Biden is coming for trump

The end of trump is near.

Super Tuesday tally: Biden wins 4 states, Sanders takes 2

When you are so scared of an opponent that you have to break the law and get impeached, it's time to think about what you are going to do when your presidency is over. Biden is coming and he is going to whip trumps ass. Along with Biden will come two hydrogen bombs named Obama and they are going to be fired up to blast trump into oblivion. The time is coming to an end for trump. Live it up while you can trump lovers...

Even if he came for him, he probably wouldn't recognize him when he got there.
He will recognize trump just fine. Maybe by then we find out the oranges of the investigation.

You seem to think you know the future.

You really are not that clever.

I have the right to predict a trump loss just as much as you guys have been predicting a second term for trump since the day after his inauguration. It's just that I am predicting based on facts and not wishes and fake news from the RWM.
A REAL winner learns to be a gracious loser first and is a gracious winner. Rump is not gracious about anything and neither are you. But it's time to teach you and rump what losing is all about and I suspect that you are going to be anything BUT gracious. About a gracious of a loser as you are a gracious winner. It's going to be an entertaining time ahead.
Your assessment of Trumps lack of graciousness is spot on. Trump is a very good POTUS, but also an obnoxious asshole.

Now tell me about the Democrats graciousness. Do you hear the shit coming out of their pie holes?

At least Trump isn't so bad he tries to undo elections.

He doesn't threaten SCOTUS members.

He doesn't cheer for Americas enemies.

He DC doesn't rip up SOTU speeches on live tv in a petulant tantrum.

Of course not, he just lies about 20,000 times.
The end of trump is near.

Super Tuesday tally: Biden wins 4 states, Sanders takes 2

When you are so scared of an opponent that you have to break the law and get impeached, it's time to think about what you are going to do when your presidency is over. Biden is coming and he is going to whip trumps ass. Along with Biden will come two hydrogen bombs named Obama and they are going to be fired up to blast trump into oblivion. The time is coming to an end for trump. Live it up while you can trump lovers...

Even if he came for him, he probably wouldn't recognize him when he got there.
He will recognize trump just fine. Maybe by then we find out the oranges of the investigation.

You seem to think you know the future.

You really are not that clever.

I have the right to predict a trump loss just as much as you guys have been predicting a second term for trump since the day after his inauguration. It's just that I am predicting based on facts and not wishes and fake news from the RWM.

You don't have any facts. You seem to think that somehow the Obama's are going to make a difference when Obama is the reason we have Trump to begin with. You throw some shit up and somehow call it an argument.

You are a moron.

If I judged a race based on one really big moron, I'd have a low opinion of blacks.

But I don't, so I don't.
The end of trump is near.

Super Tuesday tally: Biden wins 4 states, Sanders takes 2

When you are so scared of an opponent that you have to break the law and get impeached, it's time to think about what you are going to do when your presidency is over. Biden is coming and he is going to whip trumps ass. Along with Biden will come two hydrogen bombs named Obama and they are going to be fired up to blast trump into oblivion. The time is coming to an end for trump. Live it up while you can trump lovers...

Do you wish to put your money where your mouth is? Loser leaves the forum for good? I am willing to wager my membership here that Biden loses in a major way....what say ye???
The end of trump is near.

Super Tuesday tally: Biden wins 4 states, Sanders takes 2

When you are so scared of an opponent that you have to break the law and get impeached, it's time to think about what you are going to do when your presidency is over. Biden is coming and he is going to whip trumps ass. Along with Biden will come two hydrogen bombs named Obama and they are going to be fired up to blast trump into oblivion. The time is coming to an end for trump. Live it up while you can trump lovers...

Do you wish to put your money where your mouth id? Loser leaves the forum for good? I am willing to wager my membership here that Biden loses in a major way....what say ye???

Already tried.

He's to much of a pussy to take on the wager.
Biden is coming for trump

The economy had been growing from 2009 on. trump had nothing to do with it. trump has created fewer jobs than Obama and we really don't have china in check. Our allies in the G7 are hoping we don't re elect trump. trump has been a failed president, you would be unwise to give him 4 more years. I think I'd rather have the guy who wasn't looking when he pointed to where he thought his wife and sister were than the idiot who thinks Putin and Kim Jung Un are his friends.

Our allies in the G7 want a marionette-USA since 1996-'98 as they always want us with a, Politician, as the U.S. President ---so of course they think like you and hope Trump is not re-elected. And don't forget, the idiot Obama said things to show that he viewed Putin as his friend as well. Remember the hot mic vid that you always steer clear of, addressing, it has now come to haunt you here re: your horrid hypocrisy? You Dems are simply too, deceitful, in your quest to defeat Trump ---so it cannot ever happen.

And as always I must remind you, again, that you can tell lies on President Trump but you can't tell lies on the facts:

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I have the right to predict a trump loss just as much as you guys have been predicting a second term for trump since the day after his inauguration. It's just that I am predicting based on facts and not wishes and fake news from the RWM.
Its not s right. You have no choice.
If Trump doesn't die or decide to quit, he will win in 2020. The only issue is can he bring along a few Senate and House seats with him when he does, and that doesn't look like it's going to be a lot. The GOP doesn't have anything long term that appeals to the majority of Trump voters, which should be the concern for many, especially moderates and real patriots; the lunatic Right is no more appealing than the Lunatic Left is, so unless one wants a repeat of the 1920's Wiemar Republic moderates and conservatives need to get busy while Trump is still in office forming a genuine American party to oppose the violent racist Democrats' coalition of traitors and scum and deviants.
Pink Participation trophies and avoidance of score keeping (least you melt) gets you Nowhere in life. You are not motivated to win and don’t know how to lose andd this is shown by the liberal insanity which followed the Trump victory

You call that a victory? Beating Hillary barely? Just about any of the Reps running orginaly could have mopped the floor with her without resorting to the dirt. Sorry, won't work twice.
/——/ Barely??? It was a wipeout.
Donald J. Trump won the Electoral College with 304 votes compared to 227 votes for Hillary Clinton.
I don't think President Trump is afraid of Biden.

He is not afraid in any way, shape, or form.

That's my opinion.:04:
Of course he is. That is what the Ukraine fuss was about.

I suppose the Democrats must be terrified of Trump getting re-elected. That is what the whole impeachment thing was all about.
Any intelligent, thinking person should be terrified.
If Trump doesn't die or decide to quit, he will win in 2020. The only issue is can he bring along a few Senate and House seats with him when he does, and that doesn't look like it's going to be a lot. The GOP doesn't have anything long term that appeals to the majority of Trump voters, which should be the concern for many, especially moderates and real patriots; the lunatic Right is no more appealing than the Lunatic Left is, so unless one wants a repeat of the 1920's Wiemar Republic moderates and conservatives need to get busy while Trump is still in office forming a genuine American party to oppose the violent racist Democrats' coalition of traitors and scum and deviants.
You seem to be confident of Trump winning in 2020. Your confidence is based on what exactly? Show us something.
If Trump doesn't die or decide to quit, he will win in 2020. The only issue is can he bring along a few Senate and House seats with him when he does, and that doesn't look like it's going to be a lot. The GOP doesn't have anything long term that appeals to the majority of Trump voters, which should be the concern for many, especially moderates and real patriots; the lunatic Right is no more appealing than the Lunatic Left is, so unless one wants a repeat of the 1920's Wiemar Republic moderates and conservatives need to get busy while Trump is still in office forming a genuine American party to oppose the violent racist Democrats' coalition of traitors and scum and deviants.
You seem to be confident of Trump winning in 2020. Your confidence is based on what exactly? Show us something.

All the facts are there; just because some Democrat wants to snivel about it doesn't mean I give a shit what you deviants think or run around demanding from me. I only take serious questions from serious posters, not Democrats, commies, deviants, and assorted traitors.
If Trump doesn't die or decide to quit, he will win in 2020. The only issue is can he bring along a few Senate and House seats with him when he does, and that doesn't look like it's going to be a lot. The GOP doesn't have anything long term that appeals to the majority of Trump voters, which should be the concern for many, especially moderates and real patriots; the lunatic Right is no more appealing than the Lunatic Left is, so unless one wants a repeat of the 1920's Wiemar Republic moderates and conservatives need to get busy while Trump is still in office forming a genuine American party to oppose the violent racist Democrats' coalition of traitors and scum and deviants.
You seem to be confident of Trump winning in 2020. Your confidence is based on what exactly? Show us something.

All the facts are there; just because some Democrat wants to snivel about it doesn't mean I give a shit what you deviants think or run around demanding from me. I only take serious questions from serious posters, not Democrats, commies, deviants, and assorted traitors.

It is beyond the mental capacity of someone suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome to meet your criteria.

Suggesting that Trump won't win with his great record of achievement and tremendous public support is a manifestation of the TDS mental health affliction. These traitorous Moon Bats are still living in the world where they run around with their pink pussy hats howling at the sky dreaming up nefarious ways to remove Trump from office using Democrat Dirty Tricks..
That asshole Biden is like a crazy and creepy uncle you dread seeing during the holidays but is at least good for a laugh.

Biden's IQ is trending towards potato at this point. Of course that makes him the typical Democrat.
Biden is like all Democrats. A dullard that wants to tax, tax, tax, take away freedoms, don't stand up for American Christian values, wants to take away our Constitutional freedoms, love the illegals because they are a future Democrat voting base, hate the notion of hard work and creating something from the ground up (i.e. businesses), FSA everything and make decisions based on feelings instead of facts.

The DNC thinks that he is a moderate who can be elected. Then far left will appoint his handlers, then figuratively put him in an old folks home and then take control.

Kinda of like what they did with Obama. Obama was a joke. More qualified to be a shoeshine boy than President. However, they used him being a Negro to get him elected by all the Negroes, who voted their race and welfare checks, aided by some pretty damn confused pussy ass White Guilts and then appointed his handlers, like Valery Jarrett.
If Trump doesn't die or decide to quit, he will win in 2020. The only issue is can he bring along a few Senate and House seats with him when he does, and that doesn't look like it's going to be a lot. The GOP doesn't have anything long term that appeals to the majority of Trump voters, which should be the concern for many, especially moderates and real patriots; the lunatic Right is no more appealing than the Lunatic Left is, so unless one wants a repeat of the 1920's Wiemar Republic moderates and conservatives need to get busy while Trump is still in office forming a genuine American party to oppose the violent racist Democrats' coalition of traitors and scum and deviants.
You seem to be confident of Trump winning in 2020. Your confidence is based on what exactly? Show us something.

All the facts are there; just because some Democrat wants to snivel about it doesn't mean I give a shit what you deviants think or run around demanding from me. I only take serious questions from serious posters, not Democrats, commies, deviants, and assorted traitors.

It is beyond the mental capacity of someone suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome to meet your criteria.

Suggesting that Trump won't win with his great record of achievement and tremendous public support is a manifestation of the TDS mental health affliction. These traitorous Moon Bats are still living in the world where they run around with their pink pussy hats howling at the sky dreaming up nefarious ways to remove Trump from office using Democrat Dirty Tricks..
Most voters don`t consider enlarging our budget deficit, trade deficit and legalizing the extortion of foreign governments as great records of achievement. Dear Leader`s reign is likely coming to an end.
Biden Vs Trump 2020 Election Polls Released - Brace For A Blue Wave
RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Biden

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