Biden is going to wag the dog and go to war with Russia because his net approval is down 30 points in a year?

If he didnt you wankers would accuse him of being chicken.
British history as the world main power is of interfering as the so-called policeman. In fact, you did not mind seeing your children die in conflicts. Americans have been conditioned over a century by globalists to be approving of international wars. Many who left war overs like Britain and other Euro nations and other parts of the world came here to forge a life without massive government interference with opportunity as a lottery ticket. Politics of course divided us up into what they partition us off into. Progs held the war mantra until Viet Nam from the ending of our Republic in 1913. Bloody they were. Then RINOS/NEO CONS took the mantra as leaders from there. Now it seems the Progs are back in the War game as leaders.
Seems like Putin is the one wagging the dog since he’s the one amassing troops along the border with Ukraine.

Uncle Pooty sees himself as the Soviet Lincoln. He wants to put their union, the Soviet Union, back together just like Honest Abe put our Union back together.

Since America has a weak link in office now, it looks like a good opportunity for him. Particularly as he has dirt on the Biden Family that they don't want exposed.
This is what Biden is doing, or rather the why, he is a traitor, a naked traitor to the United States, along with his finger painting crackhead son Hunter! What the fuck do you think they were trading Chinese intel for those tens of millions of dollars???? This is what Russia/Ukraine is all about....

Is this where Biden tries to sniff his dog's ass and gets bit?
Biden mistakes dog for 12 year old girl.

This is a poor strategy.

Biden is going to get Americans killed defending UKRAINE'S border....but will not secure the US border?


Biden is wagging the dog. Putin is also wagging the dog.

Personally, I think they're both wagging the same dog. We still have no idea what those two talked about during their big "meeting." Maybe they're both working together to fool everyone into thinking we need a war to solve both Russia's and America's crappy economies. What do they care?

Isn't that what Democrats have traditionally done in the past? The Democrats bombarding Ft. Sumter and starting the Civil War, Wilson dragging us into WW1, FDR with WW2, Truman with the Korean War, JFK and LBJ ratcheting up the Vietnam War, and GW's War on Terror.

Of course GW was a Republican, but by today's standards, he might as well been a fuckin' Democrat.
This is a poor strategy.

Biden is going to get Americans killed defending UKRAINE'S border....but will not secure the US border?

NYETO Immigration

José Bideño deplores Putin for not having open borders for NATO troops to invade. El Presidente wants everybody to follow the American example of letting regiments of leeches cross our borders.
So Trumper/Republicans are fine with Putin gobbling up yet another country on his way to reconstituting the Soviet Union and starting a new cold war?
So Trumper/Republicans are fine with Putin gobbling up yet another country on his way to reconstituting the Soviet Union and starting a new cold war?
The Russian influence was before the Soviet Union. Putin is a nationalist. Biden is a globalist. Sold out for power and money a long time ago. Putin the nationalist is sold like the worst despots in history. He is not a great guy anyway. Trump was sold the same way. But with the morons in America not realizing we became great by protecting everything within our borders. Putin knows how his nation was carved by outside interests that caused the Russian revolution. A remarkable people pushed from one side to another by the luck of location and being a power.
So Trumper/Republicans are fine with Putin gobbling up yet another country on his way to reconstituting the Soviet Union and starting a new cold war?

Just like you stole Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, and California from Mexico, right? As well as when you stole all that land from the Native Americans.

Isn't that what you people have been repeating forever?
Just like you stole Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, and California from Mexico, right? As well as when you stole all that land from the Native Americans.

Isn't that what you people have been repeating forever?
"You people"?

So where are you from Jonny boy?

Iran? Russia?

"You people"?

So where are you from Jonny boy?

Iran? Russia?


Yer so fuckin' paranoid that you out of yer fuckin' mind. If everyone you disagree with looks like a fuckin' foreigner to you, why were you so adamantly opposed to Trump's wall and travel restrictions?

I'm a bona fide American land-owner, you idiot. I own property, Jack. 100 acres of wooded land with a three bedroom, two bath, two car garage, in a rural area of Wisconsin.

So how much of this country do you own? Oh, I'm sorry. Being an apartment-dweller doesn't count. And I'm from Arkansas: A place where they would either feed you to the hogs, or bury yer carcass somewhere in the piney woods.
Half the Conservatives are saying that Biden is a wimp if he doesn't send U.S. troops to defend Ukraine, the other half is saying that Biden is a war monger for defending Ukraine.


Conservatives - go have a pow wow and figure out which it is. You can't have it both ways.

Oh, I forgot. Conservative cognitive Dissonance will rule the day....

Half the Conservatives are saying that Biden is a wimp if he doesn't send U.S. troops to defend Ukraine, the other half is saying that Biden is a war monger for defending Ukraine.


Conservatives - go have a pow wow and figure out which it is. You can't have it both ways.

Oh, I forgot. Conservative cognitive Dissonance will rule the day....

Biden is the very definition of cognitive dissonance.
Yer so fuckin' paranoid that you out of yer fuckin' mind. If everyone you disagree with looks like a fuckin' foreigner to you, why were you so adamantly opposed to Trump's wall and travel restrictions?

I'm a bona fide American land-owner, you idiot. I own property, Jack. 100 acres of wooded land with a three bedroom, two bath, two car garage, in a rural area of Wisconsin.

So how much of this country do you own? Oh, I'm sorry. Being an apartment-dweller doesn't count. And I'm from Arkansas: A place where they would either feed you to the hogs, or bury yer carcass somewhere in the piney woods.
So how’d you come up with “you people” then?

And if you are a landowner in Wisconsin YOU are a beneficiary of what you decry

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