Biden is eviscerating Trump - Live!

Biden lists the problems caused by the lockdown. Then says they aren't caused by the lockdown. Biden looks old and defeated. He is clinging to Democrat lies. Like all democrats.
LOL.. Biden is hellava lot more coherent that Trump is.
Hmmmm you must think alike. Both enemies.
LOL.. coming from someone who routinely posts they would rather support a take over of this country by Putin than vote for a Democrat. Screw you, Quisling.
while you support a takeover by soros and the marxist clan?

fuck off, chicken little.
Well, well, well. The INTERNATIONAL Association of Chiefs of Police is coming out in favor of Joe Biden.
It's a gang of crooked cops beholden to foreign interests. Interpol, Bilderberg, Trilateral, NATO, the Establishment.
geriatrics supporting geriatrics---just saying
Good Job, Joe. Tell the world just want a pathetic president Trump is.

Democrats have decided to allow cities to burn, ruin millions of lives by shutting down businesses and schools, wrongly called America a racist country all to win an election. How proud you must be.
Christ you people are brain dead....

You beat me by 1 minute.
Why do you lie ... REPEATEDLY with no credible links?
Is that what "many people are saying"? :icon_rolleyes:
There's nothing to lie about.
Biden admitted to the quid pro quo publicly.
@ 2:10

Your video had nothing to do with China which wasn't even mentioned. STOP LYING

Burisma has been mentioned.
Even Joe Hiden mentioned them.
Christ you people are brain dead....

You beat me by 1 minute.
Why do you lie ... REPEATEDLY with no credible links?
Is that what "many people are saying"? :icon_rolleyes:
There's nothing to lie about.
Biden admitted to the quid pro quo publicly.
@ 2:10

Your video had nothing to do with China which wasn't even mentioned. STOP LYING

Lying? Pretty sure you’re the expert on that. Should I paste the convalescent plasma thread Th at you conveniently ran from?
Biden lists the problems caused by the lockdown. Then says they aren't caused by the lockdown. Biden looks old and defeated. He is clinging to Democrat lies. Like all democrats.
LOL.. Biden is hellava lot more coherent that Trump is.
Hmmmm you must think alike. Both enemies.
LOL.. coming from someone who routinely posts they would rather support a take over of this country by Putin than vote for a Democrat. Screw you, Quisling.
while you support a takeover by soros and the marxist clan?

fuck off, chicken little.
Soros and the Marxist clan????? :102:
The poor thing can't string two sentences together! Yup he's "eviscerating" Trump al right.
Joe doesn't know how it is. Not unless his handlers and managers write it our for him.
He's a sad brain damaged loser.
Christ Stirewalt has it right, Biden just received softball questions.
#1--fake news network---journalists are totally biased
#2--BEIJING joe didnt write any of that
All of the above!

Biden's reading of the teleprompter was again barely successful. He got the scripted message out.

When it came time for Q&A, he AGAIN kept looking to his left so his handlers could let him know which of the handpicked "journalists" would be asking the next softball question.

Many of the questions were prefaced by the "journalist's" derogatory opinion of President Trump and the followed by an expectation of embellishment by Biden.

It is blatantly obvious that the questions were approved, if not actually scripted by Biden's handlers. Even Sleepy Joe's answers seemed to have been rehearsed.

The main reason Prissy Nancy doesn't want any debates to occur between Trump and Biden is that on the debate stage, none of this shit will be available. No teleprompter, no foreknowledge of questions (unless Donna Brazile gets hold of them), no input by his handlers into the wording of questions...Joe will have to stand alone against the moderators...and President Trump.
who really gives a shit what prune face pill-osi wants? this POS is a lawbreaker and ---lets put the blame on someone else, i was set up...what a piece of garbage this douchebag...and you demoncrats enjoy this POS? wow
honestly, who does this ugly bat think IT is?
Hey all you brain dead sycophantic GroppenFuhrer Followers.

What you shit birds be doing right this very now if a President Obama or a President HRC had shut down Stars and Stripes.....

GroppenFuhrer Seig Heil!!

GroppenFuhrer Seig Heil!!

GroppenFuhrer Seig Heil????
Good Job, Joe. Tell the world just want a pathetic president Trump is.

What exactly are you trying to say? I really doubt " the world" needs Biden to tell it the status of our fine president which is really good because he is clueless and would forget what he was talking about halfway through the sentence in any case.

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