Biden: If Trump Wins 2020 NATO Will Cease to Exist in 4-5 Years

Wonderful, I hope that does come true. NATO is the ultimate parasite on this country, filled with European swine who spew pure, psychopathic, dehumanizing hatred at Americans while using us for every advantage they can - as they've been doing for however many decades. In fact, I've never seen two groups of American-hating pigs who deserve each other more than the Islamic human condom Europe and their muslim whoremasters. NATO has never done us any good.

In fact, in the past 1400 years, killing/raping Europeans is the first GOOD thing Islam has ever done. That whole backstabbing fucking continent could somehow be vaporized out of existence and I wouldn't lose a moment's sleep over it. Good lord, do I hate them.
Wonderful, I hope that does come true. NATO is the ultimate parasite on this country, filled with European swine who spew pure, psychopathic, dehumanizing hatred at Americans while using us for every advantage they can. In fact, I've never seen two groups of American-hating pigs who deserve each other more than the Islamic human condom Europe and their muslim whoremasters. NATO has never done us any good.

In fact, in the past 1400 years, killing/raping Europeans is the first GOOD thing Islam has ever done. That whole backstabbing fucking continent could somehow be vaporized out of existence and I wouldn't lose a moment's sleep over it. Good lord, do I hate them.

What a thoughtless F#cktard.
Only 2019 and Democrats are working OT to get Trump elected again.

Biden: If Trump Wins 2020 NATO Will Cease to Exist in 4-5 Years.
3 cheers for Donald J Trump, President of the US. Why should the USA foot the bill to protect shithole countries like France and Germany who have totally gone to the Muslim way. No more NATO, no more UN, win win for the president.
So the GOP Rex the Middle East with the stupidest Wars ever France and Germany take 3 million refugees in, and you won't let any into the United States. maybe you should go to France and check it out you idiot. You are a brainwashed functional moron. Change the goddamn channel OMG
Only 2019 and Democrats are working OT to get Trump elected again.

Biden: If Trump Wins 2020 NATO Will Cease to Exist in 4-5 Years.
3 cheers for Donald J Trump, President of the US. Why should the USA foot the bill to protect shithole countries like France and Germany who have totally gone to the Muslim way. No more NATO, no more UN, win win for the president.
So the GOP Rex the Middle East with the stupidest Wars ever France and Germany take 3 million refugees in, and you won't let any into the United States. maybe you should go to France and check it out you idiot. You are a brainwashed functional moron. Change the goddamn channel OMG
At least Bush never invaded two Middle East nations that the UN didn’t say was a threat to us.
Wonderful, I hope that does come true. NATO is the ultimate parasite on this country, filled with European swine who spew pure, psychopathic, dehumanizing hatred at Americans while using us for every advantage they can - as they've been doing for however many decades. In fact, I've never seen two groups of American-hating pigs who deserve each other more than the Islamic human condom Europe and their muslim whoremasters. NATO has never done us any good.

In fact, in the past 1400 years, killing/raping Europeans is the first GOOD thing Islam has ever done. That whole backstabbing fucking continent could somehow be vaporized out of existence and I wouldn't lose a moment's sleep over it. Good lord, do I hate them.
You are also a brainwashed functional moron hater dupe. They just hate stupid assholes like Trump and Bolton because they know how dangerous they are. Only total garbage propaganda from the GOP and fox Rush etc make this crap possible. You make all Americans look like assholes. LOL aaarrrggghhh.I don't blame you I blame your ridiculous GOP propaganda machine and the imaginary planet you people live on. everything you know is wrong phony scandals misinformation about how much taxes do the rich pay. Stupidest voters in the modern world.
Wonderful, I hope that does come true. NATO is the ultimate parasite on this country, filled with European swine who spew pure, psychopathic, dehumanizing hatred at Americans while using us for every advantage they can - as they've been doing for however many decades. In fact, I've never seen two groups of American-hating pigs who deserve each other more than the Islamic human condom Europe and their muslim whoremasters. NATO has never done us any good.

In fact, in the past 1400 years, killing/raping Europeans is the first GOOD thing Islam has ever done. That whole backstabbing fucking continent could somehow be vaporized out of existence and I wouldn't lose a moment's sleep over it. Good lord, do I hate them.
You are also a brainwashed functional moron hater dupe. They just hate stupid assholes like Trump and Bolton because they know how dangerous they are. Only total garbage propaganda from the GOP and fox Rush etc make this crap possible. You make all Americans look like assholes. LOL aaarrrggghhh
You’re just happy Obama restarted the slave trade in Africa.
Only 2019 and Democrats are working OT to get Trump elected again.

Biden: If Trump Wins 2020 NATO Will Cease to Exist in 4-5 Years.
3 cheers for Donald J Trump, President of the US. Why should the USA foot the bill to protect shithole countries like France and Germany who have totally gone to the Muslim way. No more NATO, no more UN, win win for the president.
So the GOP Rex the Middle East with the stupidest Wars ever France and Germany take 3 million refugees in, and you won't let any into the United States. maybe you should go to France and check it out you idiot. You are a brainwashed functional moron. Change the goddamn channel OMG
At least Bush never invaded two Middle East nations that the UN didn’t say was a threat to us.
Obama did not invade anywhere. The Iraq War was the stupidest War ever based on lies just a grudge by George W bush and Cheney and rumsfeld. That made the Afghan war a failure. The terrorism Czar under Bush says he was a moron to allow 911. And he started a world depression too. And you people think the GOP is great absolute idiocy based on total misinformation. LOL aaarrrggghhh
Only 2019 and Democrats are working OT to get Trump elected again.

Biden: If Trump Wins 2020 NATO Will Cease to Exist in 4-5 Years.

Biden is a damn fool that needs to retire.
He used his Vice Presidency to get a millionaire's job for his son. It's nice to do for one's own, but threatening a foreign country with cessation of funding in order to achieve personal fortune for self and family, that's abuse of power. Fool? I don't think he thought he'd ever get caught, but instead of being called on the carpet for it, He's close to getting the nomination for President from his party.

When I was growing up, teachers taught that we're all equal under the law, whether we are President or a dishwasher. Now, with instant information via the internet, we're finding out instead of equality, our leaders are demanding royalty privileges when nobody's looking.

However, it could be that instead of NATO ceasing to exist, President Trump has the skilled deal to bring peace on earth, which should be the #1 goal of not only NATO, but also the UN.

I pray for our nation, OKTexas, our President, for sure, and what's happening to the pathetic Democrats and their socialism that is more like communism than it is socialism. And I'm tired of all politicians putting the wrecking ball on conserving a little money to pay the national debt down.

Oh, yes, and I just think former Vice-President Biden is mistaken about NATO. If it fails, it will not be due to President Trump, I'm pretty sure. Seems it was going down considerably all by itself before President Trump even decided to run for President.

Yep, Biden may wish his boss hadn't signed the international agreement on corruption. It makes him responsible for bribery in his enriching his family, he doesn't have to personally profit.
OKTexas, you know that Biden used his leverage against them to win a plum for his kid, and I know it. And it may be treason with a sentence of jail for the duration of our life upon conviction. Ergo, if one of us did it, our ass would so be grass. Why don't American leaders caught with their hand in the cookie jar fail to get so much as a slap on the wrist? We have people saying that Obama approved of the Steele Dossier, and Hillary and her spin room crew did the dirty to route it to the correct corrupt official, who leaked it to the press, who were thrilled to start the beating up on President Trump since it was Hillary's alleged "insurance policy" in case Trump won the election. Why isn't Obama being called out for this crime of treason? Why isn't Hillary and her spin room of knowledgable writers and lawyers being called out for this crime of treason? And why isn't Mueller being held to his part in overlooking this incriminating bit of false evidence and not even "seeing" it as treason by the players who used it like a whip for 2 and one-half years against an honest President Trump who was even beaten up for saying he had nothing to do with the contents of this fabrication, although it certainly looked like somebody did. Fortunately it was no Republican, although mud was being slung around like froth on the wave against Trump, Trump's staff, Trump's supporters, all Republicans, Conservatives in general, and any Democrat who winced even ever so slightly at the wrongdoing his brethren were doing (namely, Alan Derschowitz). Why aren't subpoenas being sent to these lying, cheating, false-narrative-pushing former leaders in the Democrat Party? Some Impeach-Trump-Democrat Socialist accusers (Pelosi, Nadler, Ocasio-Cortez, Tlaib, Escobar, Omar, Waters, Sherman, Green, et al) are likely knowledgable of the truth behind the sham that the Steele Dossier was and still is.

I am so not amused at why these criminal prevaricators have not been taken to court for false accusations. The longer this garbage is unsettled, the angrier the American people are going to be. We need resolution and closure.
Only 2019 and Democrats are working OT to get Trump elected again.

Biden: If Trump Wins 2020 NATO Will Cease to Exist in 4-5 Years.

Biden is a damn fool that needs to retire.
He used his Vice Presidency to get a millionaire's job for his son. It's nice to do for one's own, but threatening a foreign country with cessation of funding in order to achieve personal fortune for self and family, that's abuse of power. Fool? I don't think he thought he'd ever get caught, but instead of being called on the carpet for it, He's close to getting the nomination for President from his party.

When I was growing up, teachers taught that we're all equal under the law, whether we are President or a dishwasher. Now, with instant information via the internet, we're finding out instead of equality, our leaders are demanding royalty privileges when nobody's looking.

However, it could be that instead of NATO ceasing to exist, President Trump has the skilled deal to bring peace on earth, which should be the #1 goal of not only NATO, but also the UN.

I pray for our nation, OKTexas, our President, for sure, and what's happening to the pathetic Democrats and their socialism that is more like communism than it is socialism. And I'm tired of all politicians putting the wrecking ball on conserving a little money to pay the national debt down.

Oh, yes, and I just think former Vice-President Biden is mistaken about NATO. If it fails, it will not be due to President Trump, I'm pretty sure. Seems it was going down considerably all by itself before President Trump even decided to run for President.

Yep, Biden may wish his boss hadn't signed the international agreement on corruption. It makes him responsible for bribery in his enriching his family, he doesn't have to personally profit.
It should make his former boss guilty of treason for approving the Clinton-masterminded Steel Dossier.
Biden is an idiot who will say whatever it takes to get your vote. If he gets elected, or any one of those other Dem yahoos, we'll get what we deserve.

And BY FAR......... Trump lies just about every time he open his mouth just to make him big. That is called coward hypocrite pathological liar.
No, he isn't. The Democrats are making up things in their heads and that is the basis for Trump's alleged "lies."
Just wait till President Trump....who now because he is president knows all of the Obama / Biden crimes unloads on Uncle will be epic.....

Maybe when we see Trump tax returns? Lock this orange clown up.
That will not happen with the good advice he received from the World's top Certified Public Accountants and associate Business Lawyers. President Trump has a good track record of keeping his nose clean in the business of taxes.
Only 2019 and Democrats are working OT to get Trump elected again.

Biden: If Trump Wins 2020 NATO Will Cease to Exist in 4-5 Years.

Biden is a damn fool that needs to retire.

Problem is, every Dem is just as mentally ill.

Yep, the fact is Trump has strengthened the NATO alliance.


rump hates NATO. He lied about them meeting a payment schedule.

Trump hate just about everything that he doesn’t understand. The whole world knows the ineptness of this POTUS.
Maybe after 2 years he might earn RETARDED.
Only 2019 and Democrats are working OT to get Trump elected again.

Biden: If Trump Wins 2020 NATO Will Cease to Exist in 4-5 Years.

Biden is a damn fool that needs to retire.
He used his Vice Presidency to get a millionaire's job for his son. It's nice to do for one's own, but threatening a foreign country with cessation of funding in order to achieve personal fortune for self and family, that's abuse of power. Fool? I don't think he thought he'd ever get caught, but instead of being called on the carpet for it, He's close to getting the nomination for President from his party.

When I was growing up, teachers taught that we're all equal under the law, whether we are President or a dishwasher. Now, with instant information via the internet, we're finding out instead of equality, our leaders are demanding royalty privileges when nobody's looking.

However, it could be that instead of NATO ceasing to exist, President Trump has the skilled deal to bring peace on earth, which should be the #1 goal of not only NATO, but also the UN.

I pray for our nation, OKTexas, our President, for sure, and what's happening to the pathetic Democrats and their socialism that is more like communism than it is socialism. And I'm tired of all politicians putting the wrecking ball on conserving a little money to pay the national debt down.

Oh, yes, and I just think former Vice-President Biden is mistaken about NATO. If it fails, it will not be due to President Trump, I'm pretty sure. Seems it was going down considerably all by itself before President Trump even decided to run for President.

Big deal. Trump paid $25 millions to settle a fraud lawsuit of his Trump University.
Right now he is facing thousands of lawsuits before he even applied for the POTUS.

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