Biden is coming for trump

I don't think President Trump is afraid of Biden.

He is not afraid in any way, shape, or form.

That's my opinion.:04:
Of course he is. That is what the Ukraine fuss was about.

I suppose the Democrats must be terrified of Trump getting re-elected. That is what the whole impeachment thing was all about.

Actually it was about Trump abusing his office for personal gain
Can't wait for those debates. That senile old fucker Biden is gonna be a meme machine.
I kid you not trump memes are number world wide and in thr US as google. Everything he says and does is worth a joke a meme.

Young folks are the prima
I don't think President Trump is afraid of Biden.

He is not afraid in any way, shape, or form.

That's my opinion.:04:
Of course he is. That is what the Ukraine fuss was about.

I suppose the Democrats must be terrified of Trump getting re-elected. That is what the whole impeachment thing was all about.

Actually it was about Trump abusing his office for personal gain

You mean like Biden potentially using his office for personal gain? One was impeached with no evidence and one has not even been seriously investigated.
II wonder if a Trump tax hoax will be the next impeachable farce
I guess they will want to wait though until Mueller finishes up.

NY is ready to release his returns to Congress

House Democrat angrily confronts Mnuchin over refusal to release Trump’s tax returns
Posted: March 3, 2020 10:47 PM

House Democrat angrily confronts Mnuchin over refusal to release Trump's tax returns -
What does Trump have to hide?
Biden has a 40 year political record that he must hide.
Biden has just as much corruption baggage as that Crooked Hillary bitch had, maybe more.

Democrats seem to love corruption assholes to be their Presidential nominee, don't they?

Commie Bernie is a confused idiot that would destroy this country and his wife did a little corruption but he is a Babe in the Woods compared to the Biden Crime Family.
Of course he is. That is what the Ukraine fuss was about.
No, the Ukraine fuss was about being afraid to allow the voters decide the election.

Pelosi and Shiffft both stated clearly that they didn't want voters deciding whether or not Trump is reelected.
II wonder if a Trump tax hoax will be the next impeachable farce
I guess they will want to wait though until Mueller finishes up.

NY is ready to release his returns to Congress

House Democrat angrily confronts Mnuchin over refusal to release Trump’s tax returns
Posted: March 3, 2020 10:47 PM

House Democrat angrily confronts Mnuchin over refusal to release Trump's tax returns -
What does Trump have to hide?
Biden has a 40 year political record that he must hide.

I have seen Biden’s tax returns, Trump sues to keep his from being released
II wonder if a Trump tax hoax will be the next impeachable farce
I guess they will want to wait though until Mueller finishes up.

NY is ready to release his returns to Congress

House Democrat angrily confronts Mnuchin over refusal to release Trump’s tax returns
Posted: March 3, 2020 10:47 PM

House Democrat angrily confronts Mnuchin over refusal to release Trump's tax returns -
What does Trump have to hide?
Biden has a 40 year political record that he must hide.

I have seen Biden’s tax returns, Trump sues to keep his from being released
So you base your decision on whether a candidate releases their taxes or not? Silly.
Can't wait for those debates. That senile old fucker Biden is gonna be a meme machine.
I kid you not trump memes are number world wide and in thr US as google. Everything he says and does is worth a joke a meme.

Young folks are the prima
I don't think President Trump is afraid of Biden.

He is not afraid in any way, shape, or form.

That's my opinion.:04:
Of course he is. That is what the Ukraine fuss was about.

I suppose the Democrats must be terrified of Trump getting re-elected. That is what the whole impeachment thing was all about.

Actually it was about Trump abusing his office for personal gain

You mean like Biden potentially using his office for personal gain? One was impeached with no evidence and one has not even been seriously investigated.
There was evidence Scum in republican senate chose to ignore it And what of all those ignored subpoenas ?? Trump was scared shitless to see any of them come before investigators Why do you think he had to have that info hidden?
Biden has just as much corruption baggage as that Crooked Hillary bitch had, maybe more.

Democrats seem to love corruption assholes to be their Presidential nominee, don't they?

Commie Bernie is a confused idiot that would destroy this country and his wife did a little corruption but he is a Babe in the Woods compared to the Biden Crime Family.
You have the biggest crooked slimebag ever to cross the WH doors ,in office now Biden is a saint compared to the Trump scumbag and his family
NY is ready to release his returns to Congress

House Democrat angrily confronts Mnuchin over refusal to release Trump’s tax returns
Posted: March 3, 2020 10:47 PM

House Democrat angrily confronts Mnuchin over refusal to release Trump's tax returns -
What does Trump have to hide?
Biden has a 40 year political record that he must hide.

I have seen Biden’s tax returns, Trump sues to keep his from being released
So you base your decision on whether a candidate releases their taxes or not? Silly.
Says a lot about a candidate who has to hide his finances through the courts
House Democrat angrily confronts Mnuchin over refusal to release Trump’s tax returns
Posted: March 3, 2020 10:47 PM

House Democrat angrily confronts Mnuchin over refusal to release Trump's tax returns -
What does Trump have to hide?
Biden has a 40 year political record that he must hide.

I have seen Biden’s tax returns, Trump sues to keep his from being released
So you base your decision on whether a candidate releases their taxes or not? Silly.
Says a lot about a candidate who has to hide his finances through the courts
Also says much about a president hiding information by refusing to let subpoena witnesses testify
House Democrat angrily confronts Mnuchin over refusal to release Trump’s tax returns
Posted: March 3, 2020 10:47 PM

House Democrat angrily confronts Mnuchin over refusal to release Trump's tax returns -
What does Trump have to hide?
Biden has a 40 year political record that he must hide.

I have seen Biden’s tax returns, Trump sues to keep his from being released
So you base your decision on whether a candidate releases their taxes or not? Silly.
Says a lot about a candidate who has to hide his finances through the courts
So, then, you must think the same of Ears, who still hides his college transcripts and hid his birth certificate just long enough to generate conspiracy theories he could then denigrate.
What does Trump have to hide?
Biden has a 40 year political record that he must hide.

I have seen Biden’s tax returns, Trump sues to keep his from being released
So you base your decision on whether a candidate releases their taxes or not? Silly.
Says a lot about a candidate who has to hide his finances through the courts
So, then, you must think the same of Ears, who still hides his college transcripts and hid his birth certificate just long enough to generate conspiracy theories he could then denigrate.
To say nothing of Hillary’s stolen and hidden emails.
Biden has a 40 year political record that he must hide.

I have seen Biden’s tax returns, Trump sues to keep his from being released
So you base your decision on whether a candidate releases their taxes or not? Silly.
Says a lot about a candidate who has to hide his finances through the courts
So, then, you must think the same of Ears, who still hides his college transcripts and hid his birth certificate just long enough to generate conspiracy theories he could then denigrate.
To say nothing of Hillary’s stolen and hidden emails.
You have anything else gipper besides using Hillary and Obama in a feeble attempt to protect the pos in our WH NOW? The degenerate liar Trump?
The end of trump is near.

Super Tuesday tally: Biden wins 4 states, Sanders takes 2

When you are so scared of an opponent that you have to break the law and get impeached, it's time to think about what you are going to do when your presidency is over. Biden is coming and he is going to whip trumps ass. Along with Biden will come two hydrogen bombs named Obama and they are going to be fired up to blast trump into oblivion. The time is coming to an end for trump. Live it up while you can trump lovers...
He might have a chance if he can remember wher he is
What does Trump have to hide?
Biden has a 40 year political record that he must hide.

I have seen Biden’s tax returns, Trump sues to keep his from being released
So you base your decision on whether a candidate releases their taxes or not? Silly.
Says a lot about a candidate who has to hide his finances through the courts
So, then, you must think the same of Ears, who still hides his college transcripts and hid his birth certificate just long enough to generate conspiracy theories he could then denigrate.
The Great Obama released ten years of tax returns

In spite of Crooked Donnie demanding to see Obama’s college transcripts. Later, he secretly threatened to sue his military school and college if they ever released his own transcripts.
Last edited:
Donald Trump Criticized Obama's Grades. But His Lawyer Threatened Trump's Alma Maters Not to Release His Own Grades

As President Barack Obama was running for re-election in 2012, Donald Trump called him a “terrible student” and demanded that he release his academic records to the public. But when Trump launched his own presidential bid a few years later, his longtime personal attorney Michael Cohen sent letters to his alma maters, threatening to take legal action if any of Trump’s own academic records were ever made public.
I have seen Biden’s tax returns, Trump sues to keep his from being released
So you base your decision on whether a candidate releases their taxes or not? Silly.
Says a lot about a candidate who has to hide his finances through the courts
So, then, you must think the same of Ears, who still hides his college transcripts and hid his birth certificate just long enough to generate conspiracy theories he could then denigrate.
To say nothing of Hillary’s stolen and hidden emails.
You have anything else gipper besides using Hillary and Obama in a feeble attempt to protect the pos in our WH NOW? The degenerate liar Trump?
You misunderstood my posts and jump to dumb conclusions. Learn to read you kooky partisan jackass.
The end of trump is near.

Super Tuesday tally: Biden wins 4 states, Sanders takes 2

When you are so scared of an opponent that you have to break the law and get impeached, it's time to think about what you are going to do when your presidency is over. Biden is coming and he is going to whip trumps ass. Along with Biden will come two hydrogen bombs named Obama and they are going to be fired up to blast trump into oblivion. The time is coming to an end for trump. Live it up while you can trump lovers...

When you published this harlequinade, you forgot to mention, if you meant this Biden here:


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