Biden is coming for trump

Here's another fact for you:

Trump calculated that NOT releasing his tax returns would do less political damage to him than would releasing his tax returns.
That's not a fact. Thats conjecture from a partisan hater who is pretending to be psychic.

The actual fact is:

Trumps taxes are none of your business.
Well, except for the docs showing the discrepancies with what he claimed for loans vs taxes.

But yeah, otherwise, we don't have all the facts that will show definitively if what I am saying is true or false. That is correct.

Therefore...LOCK HIM UP!!!!.... Right?

No. But I do believe Trump is a money laundering tax and loan cheat. I think the facts, if we could get them, would prove that.
Then explain why the Obama admin that audited him for 8 years found nothing illegal.

I'll wait.
The end of trump is near.

Super Tuesday tally: Biden wins 4 states, Sanders takes 2

When you are so scared of an opponent that you have to break the law and get impeached, it's time to think about what you are going to do when your presidency is over. Biden is coming and he is going to whip trumps ass. Along with Biden will come two hydrogen bombs named Obama and they are going to be fired up to blast trump into oblivion. The time is coming to an end for trump. Live it up while you can trump lovers...

But you won't wager your participation on the board on it.

Not very confident.

I'm confident. I just refuse to take your wager.

So watch what happens to trump when the big guns start aiming at him. He should have kept his mouth shut about ex presidents and did his job. But no, he didn't. He knew he could race pimp people like you by making false claims about Obama every time his ass was put in a lurch. He will probably end up facing the Obama vice president, with an Obama endorsement, a pissed off Barack and Mrs. Obama on the stump, Bloomberg/Steyer, Republicans for the rule of law and the Lincoln project putting up killer anti trump ads all over the place. Not to mention the DNC and the campaign itself.

trumps time is short.
actually i hope the left does go after Trump hard ! that just galvanizes conservatives ! we are coming out to vote in record numbers ! we take nothing for granted ! we know the left will cheat and stoop to any illegal tactic[voter fraud] to win ! heck dems are already rigging the primary against Sanders ! so we know that yall lie cheat and steal in the nov ! we are going to show up in the biggest republican turnout in history ! remember millions of conservatives didnt vote in 2016 because they weren't sure Trump was a true conservative ! now he has a record number of support from the right ! the never Trumpers are now on his side ! get ready for an ass kicking pal ! and you know its possible or else you would accept the challenge of leaving USMB !:5_1_12024:
Biden's approach to politics is based on appeasing the right. i dont see him coming for Trump, he's gonna get destroyed at the debates
Just watch Biden eat trump up. You guys seem to think trump is this brilliant policy genius when in reality his policies have all failed. The trump you imagine doesn't exist. He's an idiot and his incompetence that we have seen for 4 years while you guys lived in fact free world taking in alternative facts, will be displayed in the debates.
Biden's approach to politics is based on appeasing the right. i dont see him coming for Trump, he's gonna get destroyed at the debates
Debates are nothing but debates. Votes are votes.
lol ! debates are just debates ! wow ! thats where the candidates challenge the each others policy and leadership face to face ! sounds to me like you know Biden is going to flop ! but Biden has Sanders to deal with on the 15th ! and dont think Sanders is going to go easy on Biden ! Sanders is pissed at the crooked DNC !
How can Biden be "coming after Trump" when Biden doesn't even know where he is 90% of the time?
I don't think President Trump is afraid of Biden.

He is not afraid in any way, shape, or form.

That's my opinion.:04:
Of course he is. That is what the Ukraine fuss was about.

I suppose the Democrats must be terrified of Trump getting re-elected. That is what the whole impeachment thing was all about.
II wonder if a Trump tax hoax will be the next impeachable farce
I guess they will want to wait though until Mueller finishes up.

NY is ready to release his returns to Congress

House Democrat angrily confronts Mnuchin over refusal to release Trump’s tax returns
Posted: March 3, 2020 10:47 PM

House Democrat angrily confronts Mnuchin over refusal to release Trump's tax returns -
What does Trump have to hide?

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