Biden is sharper than he's made out to be, here's your proof

Joe will save us from climate change, he can do anything

Yep, two deputies ambushed and slow joe wants to talk about light bulbs and electric cars, unfreaking believable.


What did you expect. Biden doesn't give a rats ass about LEO's any more than he gives a shit about the military.

I hope you saw that list that's on this board of what he will do if elected. No same American would vote for that shit. Good Lord. His first act will be to raise taxes. I'm hoping Trump's campaign push's what Biden wants to do. Its a horror show of a list.
Joe will save us from climate change, he can do anything

Yes he can do most things and he will save us from climate change and the virus,

and not called our dead and disabled servicemen losers and suckers.

Climate change?? What a load of horse shit and Biden won't save you from the virus.

Its a pandemic shit for brains. It doesn't care which party you support. The virus will kill you just as it would kill anyone. Biden won't save you and you're a fool if you think he will. The virus doesn't care who's in the WH and it will kill many more. They predicted 3.2 million deaths in the US and thank God that prediction was way off. Trump has done a great job and I'd bet Biden would have done exactly what Trump did.

Oh wait. I forgot. You are a biased fool. Never mind.

And I thought I took things too literally :p
Joe will save us from climate change, he can do anything

Dems are lucky he can still read cue cards, and regurgitate answers from a teleprompter.

Guarantee someone is going to steal the debate questions and feed Joe canned answers.

Of course they are. Demorats are into leveling playing fields to their advantage, it's why they always cheat.

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