Biden is releasing illegals without covid test.


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013

The Sheriff of Jackson Country in Texas is firing shots at the Biden Administration this week, and he’s hammering them for releasing illegals into the state without Covid tests.

Monday night on Tucker Carlson he said that it was “absolutely true” that the Biden Administration was releasing illegals into the state without testing.

It’s absolutely true,” Louderback said. “It’s even, if I can continue, Tucker, the memo, the memo that I received this last week, it’s essentially a defund the ICE by memo, by a memorandum that was sent out by David Borkowski on Jan. 20 or 21. So this is a particularly devastating document for Texans and Americans here in the United States. The message really has been sent, when I read it first and looked at it, it’s a message to the world, you can come here illegally, you could commit crimes here against Americans and remain here illegally.”

Meanwhile, the rest of us have to have a test to fly, to buy, to drive, etc.
My question is....which may be stupid, but I'll ask it anyway....why are the citizens of the USA allowing this to happen to us? ALL of it. The dictatorship, the vote cheating, a potus that is not a potus, a flu being funded with help that an enemy concocted, riots, antifa/blm running roughshod. What the hell happened to us?
My question is....which may be stupid, but I'll ask it anyway....why are the citizens of the USA allowing this to happen to us? ALL of it. The dictatorship, the vote cheating, a potus that is not a potus, a flu being funded with help that an enemy concocted, riots, antifa/blm running roughshod. What the hell happened to us?
dont sweat, biden will die any second
My question is....which may be stupid, but I'll ask it anyway....why are the citizens of the USA allowing this to happen to us? ALL of it. The dictatorship, the vote cheating, a potus that is not a potus, a flu being funded with help that an enemy concocted, riots, antifa/blm running roughshod. What the hell happened to us?

Excellent question, actually—and it is the very same one many Americans are currently asking themselves, I imagine.

The answer, I fear, is as easy as it is complicated. Some Americans—lots and lots of them—are paralyzed behaviorally within a cycle of shocked outrage, disbelief and denial. Our once greatest strength—the diamond hard values and principals of the men and women who fought and won the Great Wars—has become our kryptonite. This is the case because for the longest time we drew our inspiration from those two greatest generations. But now, with those generations forever recently gone, we are trapped in nostalgic yearning for their moral fortitude, wanting to live in that idyllic past of the 50's, 60's, 70's and 80's while the unprecedented evil of radical leftist sadism and yes, Satanism, is transforming our world forever. So many of us are stuck clinging to a past that is forever gone and the sheepdog generations of our parents and grandparents who are also forever gone, that we just can't process this reality where there is no one possessed of iron goodness and strength coming to rescue us; we must rescue ourselves or watch our civilization perish.

Another part of the answer, for you, is the generations (now) anti-violence propaganda drilled into us by our government. What I mean by that is for at least thirty years now every facet of authority or influence over us in this country has been brainwashing people into believing it is more socially unacceptable to defend one's life or property (or nation) than to allow one's self to be victimized. Remember how way back when we were young fistfights on school property or even in a bar parking lot were no big deal? Since then so many Americans have been conditioned to believe that lifting a hand in violence, even in self-defense, is comparable to the worst possible behavior imaginable. Meaning many Americans are far too terrified of what their government will do to them if they use harsh language in public, let alone fight back, even to save their own lives. Many of us have officially, and for some time now, been pacified.

A third part of the answer to your question is twofold. Americans at large are in love with enough stability in their lives to practice, on a daily basis, the hobbies they love most, although I suppose the term "hobby" is somewhat outdated by 2021. What I mean is Americans just want to have time and space in their lives to watch their sports, play their video games, surf social media, smoke pot, and play all day with their cell phones. Face it: Americans are like crack cocaine addicts when it comes to their electronic devices. We've been turned into 330 million cyber zombies. Zombified people don't tend to fight back against their tyrannical government leaders.

And finally, modern Americans at large just plain haven't got the guts (or the training) to actually organize and fight back; they've got to be led around by the nose by social media (You Tube) influencers. Americans need to be told what to do, what to watch, how to behave, and how to think. The self-sufficient American is just about gone extinct. Add to that no one, and I mean no one wants to be that guy or that girl who makes the first move against the government, thinking thousands or millions of other Americans will follow their example, only to end up in a black site CIA prison having learned Americans care more about watching Monday night football than fighting a war against tyranny like their Founding Fathers before them.
My question is....which may be stupid, but I'll ask it anyway....why are the citizens of the USA allowing this to happen to us? ALL of it. The dictatorship, the vote cheating, a potus that is not a potus, a flu being funded with help that an enemy concocted, riots, antifa/blm running roughshod. What the hell happened to us?
dont sweat, biden will die any second
That is not the problem (Biden). The problem is all of DC and the cabal. I think of Biden as a brain damaged person, being used even though he is an awful man before his dementia. It's like people in the middle east who holds children in front of themselves as shields. Biden is a shield and his death is just collateral damage. Harris is just as bad if not worse..she still has her marbles. What damage will SHE do? No. It is not those two. It is the mindset of every american to not do anything about the death of the USA that we are witnessing.

I'm mainly shocked at our military, who COULD do something but hasn't, regardless of what their superiors say. They swore an oath to our country..not to their commanders.
The Democrats are so desperate for more uneducated voters that they are illegally importing them.
The Racist Latino Nationalist AOC is now in charge of our immigration policy.

The Wuhan lab in china is now eligible for American taxpayer funding through at least 2024, courtesy of the
new Joe Biden administration.
Ted Cruz named his dog Snowflake. So now that is trending on twatter by libs. How dare he name his dog that!
Would anyone care if Ted Cruz had been playing Mario Kart instead of flying to Cancun?
Bill Gates in 2018: Let's block out the sun! Bill Gates in 2019: Let's donate to MIT using my pal Jeffrey Epstein as a cut-out! Bill Gates in 2020: Let's mandate vaccine passports if you want to travel anywhere! Bill Gates in 2021: Let's all eat synthetic beef!
My question is....which may be stupid, but I'll ask it anyway....why are the citizens of the USA allowing this to happen to us? ALL of it. The dictatorship, the vote cheating, a potus that is not a potus, a flu being funded with help that an enemy concocted, riots, antifa/blm running roughshod. What the hell happened to us?
You are 100 % correct . People know it's a fraud , they don't know what to do . You can't call the FBI, DOJ. What can ya Do? You can't vote them out , they control the voting machines. You can't protest or they will send the national guard after you ! You can't even bring the subject up without fear of being attacked or fired from your job. What are the options ?
My question is....which may be stupid, but I'll ask it anyway....why are the citizens of the USA allowing this to happen to us? ALL of it. The dictatorship, the vote cheating, a potus that is not a potus, a flu being funded with help that an enemy concocted, riots, antifa/blm running roughshod. What the hell happened to us?
dont sweat, biden will die any second
That is not the problem (Biden). The problem is all of DC and the cabal. I think of Biden as a brain damaged person, being used even though he is an awful man before his dementia. It's like people in the middle east who holds children in front of themselves as shields. Biden is a shield and his death is just collateral damage. Harris is just as bad if not worse..she still has her marbles. What damage will SHE do? No. It is not those two. It is the mindset of every american to not do anything about the death of the USA that we are witnessing.

I'm mainly shocked at our military, who COULD do something but hasn't, regardless of what their superiors say. They swore an oath to our country..not to their commanders.
If Flynn, and Rogers knew what was going on , yea why don't the military get involved .
My question is....which may be stupid, but I'll ask it anyway....why are the citizens of the USA allowing this to happen to us? ALL of it. The dictatorship, the vote cheating, a potus that is not a potus, a flu being funded with help that an enemy concocted, riots, antifa/blm running roughshod. What the hell happened to us?
dont sweat, biden will die any second
That is not the problem (Biden). The problem is all of DC and the cabal. I think of Biden as a brain damaged person, being used even though he is an awful man before his dementia. It's like people in the middle east who holds children in front of themselves as shields. Biden is a shield and his death is just collateral damage. Harris is just as bad if not worse..she still has her marbles. What damage will SHE do? No. It is not those two. It is the mindset of every american to not do anything about the death of the USA that we are witnessing.

I'm mainly shocked at our military, who COULD do something but hasn't, regardless of what their superiors say. They swore an oath to our country..not to their commanders.
If Flynn, and Rogers knew what was going on , yea why don't the military get involved .
Why didn't Trump call in the military when he was still potus? Was he worried they would not obey?

This has been planned on for 4 years...ever since Hillary lost. So they plotted. 4 years is a long time to make a plan and get others to join in. And it worked.
I'd say his immigration polices will sink his stupid ass.

Most Americans want all illegals out of our country since they cost up billions each year. Anyone who voted for his stupid ass will be regretting it.

Ask those in New Mexico. They voted Biden and on day one he promptly put over 11,000 in the unemployment line. I'd say those that voted for him in that State aren't happy.

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