Biden is coming for trump

273K jobs produced in February. Wow! Trump keeps on winning and nothing ever goes well for these stupid confused Moon Bats, does it?

That shithead Biden had increased poverty, higher unemployment, more debt. lower family income and more dismal economic growth than Trump. I know these Moon Bats are idiots and don't make good choices at the voting polls but how in the hell can anyone believe that Biden deserves to replace Trump as President?
What makes this clown Biden think he can win against Trump?

Biden was part of an administration that had increased poverty, decreased family income, raised taxes, had $10 trillion in debt, increased income disparity, had dismal economic growth, screwed up health care, let millions of illegals flood in, gave away the store to the Muslims, kissed Castro's ass, incited racial turmoil, increased the size of government, increased regulations, weakened the US military and pretty much made us the laughing stock of the world with a weak foreign policy.

Meanwhile Trump is winning every day with a great economy, lower taxes, more family income, lower welfare, record low unemployment (273K jobs created in Feb), stronger military, sealed border, fewer regulations and respect from our allies and adversaries.

Trump is great at energizing the American people. Biden is a joke when he gets in front of people. Liable to say anything screwed up like not even knowing the difference between his wife and his sister.

Is Biden an idiot thinking he is a better choice than Trump? Must be.

Anybody would have to be a moron to vote for that shithead failure Biden over the successful Trump, wouldn't they?

Moon Bats are morons, aren't they?
Trumpette Yes things are going well with our economy Good thing Obama handed over the rising tide to dump rather than the shit he inherited from another republican gwb Trump is a low life pos If that's what makes your day it says loads about you
Trump is not a conservative, that much is true.
Yep. He's nothing at all. He is the moral and ethical equivalent of a perfect vacuum.
rhetoric is fine, OTH, we can see and hear empirical unfitness w/ joe

/—-/ Will Libs who blasted Trump for crude remarks hold Old Joe to the same standards?

Of course not.

Establishment Democrats, and their supporters have an uncanny habit (as is becoming apparent,) of not even addressing his sniffy, grabby, corrupt, and senior moments.

Not the pundits, not the ruling class journalists, not even their witty hack comedians. Intelligent folks know why. The plebes, like Donald's rabid supporters, pretend his glaring flaws don't even exist.

But unlike Donald's flaws, Joe's are far more egregious and obvious. It's almost as if the DNC knew about Joe's remarks at the CFR, so they impeached Trump for the same damn thing, knowing Trump would get off, making Joe's crimes somehow, "O.K.?" :dunno:

What makes this clown Biden think he can win against Trump?

Biden was part of an administration that had increased poverty, decreased family income, raised taxes, had $10 trillion in debt, increased income disparity, had dismal economic growth, screwed up health care, let millions of illegals flood in, gave away the store to the Muslims, kissed Castro's ass, incited racial turmoil, increased the size of government, increased regulations, weakened the US military and pretty much made us the laughing stock of the world with a weak foreign policy.

Meanwhile Trump is winning every day with a great economy, lower taxes, more family income, lower welfare, record low unemployment (273K jobs created in Feb), stronger military, sealed border, fewer regulations and respect from our allies and adversaries.

Trump is great at energizing the American people. Biden is a joke when he gets in front of people. Liable to say anything screwed up like not even knowing the difference between his wife and his sister.

Is Biden an idiot thinking he is a better choice than Trump? Must be.

Anybody would have to be a moron to vote for that shithead failure Biden over the successful Trump, wouldn't they?

Moon Bats are morons, aren't they?
America yearns for the stable leadership of the Obama/Biden days
The end of trump is near.

Super Tuesday tally: Biden wins 4 states, Sanders takes 2

When you are so scared of an opponent that you have to break the law and get impeached, it's time to think about what you are going to do when your presidency is over. Biden is coming and he is going to whip trumps ass. Along with Biden will come two hydrogen bombs named Obama and they are going to be fired up to blast trump into oblivion. The time is coming to an end for trump. Live it up while you can trump lovers...

TRUMP easily won the republican nomination in 2016 without having to force anyone out of the race. Had Buttigieg, Amy and Styer not dropped out before ST Biden would have lost big to Bernie. Democrats knew the only way to force Biden through is to give people no other choice as an alternative to Sanders.
Trump did not win anything easily and for most of the primary trump had a plurality of 30 percent. There were at least 15 republican candidates in that primary and 14 dropped out with Kasich being the last one and Cruz talked shit on trump at the convention. So let's stop pretending trump is the greatest president of all time and can't be beaten because he's running from a primary challenger right now as an incumbent.

You're correct TRUMP didn't win easily he won by working harder than any of the others running including Hillary. As for Kasich you're correct he was the last to drop out after having won only 1 state. Also good point on TRUMP winning the 2016 primary with only having a plurality of 30% which shows TRUMP's ability to once again work hard campaigning to win over enough people to become POTUS.
Trump did what Bernie Sanders tried to do this year

Keep a core of supporters with 25-30 percent of the vote.
Then allow the other 5-10 candidates fight over the remaining vote.

Dems were smart enough to force fringe candidates out before Super Tuesday. Republicans were too stubborn to drop out till it was too late and Trump had run up the delegates

Sorry I disagree. Bernie's message is far left of what the average democrat will vote for. TRUMP on the other hand had a message from the start that was in line with the core of republicans. Many people were leery of TRUMP in 2016 because of his past support for democrats, his message wasn't much different that that of Cruz. I think the majority of people who voted for TRUMP would acknowledge that no other republican would have accomplished as much as TRUMP has been able to accomplish nor would any other republican have been able to fight back against a corrupt democrat party, MSM and intelligence community.

Personally I think democrats are on a Biden high and it won't take long for his daily gaffes to accumulate to high of numbers to be ignored or written off. I also think there will be a lot of Bernie bros that will cross over to TRUMP or not vote. Obama couldn't save Hillary and he won't be able to save Biden.

TRUMP already has a full republican base and is gaining new supporters by the thousands with every rally. Biden on the other hand is not only going to have to rally a fractured base but also win over Bernie supporters along with republicans and independents. Biden doesn't really have a message beyond going back to how things were before TRUMP, the problem with that is for the majority of people things have gotten better not worse since TRUMP took office.
Biden, after seeing how successful his support has risen after all the other candidates have withdrawn from the campaign and endorsed him?

. . .has decided to do the same. The networks are flabbergasted at his brilliance. :71:

I've been wondering about such a scenario.

I can't really say whether having her on the ticket would help or hurt Biden in the minds of the electorate. The corporate propaganda & media campaign will be intense, Bloomberg will assure us of that.

If folks can ignore his creepiness and senility, I suppose they can ignore her corruption. The ruling class journalists have them so confused, they will convince them of anything at this point. . .

This article was written right after the mid-terms, almost a year and five months ago now, so predictive. I loved how it predicted all the investigations and the impeachment trial. It also predicted TDS as a way to get folks to the polls.

The Hitlergate Hearings
C.J. Hopkins • November 19, 2018
The Hitlergate Hearings

". . . In other words, the global capitalist ruling classes are about to teach the world a lesson. It is the same basic lesson they have been teaching the world since the dissolution of the Soviet Union. They taught it in the former Yugoslavia. They taught it in Greece, and Iraq, and Libya. They have taught it throughout the Middle East. They are about to teach it throughout the West. The lesson is, resistance to global capitalism is not just futile, it is suicidal. The lesson is, play with identity politics and all that “cultural wars” stuff to your heart’s content, but fuck with global capitalism and we will squash you like a tomato bug.

The Hitlergate Hearings, the fascism hysteria, the Russian mind control paranoia, and the rest of the concerted propaganda campaign we have been subjected to since 2016 (and are about to experience the full force of) are all just parts of a broader effort, not just to crush the “populist” insurgency that began in the West with the Brexit referendum, continued with Trump, and then spread throughout Europe, but to crush all hope for any future rebellions against global capitalism and its ideology, regardless of whether they stem from the Left or Right. (If you think they’re just focused on the neo-nationalists, you obviously haven’t been paying attention to the ongoing demonization of Corbyn, Mélenchon, Sahra Wagenknecht, and assorted other “populist” leftists.) In the old days, this was the part where the king would mount the usurper’s head on a spike to remind everybody who was boss. Nowadays, of course, we do it on television, or the Internet, like when we hung Saddam, or sodomized Gaddafi with a bayonet. They’re not going to do anything like that to Trump, who is, after all, an American usurper, but they are going to make an example of him.. . . "
In any case, Trump and Sanders basically seem opposed to the same monolithic global ruling class. . .

. . . I say SEEM. I can't be sure though.
do you mean that there is someone else on this planet as dumb as you are ???AMAZING !

Actually, you are proof that there isn't anyone on this Earth dumber than you are. Be very careful with those 3 brain cells. You really can't afford to lose any more.
Biden has to get through Sanders before he faces Trump ! and do you really truly believe that Biden can withstand what Trump is going to throw at him ! do you think after being utterly destroyed people are going to feel sorry for Biden and vote for him ?? is that the strategy ?? the sympathy vote ?? actually that might be the best chance for Biden !! Trump is liable to find and bring Corn Pop to the debate ! Biden gets angry and insulting to constituents at town halls calling farmers fat and challenging them to push ups ! the man is not all there ! there is absolutely no telling what Trump will do to make Biden look like a bumbling idiot !its going to be very nasty for Joe !

And what happens if Biden doesn't bite the bait and actually runs a clean campaign and sticks to the issues? rump will just madder and madder until he is just frothing at the mouth.
Biden knows how to get under Trumps skin

Will Biden even remember who he is running against?
Or what office he is running for?
He seems to understand Trump quite well.

Not good news for Trump
And what happens if Biden doesn't bite the bait and actually runs a clean campaign and sticks to the issues? rump will just madder and madder until he is just frothing at the mouth.
Biden knows how to get under Trumps skin

Will Biden even remember who he is running against?
Or what office he is running for?
Exactly like your TDS. Do you see a pattern?
Has nothing to do with TDS I may be wrong but I like to think I'm a good judge of human character and this skank in our WH now is beyond any pos that ever occupied our WH
Not really.

There isn't much difference between them.

At least Trump is authentic.

Biden is a hack.

We won't have to wait for Trump to humiliate Biden, Bernie and his supports will get to it first.
We won't have to wait for Trump to humiliate Biden, Bernie and his supports will get to it first.
. . I don't know. Sanders rolled once, he might do it again. . . maybe if they give him another house? :71:
Actually, you are proof that there isn't anyone on this Earth dumber than you are. Be very careful with those 3 brain cells. You really can't afford to lose any more.
Biden has to get through Sanders before he faces Trump ! and do you really truly believe that Biden can withstand what Trump is going to throw at him ! do you think after being utterly destroyed people are going to feel sorry for Biden and vote for him ?? is that the strategy ?? the sympathy vote ?? actually that might be the best chance for Biden !! Trump is liable to find and bring Corn Pop to the debate ! Biden gets angry and insulting to constituents at town halls calling farmers fat and challenging them to push ups ! the man is not all there ! there is absolutely no telling what Trump will do to make Biden look like a bumbling idiot !its going to be very nasty for Joe !

And what happens if Biden doesn't bite the bait and actually runs a clean campaign and sticks to the issues? rump will just madder and madder until he is just frothing at the mouth.
Biden knows how to get under Trumps skin

Will Biden even remember who he is running against?
Or what office he is running for?
He seems to understand Trump quite well.

Not good news for Trump


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Biden knows how to get under Trumps skin

Will Biden even remember who he is running against?
Or what office he is running for?
Exactly like your TDS. Do you see a pattern?
Has nothing to do with TDS I may be wrong but I like to think I'm a good judge of human character and this skank in our WH now is beyond any pos that ever occupied our WH
Not really.

There isn't much difference between them.

At least Trump is authentic.

Biden is a hack.

Got that, IM2? I'm not the one making shit up. I remember every one of those and then some. Just a(nother) shameless opportunist / pathological liar. After trying to ram Hillary down our throats last time..

Jimmy: "This is the guy that the establishment wants to ram down your throat."
Jimmy: "The whole point of this show is that you don't have to be smart to see what's fucking wrong with our system."
We won't have to wait for Trump to humiliate Biden, Bernie and his supports will get to it first.
. . I don't know. Sanders rolled once, he might do it again. . . maybe if they give him another house? :71:
He's not rolling this time. Bank on it. He just doesn't lower himself to their level. Not playing that game. Because, unlike the DNC and their selections for us, he actually cares about beating Trump and about this country more than what's in it for him. Truly a public servant.

That said, I agree it's high time he removed the gloves completely and knocked Joe so far down the DNC's hopelessly corrupt throat their head spins off.
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the toughest job in the world is POTUS. you need strength, you need stamina, you need focus, you need to be smart, you need to be NOT senile. Biden isn't any of those! Trump is!
Yep a guy that can't tell his sister apart from his wife is not senile.

Depends on what State you are from. Look at it this way, those states that your sister can also be your wife all support Rump.
Every crack like that adds to Trump's base. Arrogant idiot.

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