Biden is offering US weapons to communist nations in exchange for Ukraine aid

Of course Russia is fighting back against Ukraine getting US support. The US General is leveraging nearby countries to the US. Those 26 Latin [partnership] countries want and need new equipment for their own security. The outlook for Russia to supply parts for existing equipment (and new) may never happen. If so, it would be years away. This is a long term plan for the US and Democratic nation building. Not much Russia can do if agreements with the US are made.
All they can do is whine.
Of course Russia is fighting back against Ukraine getting US support. The US General is leveraging nearby countries to the US. Those 26 Latin [partnership] countries want and need new equipment for their own security. The outlook for Russia to supply parts for existing equipment (and new) may never happen. If so, it would be years away. This is a long term plan for the US and Democratic nation building. Not much Russia can do if agreements with the US are made.
In what fantasy world do you arm your enemies.
Of course Russia is fighting back against Ukraine getting US support. The US General is leveraging nearby countries to the US. Those 26 Latin [partnership] countries want and need new equipment for their own security. The outlook for Russia to supply parts for existing equipment (and new) may never happen. If so, it would be years away. This is a long term plan for the US and Democratic nation building. Not much Russia can do if agreements with the US are made.
Haha nation building with commie dictatorships and other super corrupt banana Republics. You fags hated this a generation ago now it's ok because a dem is POTUS so it has to be ok. Lol. The USA has no business in nation building you lying scumbag pos.
24:20 minutes in she talks about replacing those 9 countries' old Russian equipment and buying US equipment to replace it and donating the old to Ukraine. It isn't a swap. It's a sales pitch because the only bids those countries have are Chinese bids.

And go to 35 minutes in and she stresses a financing deal and that those 9 [partnership] countries won't be able to get parts for their Russian equipment (ala sanctions)
You said it was fake and now you say it's real. An then you spin it. Lol. I guess it isn't fake like you suggested 🤣
Haha nation building with commie dictatorships and other super corrupt banana Republics. You fags hated this a generation ago now it's ok because a dem is POTUS so it has to be ok. Lol. The USA has no business in nation building you lying scumbag pos.
Fuck off, twerp. I bet you didn't listen to that talk the General gave. If you did you would know what I said is true. Would you rather China getting the sales as opposed to the US? I bet you will cry for Russia. Asshole.
You said it was fake and now you say it's real. An then you spin it. Lol. I guess it isn't fake like you suggested 🤣
The OP stated "communist countries" Only one is associated with that. It's Cuba.
You provided the talks link and I repeated what it was about. Like I said, I doubt you listened to it for over an hour that it lasted.
The OP stated "communist countries" Only one is associated with that. It's Cuba.
You provided the talks link and I repeated what it was about. Like I said, I doubt you listened to it for over an hour that it lasted.
That's a lie. And it's USA meddling in other countries affairs. Which you leftist scum always said is bad and that's why 3rd world losers flock to to the USA. If we only stayed out of their way they would be wakanda and there would be no mass illegal immigration 😂
That's a lie. And it's USA meddling in other countries affairs. Which you leftist scum always said is bad and that's why 3rd world losers flock to to the USA. If we only stayed out of their way they would be wakanda and there would be no mass illegal immigration 😂
Oh, thats it. Now it's a lie. GFY
I remember when Dems used to stand up to arming Cuba…Kennedy was a brace man…

he’s rolling over in his grave as his party has decided to ally themselves with the Castros of the world and do what he stopped…arm them

this is the complete demafasict take over of the once proud Democratic party

No reasonable person thinks that Democrats ever did anything to be proud of.
Biden asked the Taliban if they would be willing to give some of the US weapons he gave them to Ukraine.

They offered to sell some of our weapons back to Joe & told him HE could then give the weapons to Ukraine

Joe reportedly asked if they would take a Chinese credit card...


.(It's a JOKE!)

Are you sure?

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