Biden is coming for trump

trump is going to lose flacaltenn. Biden is far too skilled on public policy for trump. Talking shit at rallies is not a policy discussion. Biden will destroy trump in the debates.

Yep. Like the 1994 Crime Bill that locked away your negro brothers, from Maine to Mexicali, as you now sit here bootlicking the skill which crafted that public policy. Even worse is how your, fatuity, caused you to hallucinate that the effect the practice the reality of the bill, ended, on the day it was deem unconstitutional in 2004.

Plus, your quickly forgot that Trump has validated proof that he's impeccable at public policy ---as a U.S. President. His resume is real.
. . I don't know. Sanders rolled once, he might do it again. . . maybe if they give him another house? :71:
He's not rolling this time. Bank on it. He just doesn't lower himself to their level. Not playing that game. Because, unlike the DNC and their selections for us, he actually cares about beating Trump and about this country more than what's in it for him. Truly a public servant.

That said, I agree it's high time he removed the gloves completely and knocked Joe so far down the DNC's hopelessly corrupt throat their head spins off.

DNC Declares War on Sanders…Again
DNC Declares War on Sanders...Again -

". . .Let’s be real about Sanders, however. He has already promised to endorse whoever the eventual DP nominee might be. That would be consistent with his 2016 endorsement of Hillary Clinton, and he went on to campaign for her at dozens of rallies. Clinton now renews her campaign of sabotage and slander against Sanders in 2020. Tom Perez, head of the DNC, recently selected a roster of corporate apparatchiks as nominees to the DNC.

There is a hard core of the old guard within the Democratic Party that is determined to stop Sanders even if that means a second term for Trump. Proving that long term “bipartisan” politics are an internal balancing mechanism of the corporate state. Sanders has raised hopes of a political revolution among his followers, but that torch must really pass to the young.

2020 will be a year of reckoning, not simply in whether career pols in the Democratic Party pull down their partisan temple on their own heads, but in the actual class struggles that do not respect party lines and electoral schedules.. . ."

Sanders insists Democrats will unite around eventual nominee

Sanders insists Democrats will unite around eventual nominee

AOC Urges People to Unite Behind Whoever Becomes Democratic Nominee, Says Defeating Trump 'More Important Than All of Us'

AOC urges people to unite behind whoever becomes Democratic nominee, says defeating Trump "more important than all of us"
Declaring support for the eventual party nominee is just standard, no brainer politics. Party voters obviously want that. The DNC continuing its war against Sanders remains what's disgusting. I have no idea what I said that you appear to be taking issue with?
You are missing the point.

When Dukakus ran against Biden, he was allowed to open all barrels to get the nomination. Why? b/c they both had the backing of the establishment.

OTH, if Bernie wants to maintain his perks, he had better not step out of line.

He won't be allowed to go low, b/c he knows he won't be allowed to ever be the nominee, he is a prog. sheep dog, shepherding in the hard left, that is his only job. If he wants to maintain his cushy assignments and power in the Senate, he will do as he is told.

It is only an illusion that he is a hero of the people, when in fact, he is a pawn of the corporate elites.

THAT is what you do not really get. If he were genuine, he would have supported that lawsuit vs. DNC SERVICES CORPORATION, d/b/a DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE, and DEBORAH “DEBBIE” WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. As it were, he did not care one whit. It was not in his personal interest. His vaunted integrity is but an illusion.
Okay, kudos for finally attempting to make an argument.. but it completely lacks substance.

One finding from the case you cite reads thus:
To the extent Plaintiffs have asserted specific causes of action grounded in specific factual allegations, it is this Court’s emphatic duty to measure Plaintiffs’ pleadings against existing legal standards. Having done so, and for the reasons that follow, the Court finds that the named Plaintiffs have not presented a case that is cognizable in federal court.
In others word, their case sucked as presented. Since the complaint in general clearly had loads of merit one must conclude that the lawyers responsible were poorly prepared to argue in federal court. They asked for stupid things the court couldn't legally provide and nothing that it could. No wonder Sanders wasn't terribly interested. If he simply wanted "to maintain his cushy assignments and power in the Senate, he" wouldn't risk running in the first place. He'd have switched to being a permanent Democrat by now. Duh. Bernie has been in public saying the same things decade after decade. Written books. He's been YouTube interviewed countless times. Anyone who actually cares can see, has seen, him quite plainly. You can't simply reduce him to a party lapdog by spitting cheap smear you clown. He's a genuine Independent who's been trying his damnedest to repair the Dem Party from the inside. The voters aren't the problem. The Machinery requires the overhaul. He accepted that mission long ago. Just imagine.. a true public servant. Horrors!

You and I have no disagreement there.

With that said however, the Courts were only looking at past precedent, and were not looking at making any new precedent, nor were they looking at rectifying the blatant bias of the DNC. Likewise, they needed actual proof that given the ruling the plaintiffs lawyers desired, such a ruling would rectify the supposed harm the plaintiffs maintained, none could be provided.

So, they looked to rule on a technicality, the composition of the class and the relief sought as a standing issue.

The main gripe Sanders supporters have, and onto which this whole thing always hinges, which the corporate media covers up, and which this case has been buried, is the blatant bias. So many on the left continue to parrot the chestnut that the primaries were "fair," and "impartial," or that they are this time. When the fact is, it does not matter who the democratic people vote for, the party elites have the right to choose whomever they want.

Just because Sanders supporters did not receive their donations back? Does not mean this ruling was a loss. In fact, quite the opposite. The court admitted what they needed it to admit. The corporate media just buried the headline, to which YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND.

THE DNC SERVICES CORPORATION has the right to choose whomever it wants as their candidate, regardless of what democrats may desire.

Also from the judgement;

". . The Court thus assumes that the DNC and Wasserman Schultz preferred Hillary Clinton as the Democratic candidate for president over Bernie Sanders or any other Democratic candidate. It assumes that they stockpiled information useful to the Clinton campaign. It assumes that they devoted their resources to assist Clinton in securing the party’s nomination and opposing other Democratic candidates. And it assumes that they engaged in these surreptitious acts while publically proclaiming they were completely neutral, fair, and impartial.. . "

What is equally outrageous is the behavior of the court, the judge and the establishment during these whole proceedings. You would only know this if you followed coverage and listened to those who handled it. What has been said (off record) to the plaintiffs lawyers, has been shockingly frank, and well, depressing. I am afraid you are writing on stuff which you have no knowledge of.

CN LIVE! Episode 17: DNC Corruption
Hour: Minute mark 1:35:00
it does not matter who the democratic people vote for, the party elites have the right to choose whomever they want.

Just because Sanders supporters did not receive their donations back? Does not mean this ruling was a loss. In fact, quite the opposite. The court admitted what they needed it to admit. The corporate media just buried the headline, to which YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND.

THE DNC SERVICES CORPORATION has the right to choose whomever it wants as their candidate, regardless of what democrats may desire.
Where did I disagree? You think I suspect the corporate media of not burying such things? You don't know me, jack. I've effectively said the same. I'll gladly grant you benefit of the doubt so far as paying closer attention to the proceedings. But where's the actual beef!? You keep hollering that we disagree somewhere. Where?
What makes this clown Biden think he can win against Trump?

Biden was part of an administration that had increased poverty, decreased family income, raised taxes, had $10 trillion in debt, increased income disparity, had dismal economic growth, screwed up health care, let millions of illegals flood in, gave away the store to the Muslims, kissed Castro's ass, incited racial turmoil, increased the size of government, increased regulations, weakened the US military and pretty much made us the laughing stock of the world with a weak foreign policy.

Meanwhile Trump is winning every day with a great economy, lower taxes, more family income, lower welfare, record low unemployment (273K jobs created in Feb), stronger military, sealed border, fewer regulations and respect from our allies and adversaries.

Trump is great at energizing the American people. Biden is a joke when he gets in front of people. Liable to say anything screwed up like not even knowing the difference between his wife and his sister.

Is Biden an idiot thinking he is a better choice than Trump? Must be.

Anybody would have to be a moron to vote for that shithead failure Biden over the successful Trump, wouldn't they?

Moon Bats are morons, aren't they?
America yearns for the stable leadership of the Obama/Biden days
America yearns for riots and neighborhoods being burnt by left wing radicals that rampaged during the Obama yrs ?? ok idiot !

Whoever succeeds Trump is going to have to make one hell of an apology tour.
Pence will run on the Trump doctrine in 2024 and win ! Pence will be the next POTUS after Trump in 2024 !
Pence will bear the Stink of Trump

He will never hold elected office again
What makes this clown Biden think he can win against Trump?

Biden was part of an administration that had increased poverty, decreased family income, raised taxes, had $10 trillion in debt, increased income disparity, had dismal economic growth, screwed up health care, let millions of illegals flood in, gave away the store to the Muslims, kissed Castro's ass, incited racial turmoil, increased the size of government, increased regulations, weakened the US military and pretty much made us the laughing stock of the world with a weak foreign policy.

Meanwhile Trump is winning every day with a great economy, lower taxes, more family income, lower welfare, record low unemployment (273K jobs created in Feb), stronger military, sealed border, fewer regulations and respect from our allies and adversaries.

Trump is great at energizing the American people. Biden is a joke when he gets in front of people. Liable to say anything screwed up like not even knowing the difference between his wife and his sister.

Is Biden an idiot thinking he is a better choice than Trump? Must be.

Anybody would have to be a moron to vote for that shithead failure Biden over the successful Trump, wouldn't they?

Moon Bats are morons, aren't they?
America yearns for the stable leadership of the Obama/Biden days
America yearns for riots and neighborhoods being burnt by left wing radicals that rampaged during the Obama yrs ?? ok idiot !

Whoever succeeds Trump is going to have to make one hell of an apology tour.
Pence will run on the Trump doctrine in 2024 and win ! Pence will be the next POTUS after Trump in 2024 !
Pence will bear the Stink of Trump

He will never hold elected office again

Is that like Crooked Hillary having the Stink of being part of the filthy failed Obama administration and not get electing?
He's not rolling this time. Bank on it. He just doesn't lower himself to their level. Not playing that game. Because, unlike the DNC and their selections for us, he actually cares about beating Trump and about this country more than what's in it for him. Truly a public servant.

That said, I agree it's high time he removed the gloves completely and knocked Joe so far down the DNC's hopelessly corrupt throat their head spins off.

DNC Declares War on Sanders…Again
DNC Declares War on Sanders...Again -

". . .Let’s be real about Sanders, however. He has already promised to endorse whoever the eventual DP nominee might be. That would be consistent with his 2016 endorsement of Hillary Clinton, and he went on to campaign for her at dozens of rallies. Clinton now renews her campaign of sabotage and slander against Sanders in 2020. Tom Perez, head of the DNC, recently selected a roster of corporate apparatchiks as nominees to the DNC.

There is a hard core of the old guard within the Democratic Party that is determined to stop Sanders even if that means a second term for Trump. Proving that long term “bipartisan” politics are an internal balancing mechanism of the corporate state. Sanders has raised hopes of a political revolution among his followers, but that torch must really pass to the young.

2020 will be a year of reckoning, not simply in whether career pols in the Democratic Party pull down their partisan temple on their own heads, but in the actual class struggles that do not respect party lines and electoral schedules.. . ."

Sanders insists Democrats will unite around eventual nominee

Sanders insists Democrats will unite around eventual nominee

AOC Urges People to Unite Behind Whoever Becomes Democratic Nominee, Says Defeating Trump 'More Important Than All of Us'

AOC urges people to unite behind whoever becomes Democratic nominee, says defeating Trump "more important than all of us"
Declaring support for the eventual party nominee is just standard, no brainer politics. Party voters obviously want that. The DNC continuing its war against Sanders remains what's disgusting. I have no idea what I said that you appear to be taking issue with?
You are missing the point.

When Dukakus ran against Biden, he was allowed to open all barrels to get the nomination. Why? b/c they both had the backing of the establishment.

OTH, if Bernie wants to maintain his perks, he had better not step out of line.

He won't be allowed to go low, b/c he knows he won't be allowed to ever be the nominee, he is a prog. sheep dog, shepherding in the hard left, that is his only job. If he wants to maintain his cushy assignments and power in the Senate, he will do as he is told.

It is only an illusion that he is a hero of the people, when in fact, he is a pawn of the corporate elites.

THAT is what you do not really get. If he were genuine, he would have supported that lawsuit vs. DNC SERVICES CORPORATION, d/b/a DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE, and DEBORAH “DEBBIE” WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. As it were, he did not care one whit. It was not in his personal interest. His vaunted integrity is but an illusion.
Okay, kudos for finally attempting to make an argument.. but it completely lacks substance.

One finding from the case you cite reads thus:
To the extent Plaintiffs have asserted specific causes of action grounded in specific factual allegations, it is this Court’s emphatic duty to measure Plaintiffs’ pleadings against existing legal standards. Having done so, and for the reasons that follow, the Court finds that the named Plaintiffs have not presented a case that is cognizable in federal court.
In others word, their case sucked as presented. Since the complaint in general clearly had loads of merit one must conclude that the lawyers responsible were poorly prepared to argue in federal court. They asked for stupid things the court couldn't legally provide and nothing that it could. No wonder Sanders wasn't terribly interested. If he simply wanted "to maintain his cushy assignments and power in the Senate, he" wouldn't risk running in the first place. He'd have switched to being a permanent Democrat by now. Duh. Bernie has been in public saying the same things decade after decade. Written books. He's been YouTube interviewed countless times. Anyone who actually cares can see, has seen, him quite plainly. You can't simply reduce him to a party lapdog by spitting cheap smear you clown. He's a genuine Independent who's been trying his damnedest to repair the Dem Party from the inside. The voters aren't the problem. The Machinery requires the overhaul. He accepted that mission long ago. Just imagine.. a true public servant. Horrors!

You and I have no disagreement there.

With that said however, the Courts were only looking at past precedent, and were not looking at making any new precedent, nor were they looking at rectifying the blatant bias of the DNC. Likewise, they needed actual proof that given the ruling the plaintiffs lawyers desired, such a ruling would rectify the supposed harm the plaintiffs maintained, none could be provided.

So, they looked to rule on a technicality, the composition of the class and the relief sought as a standing issue.

The main gripe Sanders supporters have, and onto which this whole thing always hinges, which the corporate media covers up, and which this case has been buried, is the blatant bias. So many on the left continue to parrot the chestnut that the primaries were "fair," and "impartial," or that they are this time. When the fact is, it does not matter who the democratic people vote for, the party elites have the right to choose whomever they want.

Just because Sanders supporters did not receive their donations back? Does not mean this ruling was a loss. In fact, quite the opposite. The court admitted what they needed it to admit. The corporate media just buried the headline, to which YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND.

THE DNC SERVICES CORPORATION has the right to choose whomever it wants as their candidate, regardless of what democrats may desire.

Also from the judgement;

". . The Court thus assumes that the DNC and Wasserman Schultz preferred Hillary Clinton as the Democratic candidate for president over Bernie Sanders or any other Democratic candidate. It assumes that they stockpiled information useful to the Clinton campaign. It assumes that they devoted their resources to assist Clinton in securing the party’s nomination and opposing other Democratic candidates. And it assumes that they engaged in these surreptitious acts while publically proclaiming they were completely neutral, fair, and impartial.. . "

What is equally outrageous is the behavior of the court, the judge and the establishment during these whole proceedings. You would only know this if you followed coverage and listened to those who handled it. What has been said (off record) to the plaintiffs lawyers, has been shockingly frank, and well, depressing. I am afraid you are writing on stuff which you have no knowledge of.

CN LIVE! Episode 17: DNC Corruption
Hour: Minute mark 1:35:00

Thanks for that link. Good people. Been watching/listening from 1:35 forward.. Lady says she's a registered Dem and not going to vote. I switched to Independent and have continued voting since Bill C's second run. End up voting FOR mostly progressives, independents, POC, women.. Often only Dems and Repugs to chose from. Can't vote in the primary here. Oh well. We do what we can with what we've got. I never vote out of fear. "For" the least worst evil. That's just self-defeating.

They just keep going on and on in defeatist fashion.. They lost so now just argue for all to give up. Complete hopelessness. What I gather is they've never even considered contacting Ralph Nader or leveraging several other potentially great contacts for help - apparently because their egos remain so fragile. Oh, cryin' won't help ya.. Cryin' won't do ya no good..
This bit with the Biden family corruption isn't over by a long shot. In fact it is just beginning.

The stupid sonofabitch admitted publicly using the government to put pressure on the Ukrainians to not investigate the corruption of his deadbeat coke head son.
trump is going to lose flacaltenn. Biden is far too skilled on public policy for trump. Talking shit at rallies is not a policy discussion. Biden will destroy trump in the debates.

Listen friend, Biden is not what he used to be.. And he wasn't that coherent back then either. I have NOT HEARD ANY KIND of "broad spectrum" policy proposals from him and I TOTALLY doubt he could explain them if someone else HANDED them to him,..

We need problem solvers and trouble shooters. We need YOUNGER and more mentally agile candidates. The rest of your sinking primary season is gonna sound like the 3PM food fight at an assisted living place...

Those debates were AWESOMELY VOID of any substance and gonna get worse as the 2 geezers talk past each other and dont land any punches or make any impressions on REASONABLE voters...
Agree, but young these days isn't the answer either. The young these days need leadership in the form of a no non-sense boss (stern parent so to speak), just like what they have in Trump currently. It was time for a Trump, and it's still time for a Trump, because the young folks had lost their paddle in order to get back to shore a long time ago.

We don't need these radical minded ideologue's running this country, and we sure as hell don't need someone like Biden who is possibly corrupt beyond imagination running it. Just settle this thing by sticking with the one who has sailed this ship past the iceberg's now, and is taking her out of harm's way. MakingAmericaGreatAgain (MAGA).
America yearns for the stable leadership of the Obama/Biden days
America yearns for riots and neighborhoods being burnt by left wing radicals that rampaged during the Obama yrs ?? ok idiot !

Whoever succeeds Trump is going to have to make one hell of an apology tour.
Pence will run on the Trump doctrine in 2024 and win ! Pence will be the next POTUS after Trump in 2024 !
Pence will bear the Stink of Trump

He will never hold elected office again

Is that like Crooked Hillary having the Stink of being part of the filthy failed Obama administration and not get electing?
That's exactly what happened, not to forget her add to it all in which stunk it up even worse. They all went down together.
Biden is coming for trump
Sounds more like the title for a peep-show porn-film short...

But that would be more like something the Orange Baboon would enjoy...
Yeah and "hands up don't shoot" was also real in your mind eh ? Even though evidence showed otherwise.

So Trump was a billionaire being pursued or pressured by countless women, crooks and other characters that may hate him or want to set him up because of his successes in life...Messing with Hollyweird wasn't good for Trump either, and he knows that now, just like so many others that had fallen into the same Hollyweird trap in life.

Ok, so Trump likes women, and it was a weakness that was dialed in on by his enemies or by the money grubbers who went after him..... King Herod was so weak that he ordered the execution of John the Baptist due to his weaknesses, but the problem for Trump's enemies, is that Trump isn't the Herod type, and instead he knows how to deal with his weaknesses, and how to deal with his enemies in life. He does it without killing anyone, and that's the way it is suppose to work. So Trump is normal, and that drives his enemies crazy because they can't fight normal.

DNC Declares War on Sanders…Again
DNC Declares War on Sanders...Again -

". . .Let’s be real about Sanders, however. He has already promised to endorse whoever the eventual DP nominee might be. That would be consistent with his 2016 endorsement of Hillary Clinton, and he went on to campaign for her at dozens of rallies. Clinton now renews her campaign of sabotage and slander against Sanders in 2020. Tom Perez, head of the DNC, recently selected a roster of corporate apparatchiks as nominees to the DNC.

There is a hard core of the old guard within the Democratic Party that is determined to stop Sanders even if that means a second term for Trump. Proving that long term “bipartisan” politics are an internal balancing mechanism of the corporate state. Sanders has raised hopes of a political revolution among his followers, but that torch must really pass to the young.

2020 will be a year of reckoning, not simply in whether career pols in the Democratic Party pull down their partisan temple on their own heads, but in the actual class struggles that do not respect party lines and electoral schedules.. . ."

Sanders insists Democrats will unite around eventual nominee

Sanders insists Democrats will unite around eventual nominee

AOC Urges People to Unite Behind Whoever Becomes Democratic Nominee, Says Defeating Trump 'More Important Than All of Us'

AOC urges people to unite behind whoever becomes Democratic nominee, says defeating Trump "more important than all of us"
Declaring support for the eventual party nominee is just standard, no brainer politics. Party voters obviously want that. The DNC continuing its war against Sanders remains what's disgusting. I have no idea what I said that you appear to be taking issue with?
You are missing the point.

When Dukakus ran against Biden, he was allowed to open all barrels to get the nomination. Why? b/c they both had the backing of the establishment.

OTH, if Bernie wants to maintain his perks, he had better not step out of line.

He won't be allowed to go low, b/c he knows he won't be allowed to ever be the nominee, he is a prog. sheep dog, shepherding in the hard left, that is his only job. If he wants to maintain his cushy assignments and power in the Senate, he will do as he is told.

It is only an illusion that he is a hero of the people, when in fact, he is a pawn of the corporate elites.

THAT is what you do not really get. If he were genuine, he would have supported that lawsuit vs. DNC SERVICES CORPORATION, d/b/a DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE, and DEBORAH “DEBBIE” WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. As it were, he did not care one whit. It was not in his personal interest. His vaunted integrity is but an illusion.
Okay, kudos for finally attempting to make an argument.. but it completely lacks substance.

One finding from the case you cite reads thus:
To the extent Plaintiffs have asserted specific causes of action grounded in specific factual allegations, it is this Court’s emphatic duty to measure Plaintiffs’ pleadings against existing legal standards. Having done so, and for the reasons that follow, the Court finds that the named Plaintiffs have not presented a case that is cognizable in federal court.
In others word, their case sucked as presented. Since the complaint in general clearly had loads of merit one must conclude that the lawyers responsible were poorly prepared to argue in federal court. They asked for stupid things the court couldn't legally provide and nothing that it could. No wonder Sanders wasn't terribly interested. If he simply wanted "to maintain his cushy assignments and power in the Senate, he" wouldn't risk running in the first place. He'd have switched to being a permanent Democrat by now. Duh. Bernie has been in public saying the same things decade after decade. Written books. He's been YouTube interviewed countless times. Anyone who actually cares can see, has seen, him quite plainly. You can't simply reduce him to a party lapdog by spitting cheap smear you clown. He's a genuine Independent who's been trying his damnedest to repair the Dem Party from the inside. The voters aren't the problem. The Machinery requires the overhaul. He accepted that mission long ago. Just imagine.. a true public servant. Horrors!

You and I have no disagreement there.

With that said however, the Courts were only looking at past precedent, and were not looking at making any new precedent, nor were they looking at rectifying the blatant bias of the DNC. Likewise, they needed actual proof that given the ruling the plaintiffs lawyers desired, such a ruling would rectify the supposed harm the plaintiffs maintained, none could be provided.

So, they looked to rule on a technicality, the composition of the class and the relief sought as a standing issue.

The main gripe Sanders supporters have, and onto which this whole thing always hinges, which the corporate media covers up, and which this case has been buried, is the blatant bias. So many on the left continue to parrot the chestnut that the primaries were "fair," and "impartial," or that they are this time. When the fact is, it does not matter who the democratic people vote for, the party elites have the right to choose whomever they want.

Just because Sanders supporters did not receive their donations back? Does not mean this ruling was a loss. In fact, quite the opposite. The court admitted what they needed it to admit. The corporate media just buried the headline, to which YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND.

THE DNC SERVICES CORPORATION has the right to choose whomever it wants as their candidate, regardless of what democrats may desire.

Also from the judgement;

". . The Court thus assumes that the DNC and Wasserman Schultz preferred Hillary Clinton as the Democratic candidate for president over Bernie Sanders or any other Democratic candidate. It assumes that they stockpiled information useful to the Clinton campaign. It assumes that they devoted their resources to assist Clinton in securing the party’s nomination and opposing other Democratic candidates. And it assumes that they engaged in these surreptitious acts while publically proclaiming they were completely neutral, fair, and impartial.. . "

What is equally outrageous is the behavior of the court, the judge and the establishment during these whole proceedings. You would only know this if you followed coverage and listened to those who handled it. What has been said (off record) to the plaintiffs lawyers, has been shockingly frank, and well, depressing. I am afraid you are writing on stuff which you have no knowledge of.

CN LIVE! Episode 17: DNC Corruption
Hour: Minute mark 1:35:00

Thanks for that link. Good people. Been watching/listening from 1:35 forward.. Lady says she's a registered Dem and not going to vote. I switched to Independent and have continued voting since Bill C's second run. End up voting FOR mostly progressives, independents, POC, women.. Often only Dems and Repugs to chose from. Can't vote in the primary here. Oh well. We do what we can with what we've got. I never vote out of fear. "For" the least worst evil. That's just self-defeating.

They just keep going on and on in defeatist fashion.. They lost so now just argue for all to give up. Complete hopelessness. What I gather is they've never even considered contacting Ralph Nader or leveraging several other potentially great contacts for help - apparently because their egos remain so fragile. Oh, cryin' won't help ya.. Cryin' won't do ya no good..

If you watch the whole thing, what Elizabeth says about Judges and Lawyers being clients of the two party duopoly is very instructive on why we have such a corrupt system.

You just don't get it apparently, nor why the situation is hopeless until a Constitutional Amendment is passed.

You have this illusion that Sanders primary goal is the people, or change, or some other fantasy notion. He is the establishment. He won't be able to change it anymore than Trump has.

I love when Stein states, "It's hard to teach a man something his income depends on not knowing." That, in a nutshell, is Sanders. He is an insider now. He will never fundamentally change the system.
Biden is coming for trump
Sounds more like the title for a peep-show porn-film short...

But that would be more like something the Orange Baboon would enjoy...
Yeah and "hands up don't shoot" was also real in your mind eh ? Even though evidence showed otherwise.

So Trump was a billionaire being pursued or pressured by countless women, crooks and other characters that may hate him or want to set him up because of his successes in life...Messing with Hollyweird wasn't good for Trump either, and he knows that now, just like so many others that had fallen into the same Hollyweird trap in life.

Ok, so Trump likes women, and it was a weakness that was dialed in on by his enemies or by the money grubbers who went after him..... King Herod was so weak that he ordered the execution of John the Baptist due to his weaknesses, but the problem for Trump's enemies, is that Trump isn't the Herod type, and instead he knows how to deal with his weaknesses, and how to deal with his enemies in life. He does it without killing anyone, and that's the way it is suppose to work. So Trump is normal, and that drives his enemies crazy because they can't fight normal.
Another Orange-Aid excuse-maker and despot-wannabe-enabler...
If you watch the whole thing, what Elizabeth says about Judges and Lawyers being clients of the two party duopoly is very instructive on why we have such a corrupt system.

You just don't get it apparently, nor why the situation is hopeless until a Constitutional Amendment is passed.
You know who likely said that first, right? Again, call him and see how far that defeatist appeal flies..
You have this illusion that Sanders primary goal is the people, or change, or some other fantasy notion. He is the establishment.
Yes, we sure disagree there. He's far from the fucking establishment for christsakes. You think Nina Turner is the establishment? How about AOC? Tulsi?
I love when Stein states, "It's hard to teach a man something his income depends on not knowing." That, in a nutshell, is Sanders. He is an insider now. He will never fundamentally change the system.
That is not Sanders. Sanders knows exactly how difficult it is. Despite that, he's chosen to fight the system from the inside. I wouldn't myself. Not my style, but I believe Bernie feels it's the way that's worked out best for him (having tried both ways for long periods) so he's sticking with Plan B. I completely agree with Stein and have voted for her. My wife and I worked hard for Bernie in 2016 and were sorely disappointed by his sudden, seemingly complete capitulation to Hillary. We get it. Since then I've worked hard to appreciate Bernie's thought process concerning the whole business and feel I can now very much respect it while still vehemently disagreeing.

The major thing to keep in mind is that Bernie knows nothing will be done without a revolution of young, energetic patriots making it happen. He can only invite them to do so and does.
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The political will from the Democratic and the progressive and the liberal side has not been there. Look, the conservatives and the right wing and Republicans have spent millions and millions of dollars and years and years designing smart and legally defensible, but morally and totally indefensible ways to suppress the vote. We know what they’re doing. We show the tactics, we show it. Now it’s on us to come up with [a solution]. But it requires people being angry, being upset.”
Robert Greenwald, producer, director of “Suppressed: The Fight to Vote.
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Watch 38 minute film here. Be inspired. Fighting back is hard but the numbers remain firmly on our side. Believe it.
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