Biden is on TV lying and Blaming Republicans For Everything

But when asked a question, she frequently responds that she will circle back. Why not use this opportunity to cut out the middlewoman?

You're not used to having a whitehouse spokesperson actually speak for the president. You seem to forget that for several months the whitehouse spokeswoman, didn't speak.

White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said on "Fox & Friends" that she doesn't want to hold televised press briefings

Trump spox won't hold briefings due to reporters ... › Politics › News
After 47 years in Federal government Biden says it may take another 47 years to accomplish anything.
3,000 illegals PER DAY are flooding across the border and Biden has ordered them released into our communities after 72 hours without Covid testing. :oops: And they just caught a dozen Iranians trying to sneak in with the hordes :oops:
3,000 illegals PER DAY are flooding across the border and Biden has ordered them released into our communities after 72 hours without Covid testing. :oops: And they just caught a dozen Iranians trying to sneak in with the hordes :oops:
Well, with 3,000+ americans dying every day, 100,000 in January alone. over 400,000 under Trumps watch.
Call it population replacement if you want.
You're not used to having a whitehouse spokesperson actually speak for the president. You seem to forget that for several months the whitehouse spokeswoman, didn't speak.

White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said on "Fox & Friends" that she doesn't want to hold televised press briefings

Trump spox won't hold briefings due to reporters ... › Politics › News
I don't understand your point. Trump Admin had frequent press briefings with Sean Spicer, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Kayleigh McEnany et. al. hosting.

He also held frequent briefings himself, and he would answer dozens of questions the hostile press would sling at him. It was rare for him not to take questions afterwards. That's my recollection.

But you did clearly explain why I do not remember Grisham. :)
3,000 illegals PER DAY are flooding across the border and Biden has ordered them released into our communities after 72 hours without Covid testing. :oops: And they just caught a dozen Iranians trying to sneak in with the hordes :oops:
Well, with 3,000+ americans dying every day, 100,000 in January alone. over 400,000 under Trumps watch.
Call it population replacement if you want.

Have illegals raped or killed anyone you know?
3,000 illegals PER DAY are flooding across the border and Biden has ordered them released into our communities after 72 hours without Covid testing. :oops: And they just caught a dozen Iranians trying to sneak in with the hordes :oops:
Unless you can provide a viable link, it is fair to suspect you are a lying piece of shit.

Here you uninformed moron Biden administration’s CBP revives ‘catch and release’ policy at border amid COVID concerns | Fox News
I think the final count was that Trump told over 35,000 lies.
Name one that resonates with you, please.
That he won bigger in 2020 than he did in 2016.
That he was re-elected president in 2020
Thanks. That's debatable. Since all the evidence has not really been adjudicated, the world may never know what the truth is. Most lawsuits were dismissed on technicalities like "lack of standing" or not being "timely."
I don't understand your point. Trump Admin had frequent press briefings with Sean Spicer, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Kayleigh McEnany et. al. hosting.
White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said on "Fox & Friends" that she doesn't want to hold televised press briefings
3,000 illegals PER DAY are flooding across the border and Biden has ordered them released into our communities after 72 hours without Covid testing. :oops: And they just caught a dozen Iranians trying to sneak in with the hordes :oops:
Unless you can provide a viable link, it is fair to suspect you are a lying piece of shit.

Here you uninformed moron Biden administration’s CBP revives ‘catch and release’ policy at border amid COVID concerns | Fox News
He was quick to call you a liar. I guess he was so inclined to act like a child he could not do a quick search on "border crossings 3,000."

He probably won't like your Fox link. Here is Yahoo...

Biden touts partisan $2T stimulus plan; Dems shun GOP support

Biden touts partisan $2T stimulus plan; Dems shun GOP support

Biden is claiming his and Democrats' plan of destroying minority small businesses, putting tens of thousands of Americans out of work and adding $1.9 Trillion is the only thing preventing our recovery not coming until 2025, which the CBO said would happen by this summer without one dime being spent!

He calls putting Americans out of work, destroying American energy independence, making China and Russia stronger, allowing Terachers unions hold our kids hostage, and burrying the nation in another $2 Trillion in debt for a 'Short-Term' Fix 'The Great American Recovery'...

He also claimed he and Barry inherrited a bad economy from Bush when it was his fellow Democrats who had a near super-majority control of Congress (to include the budget, spending, & the economy) in the 2 years before Barry took over and fr the 1st 2 years Barry was in office.

The SOB said he wanted to create / resgtorejobs - he could do thateaily by restoring the joibs he just destroyed with a stroke of his pen in the midst of a pandemic and economy devastated by Democrat lockdowns.

...and of course,after he stops talking, he runs from questions like a scalded bitch....

Holy Crap!

This is crazy. Where is the unity he promised? We need to start somewhere.

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