Biden is 2020 Democrat front runner


Was it cheating when CNN gave the debate questions to Hillary before the debate?

Yyyyeah ummm.... .maybe you're new to this planet but these presidential "debates" are all scripted in advance, by the Duopoly. That's why they created something called the "Commission on Presidential Debates", which is a fucking farce, a collusion by the two party to set themselves up and keep out third parties, to RUN the debates. Nothing goes into a debate that isn't pre-approved by BOTH the Demoplican AND the Republicrat party at a negotiating table.

Those of us old enough to remember will recall these debates used to be run by the League of Women Voters. Well the Duopoly wrested that away and awarded that privilege to itself, because you can't perpetuate a Duopoly without full control of the whole process.

WAKE the fuck UP.
/—-/ Do who gave Trump the debate questions, Putin??? Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

Judging by at least one of the debates --- a coke dealer.


You're bitter. She lost and you're seething with rage like the other radical loonbats.
...1. There is no one named “shrillery” and when you have a loud mouthed freak as president calling anyone else “shrill” because they don’t have male genius’s is a joke...
Don't quibble. I despised your Shrillary when I voted for her on November 8, 2016, and I despise her still. I'll call her whatever-the-heck I want to call her.

...2. Hillary isn’t going to run again....
Given that that old harridan Nancy Pelosi has deluded herself that she can function as Speaker again in the face of new blood, I'm not so sure about that.

Mind you, she would not make it past the Primaries in most states this time around, most likely, but I would not put it past that power-hungry couple to try.

...3. You are smart enough to know that
I'm smart enough to know that she has no chance of succeeding in 2020. I'm not entirely certain that she knows it; I hope, but I am uncertain.
That isn’t quibbling. I despite your orange sociopath. But I call him by his name. And if you want to talk SHRILL, look at the Donald. But your kind only uses that term for woman in order to disparage any female who doesn’t take misogynist garbage.

Again no one says she is running except for trumpkins
I'm smart enough to know that she has no chance of succeeding in 2020. I'm not entirely certain that she knows it; I hope, but I am uncertain.

Mrs. Clinton would stand an excellent chance of getting the nomination. The Democrat Party faithful think she was cheated in the 2016 general election, and thus deserves another chance. Mr. Obama himself proclaimed that she is the "Most Qualified person ever to run for President". I don't see him walking that back.

And remember, Mrs. Clinton has control of the Party's Super Duper delegates. They are a critical constituency in achieving the nomination.
Her political career is over

You'd vote for her if she got the nod., no?

Unless the Democrat Party is looking to just concede the 2020 election, Chelsea isn't going to be ready in 2020- which leave Hillary the only reasonable choice IMHO. Biden is a gaffe machine- Mrs. Clinton will at least keep it respectable.

Biden will do just fine

His supposed gaffes are nothing compared to Crooked Donnie’s daily blunders

If you look at Biden's political record, 3 runs for President, only 1% support each time.

Trump will schlong him.

Donald Trump never ran before, was a complete political novice when he descended the escalator at his domicile.

And he beat a stacked field with more than a dozen quality candidates easily, taking the nomination on the 1st ballot in Cleveland.
Trump the Snakeoil Salesman found enough morons to vote for him

It will be hard to vote for someone in handcuffs
It would be great having a respected President again
/——/ nobody respected Obozo. They laughed at the bowing fool
The Great Obama had 60 percent approval and was respected around the world.

Here is what they think of Trump

/——/ Eurotrash are pissed they can’t screw over the USA anymore. Too bad for them.
US used to be leaders of the free world

Other powers looked to us for leadership and respected our views

Trump is openly mocked, but not as much as those foolish enough to vote for him
Mrs. Clinton sits 2nd in the race at this time, according to polls

Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton top 2020 Democratic presidential candidates in new poll
Too early.

But no one gets under the orange kunatic’s skinnlike joe.

The #metoo crowd will love all the creepy videos of him feeling women up

Do you like that?
Keep in mind you are running Creepy Donnie

Biden is a saint compared to the orange creep
Mrs. Clinton sits 2nd in the race at this time, according to polls

Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton top 2020 Democratic presidential candidates in new poll
Too early.

But no one gets under the orange kunatic’s skinnlike joe.

The #metoo crowd will love all the creepy videos of him feeling women up

Do you like that?
Keep in mind you are running Creepy Donnie

Biden is a saint compared to the orange creep

And yet The Hag couldn't beat him. Speaks volumes.
Mrs. Clinton sits 2nd in the race at this time, according to polls

Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton top 2020 Democratic presidential candidates in new poll
Too early.

But no one gets under the orange kunatic’s skinnlike joe.

The #metoo crowd will love all the creepy videos of him feeling women up

Do you like that?
Keep in mind you are running Creepy Donnie

Biden is a saint compared to the orange creep
They’re ok with the orange sexual predator. So they have to disparage everyone normal so they can pretend they aren’t total and complete losers
Mrs. Clinton sits 2nd in the race at this time, according to polls

Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton top 2020 Democratic presidential candidates in new poll
Too early.

But no one gets under the orange kunatic’s skinnlike joe.

The #metoo crowd will love all the creepy videos of him feeling women up

Do you like that?
Keep in mind you are running Creepy Donnie

Biden is a saint compared to the orange creep
They’re ok with the orange sexual predator. So they have to disparage everyone normal so they can pretend they aren’t total and complete losers

Thoughts Jildo?

I'm smart enough to know that she has no chance of succeeding in 2020. I'm not entirely certain that she knows it; I hope, but I am uncertain.

Mrs. Clinton would stand an excellent chance of getting the nomination. The Democrat Party faithful think she was cheated in the 2016 general election, and thus deserves another chance. Mr. Obama himself proclaimed that she is the "Most Qualified person ever to run for President". I don't see him walking that back.

And remember, Mrs. Clinton has control of the Party's Super Duper delegates. They are a critical constituency in achieving the nomination.
Her political career is over

You'd vote for her if she got the nod., no?

Unless the Democrat Party is looking to just concede the 2020 election, Chelsea isn't going to be ready in 2020- which leave Hillary the only reasonable choice IMHO. Biden is a gaffe machine- Mrs. Clinton will at least keep it respectable.
The Corrupt Clintons are finished.

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