Biden is coming for trump

Since Rump would not listen, it was an attempt to do something that the so called Republicans refused to do. And that is send a message that this type of crap would not be tolerated anymore. The lesson was given but the student failed the class.

That could be a reasonable premise if it weren't for the fact the Democrats started talking about impeachment the day after he was elected. Those who pay attention recognize the Democrats wanted an investigation to find a crime, any crime, that would rise to the level of impeachment. Just like with the Mueller investigation, they wanted to find some process crimes as well for Trump associates so they could further the false narrative that there were x amount of convictions and corruption in the Trump administration. Lemmings fall for it.

Is it any different than the soon to be Party of the Rumpers doing the same thing? Well, your Messiah finally showed up. Bow down and worship him.
the toughest job in the world is POTUS. you need strength, you need stamina, you need focus, you need to be smart, you need to be NOT senile. Biden isn't any of those! Trump is!
Yep a guy that can't tell his sister apart from his wife is not senile.

Depends on what State you are from. Look at it this way, those states that your sister can also be your wife all support Rump.
Every crack like that adds to Trump's base. Arrogant idiot.

What's the matter, you rumpsters bring something up and someone else points out the obvious and you don't like it. I think it's irony.
What makes this clown Biden think he can win against Trump?

Biden was part of an administration that had increased poverty, decreased family income, raised taxes, had $10 trillion in debt, increased income disparity, had dismal economic growth, screwed up health care, let millions of illegals flood in, gave away the store to the Muslims, kissed Castro's ass, incited racial turmoil, increased the size of government, increased regulations, weakened the US military and pretty much made us the laughing stock of the world with a weak foreign policy.

Meanwhile Trump is winning every day with a great economy, lower taxes, more family income, lower welfare, record low unemployment (273K jobs created in Feb), stronger military, sealed border, fewer regulations and respect from our allies and adversaries.

Trump is great at energizing the American people. Biden is a joke when he gets in front of people. Liable to say anything screwed up like not even knowing the difference between his wife and his sister.

Is Biden an idiot thinking he is a better choice than Trump? Must be.

Anybody would have to be a moron to vote for that shithead failure Biden over the successful Trump, wouldn't they?

Moon Bats are morons, aren't they?
America yearns for the stable leadership of the Obama/Biden days
America yearns for riots and neighborhoods being burnt by left wing radicals that rampaged during the Obama yrs ?? ok idiot !

Whoever succeeds Trump is going to have to make one hell of an apology tour.
Pence will run on the Trump doctrine in 2024 and win ! Pence will be the next POTUS after Trump in 2024 !
What makes this clown Biden think he can win against Trump?

Biden was part of an administration that had increased poverty, decreased family income, raised taxes, had $10 trillion in debt, increased income disparity, had dismal economic growth, screwed up health care, let millions of illegals flood in, gave away the store to the Muslims, kissed Castro's ass, incited racial turmoil, increased the size of government, increased regulations, weakened the US military and pretty much made us the laughing stock of the world with a weak foreign policy.

Meanwhile Trump is winning every day with a great economy, lower taxes, more family income, lower welfare, record low unemployment (273K jobs created in Feb), stronger military, sealed border, fewer regulations and respect from our allies and adversaries.

Trump is great at energizing the American people. Biden is a joke when he gets in front of people. Liable to say anything screwed up like not even knowing the difference between his wife and his sister.

Is Biden an idiot thinking he is a better choice than Trump? Must be.

Anybody would have to be a moron to vote for that shithead failure Biden over the successful Trump, wouldn't they?

Moon Bats are morons, aren't they?
America yearns for the stable leadership of the Obama/Biden days
America yearns for riots and neighborhoods being burnt by left wing radicals that rampaged during the Obama yrs ?? ok idiot !

Whoever succeeds Trump is going to have to make one hell of an apology tour.
Pence will run on the Trump doctrine in 2024 and win ! Pence will be the next POTUS after Trump in 2024 !

Trump supporters should not get too confident. Yes, if the Dems were foolish enough to actually nominate Joe, it would be a blow out win for Trump. But, there is no way that is going to happen. He is acting as a placeholder until whatever it is they have cooked up works itself out. Clinton? Hell, even Al Gore would be 100% better than Old Joe.
What makes this clown Biden think he can win against Trump?

Biden was part of an administration that had increased poverty, decreased family income, raised taxes, had $10 trillion in debt, increased income disparity, had dismal economic growth, screwed up health care, let millions of illegals flood in, gave away the store to the Muslims, kissed Castro's ass, incited racial turmoil, increased the size of government, increased regulations, weakened the US military and pretty much made us the laughing stock of the world with a weak foreign policy.

Meanwhile Trump is winning every day with a great economy, lower taxes, more family income, lower welfare, record low unemployment (273K jobs created in Feb), stronger military, sealed border, fewer regulations and respect from our allies and adversaries.

Trump is great at energizing the American people. Biden is a joke when he gets in front of people. Liable to say anything screwed up like not even knowing the difference between his wife and his sister.

Is Biden an idiot thinking he is a better choice than Trump? Must be.

Anybody would have to be a moron to vote for that shithead failure Biden over the successful Trump, wouldn't they?

Moon Bats are morons, aren't they?
America yearns for the stable leadership of the Obama/Biden days
America yearns for riots and neighborhoods being burnt by left wing radicals that rampaged during the Obama yrs ?? ok idiot !

Whoever succeeds Trump is going to have to make one hell of an apology tour.
Pence will run on the Trump doctrine in 2024 and win ! Pence will be the next POTUS after Trump in 2024 !
That’s a good one

Pence is boring as hell. He will never hold another office.
What makes this clown Biden think he can win against Trump?

Biden was part of an administration that had increased poverty, decreased family income, raised taxes, had $10 trillion in debt, increased income disparity, had dismal economic growth, screwed up health care, let millions of illegals flood in, gave away the store to the Muslims, kissed Castro's ass, incited racial turmoil, increased the size of government, increased regulations, weakened the US military and pretty much made us the laughing stock of the world with a weak foreign policy.

Meanwhile Trump is winning every day with a great economy, lower taxes, more family income, lower welfare, record low unemployment (273K jobs created in Feb), stronger military, sealed border, fewer regulations and respect from our allies and adversaries.

Trump is great at energizing the American people. Biden is a joke when he gets in front of people. Liable to say anything screwed up like not even knowing the difference between his wife and his sister.

Is Biden an idiot thinking he is a better choice than Trump? Must be.

Anybody would have to be a moron to vote for that shithead failure Biden over the successful Trump, wouldn't they?

Moon Bats are morons, aren't they?
America yearns for the stable leadership of the Obama/Biden days
America yearns for riots and neighborhoods being burnt by left wing radicals that rampaged during the Obama yrs ?? ok idiot !

Whoever succeeds Trump is going to have to make one hell of an apology tour.
Pence will run on the Trump doctrine in 2024 and win ! Pence will be the next POTUS after Trump in 2024 !
That’s a good one

Pence is boring as hell. He will never hold another office.
unlike the idiot left we dont vote on looks skin color or gender we vote on substance and policy ! and Pence is no snowflake in a debate ! he destroyed Kaine Pence is far from boring ! he's just being a good VP and staying in the background quietly working to help the POTUS ! in other words hes doing his job as VP ! 'It wasn’t a pretty night for Tim Kaine': reaction to the vice-presidential debate
The Democrats are so divided, they couldn't elect a janitor without breaking into a fractious argument over rights or pay or sexuality or handedness or how many angels can dance on the head of a pin without imploding. We Republicans , we just want someone that can do the freakin' JOB.
What makes this clown Biden think he can win against Trump?

Biden was part of an administration that had increased poverty, decreased family income, raised taxes, had $10 trillion in debt, increased income disparity, had dismal economic growth, screwed up health care, let millions of illegals flood in, gave away the store to the Muslims, kissed Castro's ass, incited racial turmoil, increased the size of government, increased regulations, weakened the US military and pretty much made us the laughing stock of the world with a weak foreign policy.

Meanwhile Trump is winning every day with a great economy, lower taxes, more family income, lower welfare, record low unemployment (273K jobs created in Feb), stronger military, sealed border, fewer regulations and respect from our allies and adversaries.

Trump is great at energizing the American people. Biden is a joke when he gets in front of people. Liable to say anything screwed up like not even knowing the difference between his wife and his sister.

Is Biden an idiot thinking he is a better choice than Trump? Must be.

Anybody would have to be a moron to vote for that shithead failure Biden over the successful Trump, wouldn't they?

Moon Bats are morons, aren't they?
America yearns for the stable leadership of the Obama/Biden days
America yearns for riots and neighborhoods being burnt by left wing radicals that rampaged during the Obama yrs ?? ok idiot !

Whoever succeeds Trump is going to have to make one hell of an apology tour.
Pence will run on the Trump doctrine in 2024 and win ! Pence will be the next POTUS after Trump in 2024 !

Trump supporters should not get too confident. Yes, if the Dems were foolish enough to actually nominate Joe, it would be a blow out win for Trump. But, there is no way that is going to happen. He is acting as a placeholder until whatever it is they have cooked up works itself out. Clinton? Hell, even Al Gore would be 100% better than Old Joe.

What is going to happen when all those idiot Berniebros start rioting when they figure out the DNC screwed them again? They will disrupt the Moon Bat Convention and not wanting to vote for whoever the DNC has ordained, especially an idiot like this Biden clown.

The Party of Moon Bats is pretty well fucked with the Communists splintering off.
Careful. While you were busy guanosplatting and commutating there something flew off with your moon.
What makes this clown Biden think he can win against Trump?

Biden was part of an administration that had increased poverty, decreased family income, raised taxes, had $10 trillion in debt, increased income disparity, had dismal economic growth, screwed up health care, let millions of illegals flood in, gave away the store to the Muslims, kissed Castro's ass, incited racial turmoil, increased the size of government, increased regulations, weakened the US military and pretty much made us the laughing stock of the world with a weak foreign policy.

Meanwhile Trump is winning every day with a great economy, lower taxes, more family income, lower welfare, record low unemployment (273K jobs created in Feb), stronger military, sealed border, fewer regulations and respect from our allies and adversaries.

Trump is great at energizing the American people. Biden is a joke when he gets in front of people. Liable to say anything screwed up like not even knowing the difference between his wife and his sister.

Is Biden an idiot thinking he is a better choice than Trump? Must be.

Anybody would have to be a moron to vote for that shithead failure Biden over the successful Trump, wouldn't they?

Moon Bats are morons, aren't they?
America yearns for the stable leadership of the Obama/Biden days
America yearns for riots and neighborhoods being burnt by left wing radicals that rampaged during the Obama yrs ?? ok idiot !

Whoever succeeds Trump is going to have to make one hell of an apology tour.
Pence will run on the Trump doctrine in 2024 and win ! Pence will be the next POTUS after Trump in 2024 !
I think it will be Nikki Haley on the Trump doctrine. She will be the first woman president. And a Republican.
The end of trump is near.

Super Tuesday tally: Biden wins 4 states, Sanders takes 2

When you are so scared of an opponent that you have to break the law and get impeached, it's time to think about what you are going to do when your presidency is over. Biden is coming and he is going to whip trumps ass. Along with Biden will come two hydrogen bombs named Obama and they are going to be fired up to blast trump into oblivion. The time is coming to an end for trump. Live it up while you can trump lovers...

Even if he came for him, he probably wouldn't recognize him when he got there.
Be like "where am I, and who are you" ? That'll be Biden soon, but the left doesn't care about that, other than what they can control through a Biden presidency. A "FIGUREHEAD" is all they want.
Is that all you got? Comon, your GRU Handler has better crap than that, comrade.

uhhhh, no pal, I think you meant to ask yourself that question. I got Trump.

You see the economy since 2017, you see the jobs since 2018, you see China getting put in check for the 1st time since early 70s, you see how the private sector invested in America in ways they refused to do under Obama. I got Trump.


Because "all you got" is dude who recently stepped up to a podium, then proclaimed, 'Hello. I'm Joe Biden, and I'm running for the U.S. Senate!'

I bet that was the deal-breaker for "all you got" in Biden, eh? Or was it, how cool he looked when mistaking his sister for his wife?

The economy had been growing from 2009 on. trump had nothing to do with it. trump has created fewer jobs than Obama and we really don't have china in check. Our allies in the G7 are hoping we don't re elect trump. trump has been a failed president, you would be unwise to give him 4 more years. I think I'd rather have the guy who wasn't looking when he pointed to where he thought his wife and sister were than the idiot who thinks Putin and Kim Jung Un are his friends.
Hmmm, so much so that they may have released the Corona virus in hopes to stop the American's from asking for anything else in order to be fair in trade policy ???
trump is going to lose flacaltenn. Biden is far too skilled on public policy for trump. Talking shit at rallies is not a policy discussion. Biden will destroy trump in the debates.
Sanders vs Trump would have been a massacre in favor of Trump

Biden vs. Trump is a toss up
Sanders is the only one who can beat Trump.

Sanders is the only Dem Trump can beat

So you think there's a diff between the "assisted living" candidate and the "Bread lines are a GOOD thing" candidate? Personally think the DNC and superdelegates are gonna pick his VP for him. Because UNLIKE TRUMP, Biden is REAL candidate for a 25th amendment removal by the people around him.. For fun -- I'd guess IF he's elected, the powers pulling the puppet strings on this weak minded geezer would 25th him before his 3rd year starts and install the "shadow president" VP as part of the scheme...
trump is going to lose flacaltenn. Biden is far too skilled on public policy for trump. Talking shit at rallies is not a policy discussion. Biden will destroy trump in the debates.

Biden is far too skilled on public policy for trump.

That's funny!
Do you write for Trevor Noah?

Biden will destroy trump in the debates.

Because of his excellent grasp of the Declaration of Independence?
trump is going to lose flacaltenn. Biden is far too skilled on public policy for trump. Talking shit at rallies is not a policy discussion. Biden will destroy trump in the debates.

Listen friend, Biden is not what he used to be.. And he wasn't that coherent back then either. I have NOT HEARD ANY KIND of "broad spectrum" policy proposals from him and I TOTALLY doubt he could explain them if someone else HANDED them to him,..

We need problem solvers and trouble shooters. We need YOUNGER and more mentally agile candidates. The rest of your sinking primary season is gonna sound like the 3PM food fight at an assisted living place...

Those debates were AWESOMELY VOID of any substance and gonna get worse as the 2 geezers talk past each other and dont land any punches or make any impressions on REASONABLE voters...
trump is going to lose flacaltenn. Biden is far too skilled on public policy for trump. Talking shit at rallies is not a policy discussion. Biden will destroy trump in the debates.

Biden is far too skilled on public policy for trump.

That's funny!
Do you write for Trevor Noah?

Biden will destroy trump in the debates.

Because of his excellent grasp of the Declaration of Independence?

Biden can't keep a coherent thought in a speech.

These claims are those of a panicked mind.

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