Biden is coming for trump

Since Rump would not listen, it was an attempt to do something that the so called Republicans refused to do. And that is send a message that this type of crap would not be tolerated anymore. The lesson was given but the student failed the class.

That could be a reasonable premise if it weren't for the fact the Democrats started talking about impeachment the day after he was elected. Those who pay attention recognize the Democrats wanted an investigation to find a crime, any crime, that would rise to the level of impeachment. Just like with the Mueller investigation, they wanted to find some process crimes as well for Trump associates so they could further the false narrative that there were x amount of convictions and corruption in the Trump administration. Lemmings fall for it.
Since Rump would not listen, it was an attempt to do something that the so called Republicans refused to do. And that is send a message that this type of crap would not be tolerated anymore. The lesson was given but the student failed the class.

That could be a reasonable premise if it weren't for the fact the Democrats started talking about impeachment the day after he was elected. Those who pay attention recognize the Democrats wanted an investigation to find a crime, any crime, that would rise to the level of impeachment. Just like with the Mueller investigation, they wanted to find some process crimes as well for Trump associates so they could further the false narrative that there were x amount of convictions and corruption in the Trump administration. Lemmings fall for it.
If you can't see the filth reeking from this trump filth's mouth every day you are the lemming The pos makes Nixon look like a saint
The end of trump is near.

Super Tuesday tally: Biden wins 4 states, Sanders takes 2

When you are so scared of an opponent that you have to break the law and get impeached, it's time to think about what you are going to do when your presidency is over. Biden is coming and he is going to whip trumps ass. Along with Biden will come two hydrogen bombs named Obama and they are going to be fired up to blast trump into oblivion. The time is coming to an end for trump. Live it up while you can trump lovers...

TRUMP easily won the republican nomination in 2016 without having to force anyone out of the race. Had Buttigieg, Amy and Styer not dropped out before ST Biden would have lost big to Bernie. Democrats knew the only way to force Biden through is to give people no other choice as an alternative to Sanders.
Trump did not win anything easily and for most of the primary trump had a plurality of 30 percent. There were at least 15 republican candidates in that primary and 14 dropped out with Kasich being the last one and Cruz talked shit on trump at the convention. So let's stop pretending trump is the greatest president of all time and can't be beaten because he's running from a primary challenger right now as an incumbent.

You're correct TRUMP didn't win easily he won by working harder than any of the others running including Hillary. As for Kasich you're correct he was the last to drop out after having won only 1 state. Also good point on TRUMP winning the 2016 primary with only having a plurality of 30% which shows TRUMP's ability to once again work hard campaigning to win over enough people to become POTUS.
Trump did what Bernie Sanders tried to do this year

Keep a core of supporters with 25-30 percent of the vote.
Then allow the other 5-10 candidates fight over the remaining vote.

Dems were smart enough to force fringe candidates out before Super Tuesday. Republicans were too stubborn to drop out till it was too late and Trump had run up the delegates
You see folks there is trumpland and then there is the real world. In trumpland you see a president that turned around an economy, successfully negotiated the end of the Korean war, was the victim of a coup whereby he was found innocent of all charges and who has made America stronger on the world stage.

In the real world we see a president handed a economy undergoing record growth for more than 7 years before he took office, a failed tax cut, a trade war that has raised what it costs to live here and has fucked up farmers to no end, a failed foreign policy whereby our president plays buddy buddy with the worst most deplorable assholes on the planet and disses long time friends, allows a Korean dictator to run amok just as long as he gets a nice letter, kids still sitting in cages on the southern border and families separated probably forever, an increase in homegrown white nationalist terror, a manufacturing recession, the gutting of health programs and agencies intended to protect us from potential pandemics, using the justice department to investigate and possibly imprison all who dissent, breaking nuclear agreements that were working, pulling out of a world wide climate change agreement, impeached yet the republican majority in the senate was complicit in refusing a trial and letting him get away with stopping critical testimony be heard and important documentary evidence be seen, claims of exoneration when the investigating body by policy could not indict and did not exonerate.

This man claimed he was going to drain the swamp, yet he was the biggest alligator in the swamp and is presiding over the most corrupt administration in this nations history.

And yet in trumpworld, they really think this man is just going to easily be re elected.

In trumpland you see a president that turned around an economy,

In obamaland you saw a president that claimed credit for preventing a depression when the recession ended in June 2009, before anything he did could have any impact.

In the real world we see a president handed a economy undergoing record growth for more than 7 years before he took office

Record growth? LOL!
You misspelled, "weakest recovery since WWII"
I was on the phone talking to my very perceptive friend. I read him the titles of the posts here at USMB. He said that most sounded like Russian trolls. I agree.
do you mean that there is someone else on this planet as dumb as you are ???AMAZING !

Actually, you are proof that there isn't anyone on this Earth dumber than you are. Be very careful with those 3 brain cells. You really can't afford to lose any more.
Biden has to get through Sanders before he faces Trump ! and do you really truly believe that Biden can withstand what Trump is going to throw at him ! do you think after being utterly destroyed people are going to feel sorry for Biden and vote for him ?? is that the strategy ?? the sympathy vote ?? actually that might be the best chance for Biden !! Trump is liable to find and bring Corn Pop to the debate ! Biden gets angry and insulting to constituents at town halls calling farmers fat and challenging them to push ups ! the man is not all there ! there is absolutely no telling what Trump will do to make Biden look like a bumbling idiot !its going to be very nasty for Joe !

And what happens if Biden doesn't bite the bait and actually runs a clean campaign and sticks to the issues? rump will just madder and madder until he is just frothing at the mouth.
Biden knows how to get under Trumps skin

Will Biden even remember who he is running against?
Or what office he is running for?
Since Rump would not listen, it was an attempt to do something that the so called Republicans refused to do. And that is send a message that this type of crap would not be tolerated anymore. The lesson was given but the student failed the class.

That could be a reasonable premise if it weren't for the fact the Democrats started talking about impeachment the day after he was elected. Those who pay attention recognize the Democrats wanted an investigation to find a crime, any crime, that would rise to the level of impeachment. Just like with the Mueller investigation, they wanted to find some process crimes as well for Trump associates so they could further the false narrative that there were x amount of convictions and corruption in the Trump administration. Lemmings fall for it.
Which Democrats started talking impeachment the day after he was elected? Are there any Republicans capable of telling the truth? Put up or stfu.
do you mean that there is someone else on this planet as dumb as you are ???AMAZING !

Actually, you are proof that there isn't anyone on this Earth dumber than you are. Be very careful with those 3 brain cells. You really can't afford to lose any more.
Biden has to get through Sanders before he faces Trump ! and do you really truly believe that Biden can withstand what Trump is going to throw at him ! do you think after being utterly destroyed people are going to feel sorry for Biden and vote for him ?? is that the strategy ?? the sympathy vote ?? actually that might be the best chance for Biden !! Trump is liable to find and bring Corn Pop to the debate ! Biden gets angry and insulting to constituents at town halls calling farmers fat and challenging them to push ups ! the man is not all there ! there is absolutely no telling what Trump will do to make Biden look like a bumbling idiot !its going to be very nasty for Joe !

And what happens if Biden doesn't bite the bait and actually runs a clean campaign and sticks to the issues? rump will just madder and madder until he is just frothing at the mouth.
Biden knows how to get under Trumps skin

Will Biden even remember who he is running against?
Or what office he is running for?
Actually, you are proof that there isn't anyone on this Earth dumber than you are. Be very careful with those 3 brain cells. You really can't afford to lose any more.
Biden has to get through Sanders before he faces Trump ! and do you really truly believe that Biden can withstand what Trump is going to throw at him ! do you think after being utterly destroyed people are going to feel sorry for Biden and vote for him ?? is that the strategy ?? the sympathy vote ?? actually that might be the best chance for Biden !! Trump is liable to find and bring Corn Pop to the debate ! Biden gets angry and insulting to constituents at town halls calling farmers fat and challenging them to push ups ! the man is not all there ! there is absolutely no telling what Trump will do to make Biden look like a bumbling idiot !its going to be very nasty for Joe !

And what happens if Biden doesn't bite the bait and actually runs a clean campaign and sticks to the issues? rump will just madder and madder until he is just frothing at the mouth.
Biden knows how to get under Trumps skin

Will Biden even remember who he is running against?
Or what office he is running for?
Exactly like your TDS. Do you see a pattern?
Biden has to get through Sanders before he faces Trump ! and do you really truly believe that Biden can withstand what Trump is going to throw at him ! do you think after being utterly destroyed people are going to feel sorry for Biden and vote for him ?? is that the strategy ?? the sympathy vote ?? actually that might be the best chance for Biden !! Trump is liable to find and bring Corn Pop to the debate ! Biden gets angry and insulting to constituents at town halls calling farmers fat and challenging them to push ups ! the man is not all there ! there is absolutely no telling what Trump will do to make Biden look like a bumbling idiot !its going to be very nasty for Joe !

And what happens if Biden doesn't bite the bait and actually runs a clean campaign and sticks to the issues? rump will just madder and madder until he is just frothing at the mouth.
Biden knows how to get under Trumps skin

Will Biden even remember who he is running against?
Or what office he is running for?
Exactly like your TDS. Do you see a pattern?
Has nothing to do with TDS I may be wrong but I like to think I'm a good judge of human character and this skank in our WH now is beyond any pos that ever occupied our WH
This is what the D establishment, Ears, Mayor Pete, Amy K, Little Mike, MSM, and the billionaires want for potus.

This never stops being hilarious. LMFAO!!!
And what happens if Biden doesn't bite the bait and actually runs a clean campaign and sticks to the issues? rump will just madder and madder until he is just frothing at the mouth.
Biden knows how to get under Trumps skin

Will Biden even remember who he is running against?
Or what office he is running for?
Exactly like your TDS. Do you see a pattern?
Has nothing to do with TDS I may be wrong but I like to think I'm a good judge of human character and this skank in our WH now is beyond any pos that ever occupied our WH
I can’t disagree, but Biden isn’t the answer.

LMFAO again and again.....
And what happens if Biden doesn't bite the bait and actually runs a clean campaign and sticks to the issues? rump will just madder and madder until he is just frothing at the mouth.
Biden knows how to get under Trumps skin

Will Biden even remember who he is running against?
Or what office he is running for?
Exactly like your TDS. Do you see a pattern?
Has nothing to do with TDS I may be wrong but I like to think I'm a good judge of human character and this skank in our WH now is beyond any pos that ever occupied our WH

Alrighty then, you pretty much admit to having TDS, and base your stupidity on judging human character. Brilliant, forget Trump Derangement Syndrome, it's more like Too Damn Stupid.
What makes this clown Biden think he can win against Trump?

Biden was part of an administration that had increased poverty, decreased family income, raised taxes, had $10 trillion in debt, increased income disparity, had dismal economic growth, screwed up health care, let millions of illegals flood in, gave away the store to the Muslims, kissed Castro's ass, incited racial turmoil, increased the size of government, increased regulations, weakened the US military and pretty much made us the laughing stock of the world with a weak foreign policy.

Meanwhile Trump is winning every day with a great economy, lower taxes, more family income, lower welfare, record low unemployment (273K jobs created in Feb), stronger military, sealed border, fewer regulations and respect from our allies and adversaries.

Trump is great at energizing the American people. Biden is a joke when he gets in front of people. Liable to say anything screwed up like not even knowing the difference between his wife and his sister.

Is Biden an idiot thinking he is a better choice than Trump? Must be.

Anybody would have to be a moron to vote for that shithead failure Biden over the successful Trump, wouldn't they?

Moon Bats are morons, aren't they?
And please don't grab any pussy today like the scum in our WH now does
Most of these goons would pay a good buck to have Trump grope them or one of their family members. Watching them squeal like little schoolgirls after Biden`s comeback is quite entertaining. It`s not going well for them and there`s nothing they can do about it.
Biden Vs Trump 2020 Election Polls Released - Brace For A Blue Wave
RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Biden
This is what the D establishment, Ears, Mayor Pete, Amy K, Little Mike, MSM, and the billionaires want for potus.

This never stops being hilarious. LMFAO!!!

Another Republican speaks out
CNBC’s Rick Santelli suggests giving everyone coronavirus to spare the economy
Mike Murphy[/paste:font]
Left unsaid: That would kill millions of Americans

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