Biden Is Destroying America In The Eyes Of The World

What freedoms are declining? List a few.
The surveillance and security state is near everywhere. The demanding of identification, credit cards in most things to do. Cash reduced to certain ways of use and the potential to be monitored increased drastically. The ability of government to shut our lives down if we disagree with their dictums.

Trump's criminal life did not begin because of Soros. It started in 1973. It is just catching up with him, now.

The Rule of Law is catching up with him. And the SDNY is an expert in dealing with white collar crime, which is exactly what the felonies Trump committed, all 34 of them, are.

He has more serious cases to deal with in Georgia, Florida, and DC when they happen.

Rule of Law. All Americans have to live by it.
The surveillance and security state is near everywhere. The demanding of identification, credit cards in most things to do. Cash reduced to certain ways of use and the potential to be monitored increased drastically. The ability of government to shut our lives down if we disagree with their dictums.
Oh, boy, the virtual world some of you live in.

Come back to reality.
It's quite amazing to see how much our country has gone downhill in the past 2 years. The day after the Biden administration took over our country has changed more in the past 2 years than it has in the past 15 years.

I'm 48 and this isn't the same country I grew up in. I'm taken a back by things that are common practice and acceptable that I wouldn't have believed as a kid. We aren't lost yet, but we're getting to the end of the rope.

Very true. With this (yet another) attack on our front runner for President, we are just about to three choices now:

* Capitulate and let the commies take over the entire country.
* Separate this country into two countries instead, one for them, and another for real Americans.
* Kill each other in a civil war.

The left has made us their mortal enemies and it's time we realize it before it's too late.
Very true. With this (yet another) attack on our front runner for President, we are just about to three choices now:

* Capitulate and let the commies take over the entire country.
* Separate this country into two countries instead, one for them, and another for real Americans.
* Kill each other in a civil war.

The left has made us their mortal enemies and it's time we realize it before it's too late.
It will take at least 50 years to accomplish, but I vote for the middle one. We are too divergent to be a unified country. We need one for the Communist-types who support prosecuting and imprisoning those who dissent, and another one for patriots who love the freedoms America used to have.
It will take at least 50 years to accomplish, but I vote for the middle one. We are too divergent to be a unified country. We need one for the Communist-types who support prosecuting and imprisoning those who dissent, and another one for patriots who love the freedoms America used to have.

The problem is it may be too late in 50 years. Dementia is flooding our country with illegals and people of color are renown for major support of the Democrat party. It's why the borders are so wide open.
The problem is it may be too late in 50 years. Dementia is flooding our country with illegals and people of color are renown for major support of the Democrat party. It's why the borders are so wide open.

We have to get Trump back in, and begin moving on it. I’m just saying it’s a massive undertaking that will take generations to finish.

Then it will be a small patriotic country on one hand, and a large country of impoverished, dependent people on the other.
There is not an interested person anywhere in the world that doubts Trump is a corrupt fatcat POS. Some people like you are just willing to overlook all the chicanery like he's some kind of divine right to rule monarch answerable only to God. This is America, we fought a revolution because we didn't want a king anymore.

And now we have a dictator.
He helped Hillary's campaign, and he helped Obama get elected. He's been a major contributor to every Democrat in Washington.
He's behind just about every screwed city official in the country.
He never meets with them....he just props up their campaigns.
Whomever he gets elected destroys the city they're put in charge of.
Sorry if you're tired of hearing about that.

He made $6,000,000,000.00 off of the 2008 recession alone.
That's why he can afford to elect lousy politicians who only end up screwing everything up.
Because he's a hedgefunder who makes money off of chaos and destruction.

6 countries have had the good sense to ban him and his "foundations."

Including his home country.
America needs to elect a proud American who is also a libertarian. People characterize Trump as a fascist, but he did begin his administration quite libertarian-like. It wasn't until the constant attacks against him that he became more hostile and rabid. The Neo-Cons and media essentially wore him down. Instead of acknowledging that Americans have legitimate concerns and addressing them, the GOP remained rigid and have assured a Dem will win the WH in 2024.
Fascists are leftists. As usual, they blame someone else for what they are and do.
Hostile and rabid? He simply pushes back against the America hating left. He is the ONLY one looking out for Americans, so not sure what planet you live on.

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