Biden issues an Executive Order creating a “Climate Corp” — but on what authority?

Fascinating. It was proposed on prior negotiations with Congress, but got dropped. See the above article.

So, let us ponder the question: on what legal basis and non what specific law does the President premise this Executive Order?

It’s not an idle question. A President isn’t a second national legislature. While Presidents can issue Executive Orders, their purpose has to be to further the law created by Congress. It’s the law, itself, that a Presidential EO is supposed to be connected to. The President cannot unilaterally make a law.

And in this Conservation Corp, there are going to be lots of people getting paid. When did our House pass any law authorizing such expenditures?

Finally, I have had zero luck so far even finding the fucking new EO.
Biden aint making these decisions ... the WH staff the majority of which are Obama officials are running the country .. the guy the idiots on the left voted for isnt running the country ... thats why it wont matter who the dim president is because they too will be mere puppets while the commies behind the curtain pull the strings ..thats why Biden says he will get into trouble if he doesnt follow the instructions given to him during press conferences .

Looks to me like the EPA's budget can be cut by 5 billion if they have that kind of money to be used as a slush fund. I say cut it by 15 billion....Just to be sure. ;)
I think getting rid of the EPA and the Education Dept entirely would save us trillions.
Biden aint making these decisions ... the WH staff the majority of which are Obama officials are running the country .. the guy the idiots on the left voted for isnt running the country ... thats why it wont matter who the dim president is because they too will be mere puppets while the commies behind the curtain pull the strings ..thats why Biden says he will get into trouble if he doesnt follow the instructions given to him during press conferences .


Dark Brandon is coming for YOU!!!

Dark Brandon is coming for YOU!!!
i hear he's been creeping around gas stations and grocery stores .😱


Fascinating. It was proposed on prior negotiations with Congress, but got dropped. See the above article.

So, let us ponder the question: on what legal basis and non what specific law does the President premise this Executive Order?

It’s not an idle question. A President isn’t a second national legislature. While Presidents can issue Executive Orders, their purpose has to be to further the law created by Congress. It’s the law, itself, that a Presidential EO is supposed to be connected to. The President cannot unilaterally make a law.

And in this Conservation Corp, there are going to be lots of people getting paid. When did our House pass any law authorizing such expenditures?

Finally, I have had zero luck so far even finding the fucking new EO.
Biden didn't care about having the authority on anything else so why should he start now?
Biden didn't care about having the authority on anything else so why should he start now?
He wouldn’t give a shit even if he understood. And he doesn’t. He is all brain dead and shit.

But as to why he SHOULD start now, the answer is clear: Fidelity to our Constitution.
He wouldn’t give a shit even if he understood. And he doesn’t. He is all brain dead and shit.

But as to why he SHOULD start now, the answer is clear: Fidelity to our Constitution.
Sure, when does that start for you maga fuckups.
Of course climate change isn't in the Constitution. They didn't know about it. Biden's fighting for a better future of the human race. Thank you Brandon.
Then there should be no problem letting the proposals come before the PEOPLE to be voted up or down. There is NOTHING in our founding docs that even hinted at giving bureaucrats the powers they have today.

Dark Brandon is coming for YOU!!!
Anyone who actually believes that senile old man is doing anything without instructions is a bigger idiot than should be walking free in public. I don't believe most Dems actually care at all WHO is running things as long as they get their dopamine bump from pre-programmed Trump hate sessions. Sick bunch of effing psychos that they are...
We could pass an Amendment banning Executive Orders. I'll vote for it.
I agree with you.
But Congress fails at most things, regardless of which path is in charge.
The list of Congress Failures is huge.

Congress takes forever to pass a the EO becomes essential to get things done.
No Shit Sherlock.
Congress Sucks, both parties.
Anyone who actually believes that senile old man is doing anything without instructions is a bigger idiot than should be walking free in public. I don't believe most Dems actually care at all WHO is running things as long as they get their dopamine bump from pre-programmed Trump hate sessions. Sick bunch of effing psychos that they are...
You're pretty far up someones asshole.
I think getting rid of the EPA and the Education Dept entirely would save us trillions.
I'll speak about the Department of Education.

Each State should run their OWN DOE. In My Opinion.
That would take more local funding, are you okay with that, I am.
Most School funding is already State Funded, but some of the money is Federal.

Are you okay with this ^^^^^
but some of the money is Federal.
This^ is what's wrong with the departments at the federal level. They can simply remove funding that states have no replacement for, so the states effectively are kept in line and obedient, regardless of what their people want.
This^ is what's wrong with the departments at the federal level. They can simply remove funding that states have no replacement for, so the states effectively are kept in line and obedient, regardless of what their people want.
The Federal input of $$$ is supplied though Federal Taxes.
Just keep the Federal Taxes, so it doesn't raise LOCAL taxes, and let the States/Local Schools fund their region as needed.

The Federal money is already there as a supplement, but the Federal Government should ave ZERO/NONE/NO input on how States operate.

The Federal Government should TRUST each State with their 'supplement' while abolishing the Washington DOE.

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