Biden is coming for trump

Low IQ Joe is a friggin joke, the worst major party candidate since Bob Dole in 1996, and worse on the gaffe issue.

This is a total surrender. Anything to stop Bernie.

Trump is now officially re-elected.

I’ll take Joe Biden over Trump in an IQ test any day

Biden would win Bigly

I’ll take Joe Biden over Trump in an IQ test any day

As long as none of the questions asked what day it was, what state he was in or which African American woman he wanted to appoint to the US Senate.
We won't have to wait for Trump to humiliate Biden, Bernie and his supports will get to it first.
. . I don't know. Sanders rolled once, he might do it again. . . maybe if they give him another house? :71:
He's not rolling this time. Bank on it. He just doesn't lower himself to their level. Not playing that game. Because, unlike the DNC and their selections for us, he actually cares about beating Trump and about this country more than what's in it for him. Truly a public servant.

That said, I agree it's high time he removed the gloves completely and knocked Joe so far down the DNC's hopelessly corrupt throat their head spins off.

DNC Declares War on Sanders…Again
DNC Declares War on Sanders...Again -

". . .Let’s be real about Sanders, however. He has already promised to endorse whoever the eventual DP nominee might be. That would be consistent with his 2016 endorsement of Hillary Clinton, and he went on to campaign for her at dozens of rallies. Clinton now renews her campaign of sabotage and slander against Sanders in 2020. Tom Perez, head of the DNC, recently selected a roster of corporate apparatchiks as nominees to the DNC.

There is a hard core of the old guard within the Democratic Party that is determined to stop Sanders even if that means a second term for Trump. Proving that long term “bipartisan” politics are an internal balancing mechanism of the corporate state. Sanders has raised hopes of a political revolution among his followers, but that torch must really pass to the young.

2020 will be a year of reckoning, not simply in whether career pols in the Democratic Party pull down their partisan temple on their own heads, but in the actual class struggles that do not respect party lines and electoral schedules.. . ."

Sanders insists Democrats will unite around eventual nominee

Sanders insists Democrats will unite around eventual nominee

AOC Urges People to Unite Behind Whoever Becomes Democratic Nominee, Says Defeating Trump 'More Important Than All of Us'

AOC urges people to unite behind whoever becomes Democratic nominee, says defeating Trump "more important than all of us"

the toughest job in the world is POTUS. you need strength, you need stamina, you need focus, you need to be smart, you need to be NOT senile. Biden isn't any of those! Trump is!
Yep a guy that can't tell his sister apart from his wife is not senile.

Depends on what State you are from. Look at it this way, those states that your sister can also be your wife all support Rump.

Look at it this way, those states that your sister can also be your wife all support Rump.


Trump is going to win Minnesota this time?
Low IQ Joe is a friggin joke, the worst major party candidate since Bob Dole in 1996, and worse on the gaffe issue.

This is a total surrender. Anything to stop Bernie.

Trump is now officially re-elected.

I’ll take Joe Biden over Trump in an IQ test any day

Biden would win Bigly

I’ll take Joe Biden over Trump in an IQ test any day

As long as none of the questions asked what day it was, what state he was in or which African American woman he wanted to appoint to the US Senate.

Trump has the best words
the toughest job in the world is POTUS. you need strength, you need stamina, you need focus, you need to be smart, you need to be NOT senile. Biden isn't any of those! Trump is!
Yep a guy that can't tell his sister apart from his wife is not senile.

Depends on what State you are from. Look at it this way, those states that your sister can also be your wife all support Rump.

Look at it this way, those states that your sister can also be your wife all support Rump.

View attachment 310700View attachment 310701

Trump is going to win Minnesota this time?
It is Trump who wants to date his daughter
Low IQ Joe is a friggin joke, the worst major party candidate since Bob Dole in 1996, and worse on the gaffe issue.

This is a total surrender. Anything to stop Bernie.

Trump is now officially re-elected.

I’ll take Joe Biden over Trump in an IQ test any day

Biden would win Bigly

I’ll take Joe Biden over Trump in an IQ test any day

As long as none of the questions asked what day it was, what state he was in or which African American woman he wanted to appoint to the US Senate.

Trump has the best words

Trump knows not to mess with Corn Pop...…...
We won't have to wait for Trump to humiliate Biden, Bernie and his supports will get to it first.
. . I don't know. Sanders rolled once, he might do it again. . . maybe if they give him another house? :71:
He's not rolling this time. Bank on it. He just doesn't lower himself to their level. Not playing that game. Because, unlike the DNC and their selections for us, he actually cares about beating Trump and about this country more than what's in it for him. Truly a public servant.

That said, I agree it's high time he removed the gloves completely and knocked Joe so far down the DNC's hopelessly corrupt throat their head spins off.

DNC Declares War on Sanders…Again
DNC Declares War on Sanders...Again -

". . .Let’s be real about Sanders, however. He has already promised to endorse whoever the eventual DP nominee might be. That would be consistent with his 2016 endorsement of Hillary Clinton, and he went on to campaign for her at dozens of rallies. Clinton now renews her campaign of sabotage and slander against Sanders in 2020. Tom Perez, head of the DNC, recently selected a roster of corporate apparatchiks as nominees to the DNC.

There is a hard core of the old guard within the Democratic Party that is determined to stop Sanders even if that means a second term for Trump. Proving that long term “bipartisan” politics are an internal balancing mechanism of the corporate state. Sanders has raised hopes of a political revolution among his followers, but that torch must really pass to the young.

2020 will be a year of reckoning, not simply in whether career pols in the Democratic Party pull down their partisan temple on their own heads, but in the actual class struggles that do not respect party lines and electoral schedules.. . ."

Sanders insists Democrats will unite around eventual nominee

Sanders insists Democrats will unite around eventual nominee

AOC Urges People to Unite Behind Whoever Becomes Democratic Nominee, Says Defeating Trump 'More Important Than All of Us'

AOC urges people to unite behind whoever becomes Democratic nominee, says defeating Trump "more important than all of us"
Declaring support for the eventual party nominee is just standard, no brainer politics. Party voters obviously want that. The DNC continuing its war against Sanders remains what's disgusting. I have no idea what I said that you appear to be taking issue with?
No one fears Joe Biden. The Democrats didn't even want him until their only other choice was Sanders. Biden is maybe 60% of the man he used to be, and he wasn't very impressive in his prime. Even John Kerry would have been a better option for the Dems. How did they let this happen?
We won't have to wait for Trump to humiliate Biden, Bernie and his supports will get to it first.
. . I don't know. Sanders rolled once, he might do it again. . . maybe if they give him another house? :71:
He's not rolling this time. Bank on it. He just doesn't lower himself to their level. Not playing that game. Because, unlike the DNC and their selections for us, he actually cares about beating Trump and about this country more than what's in it for him. Truly a public servant.

That said, I agree it's high time he removed the gloves completely and knocked Joe so far down the DNC's hopelessly corrupt throat their head spins off.

DNC Declares War on Sanders…Again
DNC Declares War on Sanders...Again -

". . .Let’s be real about Sanders, however. He has already promised to endorse whoever the eventual DP nominee might be. That would be consistent with his 2016 endorsement of Hillary Clinton, and he went on to campaign for her at dozens of rallies. Clinton now renews her campaign of sabotage and slander against Sanders in 2020. Tom Perez, head of the DNC, recently selected a roster of corporate apparatchiks as nominees to the DNC.

There is a hard core of the old guard within the Democratic Party that is determined to stop Sanders even if that means a second term for Trump. Proving that long term “bipartisan” politics are an internal balancing mechanism of the corporate state. Sanders has raised hopes of a political revolution among his followers, but that torch must really pass to the young.

2020 will be a year of reckoning, not simply in whether career pols in the Democratic Party pull down their partisan temple on their own heads, but in the actual class struggles that do not respect party lines and electoral schedules.. . ."

Sanders insists Democrats will unite around eventual nominee

Sanders insists Democrats will unite around eventual nominee

AOC Urges People to Unite Behind Whoever Becomes Democratic Nominee, Says Defeating Trump 'More Important Than All of Us'

AOC urges people to unite behind whoever becomes Democratic nominee, says defeating Trump "more important than all of us"
Declaring support for the eventual party nominee is just standard, no brainer politics. Party voters obviously want that. The DNC continuing its war against Sanders remains what's disgusting. I have no idea what I said that you appear to be taking issue with?
You are missing the point.

When Dukakus ran against Biden, he was allowed to open all barrels to get the nomination. Why? b/c they both had the backing of the establishment.

OTH, if Bernie wants to maintain his perks, he had better not step out of line.

He won't be allowed to go low, b/c he knows he won't be allowed to ever be the nominee, he is a prog. sheep dog, shepherding in the hard left, that is his only job. If he wants to maintain his cushy assignments and power in the Senate, he will do as he is told.

It is only an illusion that he is a hero of the people, when in fact, he is a pawn of the corporate elites.

THAT is what you do not really get. If he were genuine, he would have supported that lawsuit vs. DNC SERVICES CORPORATION, d/b/a DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE, and DEBORAH “DEBBIE” WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. As it were, he did not care one whit. It was not in his personal interest. His vaunted integrity is but an illusion.
Though Hillary will be the Democrat nominee, consider Biden just for grins and giggles.

If Nutty Old Uncle Bernie got the nomination then Biden would suck up to him for the VP spot, hoping that actuarial tables (if not votes) would make him president.

If Biden got the nomination NOUB would go write-in or take the American Communist Party AND HIS CULT WOULD TURN OUT EN-MASSE TO PUNISH THE DEMOCRAT PARTY. Winner? Of course. Trump.
But you won't wager your participation on the board on it.

Not very confident.

I'm confident. I just refuse to take your wager.

So watch what happens to trump when the big guns start aiming at him. He should have kept his mouth shut about ex presidents and did his job. But no, he didn't. He knew he could race pimp people like you by making false claims about Obama every time his ass was put in a lurch. He will probably end up facing the Obama vice president, with an Obama endorsement, a pissed off Barack and Mrs. Obama on the stump, Bloomberg/Steyer, Republicans for the rule of law and the Lincoln project putting up killer anti trump ads all over the place. Not to mention the DNC and the campaign itself.

trumps time is short.
actually i hope the left does go after Trump hard ! that just galvanizes conservatives ! we are coming out to vote in record numbers ! we take nothing for granted ! we know the left will cheat and stoop to any illegal tactic[voter fraud] to win ! heck dems are already rigging the primary against Sanders ! so we know that yall lie cheat and steal in the nov ! we are going to show up in the biggest republican turnout in history ! remember millions of conservatives didnt vote in 2016 because they weren't sure Trump was a true conservative ! now he has a record number of support from the right ! the never Trumpers are now on his side ! get ready for an ass kicking pal ! and you know its possible or else you would accept the challenge of leaving USMB !:5_1_12024:

1. Rump is NOT a conservative
2. YOU are not a conservative
3. You are a Party of the Rumpster
4. I voted for Biden as an Indie because Rump is insane
5. I am an old style Republican
6. I never make bets with someone of more than questionable character.
there is no way you were ever a republican ! you complain about how unfair life is to much to be a pull yourself up by the bootstraps like a real man like a conservative !

I get rewarded for my time spent working like very "Good Republican" does. I get my Military Retirement and SSI that I earned keeping it so you are able to post this nonsense. If it was just you, I would have went into corporate business where I could rape and pillage and get bloody assed rich. But it wasn't for you. It was for every "Good Republican" ever borne. If you knew anything about the history of the Republican Party you would understand the term "Good Republican". You don't because you are a Party of the Rump.
once again you are a liar ! and you are not a republican ! if you were you would recognize his judicial appointments alone are very important to real republicans and conservatives !
When he gets Trump will it be catch and release?

Have you taken a good look at Rump? With all that crap, you really want to clean him? There isn't enough sanitation wipes made for that job. Just throw him back. NY and 2 other states will catch and keep him.
you hate others that are more successful than you ...and that would include the fast food drive through clerk and the local crack whore !
Biden is coming for trump

Joe doesn't even know what part of the country he is in....he introduced his daughter as his wife last night.....Trump would rather run against a corrupt challenger like Burisma Joe than a commie with hand outs of free goodies....
This is 2016 all over again with a male Hilldabeast.....

Keep saying the same tired crap over and over. It's not working anymore. The Dems and disgruntled Reps are voting for Uncle Joe and there is nothing you can do about it except keep pissing them off so they show up at the polls in droves. I want to thank you for your assistance, Rumpster.
Keep dreaming...I don't know a single republican that would ever vote for Biden...maybe a few RINO's will but that won't come close to putting creepy uncle Joe on top....

That's right, insult us old time Republicans even more. We understand that you are NOT a republican, you are a party of the rump so that releases us to vote for someone else other than the mad hatter rump.
Trump is doing the things the republican establishment have been promising to do for 40 damn don't try and tell me who or what a real republican is...I'm a real republican conservative...and so is Trump....what you Romney and Kristol types are I do not know...opportunists I guess....liars more like it...Bill Kristol voting for Joe?...what is that?....all these years of him talking like a conservative and one election goes against his wishes so he turns to Biden?....don't make me are being conned and you are being suckered....
nah hes just lying ...he's always been a democrat !
What makes this clown Biden think he can win against Trump?

Biden was part of an administration that had increased poverty, decreased family income, raised taxes, had $10 trillion in debt, increased income disparity, had dismal economic growth, screwed up health care, let millions of illegals flood in, gave away the store to the Muslims, kissed Castro's ass, incited racial turmoil, increased the size of government, increased regulations, weakened the US military and pretty much made us the laughing stock of the world with a weak foreign policy.

Meanwhile Trump is winning every day with a great economy, lower taxes, more family income, lower welfare, record low unemployment (273K jobs created in Feb), stronger military, sealed border, fewer regulations and respect from our allies and adversaries.

Trump is great at energizing the American people. Biden is a joke when he gets in front of people. Liable to say anything screwed up like not even knowing the difference between his wife and his sister.

Is Biden an idiot thinking he is a better choice than Trump? Must be.

Anybody would have to be a moron to vote for that shithead failure Biden over the successful Trump, wouldn't they?

Moon Bats are morons, aren't they?
America yearns for the stable leadership of the Obama/Biden days
America yearns for riots and neighborhoods being burnt by left wing radicals that rampaged during the Obama yrs ?? ok idiot !
We won't have to wait for Trump to humiliate Biden, Bernie and his supports will get to it first.
. . I don't know. Sanders rolled once, he might do it again. . . maybe if they give him another house? :71:
He's not rolling this time. Bank on it. He just doesn't lower himself to their level. Not playing that game. Because, unlike the DNC and their selections for us, he actually cares about beating Trump and about this country more than what's in it for him. Truly a public servant.

That said, I agree it's high time he removed the gloves completely and knocked Joe so far down the DNC's hopelessly corrupt throat their head spins off.

DNC Declares War on Sanders…Again
DNC Declares War on Sanders...Again -

". . .Let’s be real about Sanders, however. He has already promised to endorse whoever the eventual DP nominee might be. That would be consistent with his 2016 endorsement of Hillary Clinton, and he went on to campaign for her at dozens of rallies. Clinton now renews her campaign of sabotage and slander against Sanders in 2020. Tom Perez, head of the DNC, recently selected a roster of corporate apparatchiks as nominees to the DNC.

There is a hard core of the old guard within the Democratic Party that is determined to stop Sanders even if that means a second term for Trump. Proving that long term “bipartisan” politics are an internal balancing mechanism of the corporate state. Sanders has raised hopes of a political revolution among his followers, but that torch must really pass to the young.

2020 will be a year of reckoning, not simply in whether career pols in the Democratic Party pull down their partisan temple on their own heads, but in the actual class struggles that do not respect party lines and electoral schedules.. . ."

Sanders insists Democrats will unite around eventual nominee

Sanders insists Democrats will unite around eventual nominee

AOC Urges People to Unite Behind Whoever Becomes Democratic Nominee, Says Defeating Trump 'More Important Than All of Us'

AOC urges people to unite behind whoever becomes Democratic nominee, says defeating Trump "more important than all of us"
Declaring support for the eventual party nominee is just standard, no brainer politics. Party voters obviously want that. The DNC continuing its war against Sanders remains what's disgusting. I have no idea what I said that you appear to be taking issue with?
You are missing the point.

When Dukakus ran against Biden, he was allowed to open all barrels to get the nomination. Why? b/c they both had the backing of the establishment.

OTH, if Bernie wants to maintain his perks, he had better not step out of line.

He won't be allowed to go low, b/c he knows he won't be allowed to ever be the nominee, he is a prog. sheep dog, shepherding in the hard left, that is his only job. If he wants to maintain his cushy assignments and power in the Senate, he will do as he is told.

It is only an illusion that he is a hero of the people, when in fact, he is a pawn of the corporate elites.

THAT is what you do not really get. If he were genuine, he would have supported that lawsuit vs. DNC SERVICES CORPORATION, d/b/a DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE, and DEBORAH “DEBBIE” WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. As it were, he did not care one whit. It was not in his personal interest. His vaunted integrity is but an illusion.
Okay, kudos for finally attempting to make an argument.. but it completely lacks substance.

One finding from the case you cite reads thus:
To the extent Plaintiffs have asserted specific causes of action grounded in specific factual allegations, it is this Court’s emphatic duty to measure Plaintiffs’ pleadings against existing legal standards. Having done so, and for the reasons that follow, the Court finds that the named Plaintiffs have not presented a case that is cognizable in federal court.
In others word, their case sucked as presented. Since the complaint in general clearly had loads of merit one must conclude that the lawyers responsible were poorly prepared to argue in federal court. They asked for stupid things the court couldn't legally provide and nothing that it could. No wonder Sanders wasn't terribly interested. If he simply wanted "to maintain his cushy assignments and power in the Senate, he" wouldn't risk running in the first place. He'd have switched to being a permanent Democrat by now. Duh. Bernie has been in public saying the same things decade after decade. Written books. He's been YouTube interviewed countless times. Anyone who actually cares can see, has seen, him quite plainly. You can't simply reduce him to a party lapdog by spitting cheap smear you clown. He's a genuine Independent who's been trying his damnedest to repair the Dem Party from the inside. The voters aren't the problem. The Machinery requires the overhaul. He accepted that mission long ago. Just imagine.. a true public servant. Horrors!
Last edited:
What makes this clown Biden think he can win against Trump?

Biden was part of an administration that had increased poverty, decreased family income, raised taxes, had $10 trillion in debt, increased income disparity, had dismal economic growth, screwed up health care, let millions of illegals flood in, gave away the store to the Muslims, kissed Castro's ass, incited racial turmoil, increased the size of government, increased regulations, weakened the US military and pretty much made us the laughing stock of the world with a weak foreign policy.

Meanwhile Trump is winning every day with a great economy, lower taxes, more family income, lower welfare, record low unemployment (273K jobs created in Feb), stronger military, sealed border, fewer regulations and respect from our allies and adversaries.

Trump is great at energizing the American people. Biden is a joke when he gets in front of people. Liable to say anything screwed up like not even knowing the difference between his wife and his sister.

Is Biden an idiot thinking he is a better choice than Trump? Must be.

Anybody would have to be a moron to vote for that shithead failure Biden over the successful Trump, wouldn't they?

Moon Bats are morons, aren't they?
America yearns for the stable leadership of the Obama/Biden days
America yearns for riots and neighborhoods being burnt by left wing radicals that rampaged during the Obama yrs ?? ok idiot !

Whoever succeeds Trump is going to have to make one hell of an apology tour.

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