's of innocent men women and children. Bush did not get the prize.

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