Biden, July 8: ‘The Taliban Overrunning Everything and Owning the Whole Country Is Highly Unlikely.’

Compared to what?
His Covid Response?
His response to the recession?
His response to the riots?

Let's not forget, Trump was the one who signed an agreement with the Taliban to withdraw to start with. In short, we sent a message we were out of there, and everyone is just changing sides, like we all knew they would.
Yes, Trumps Covid response for starters. Stop all incoming flights from China that created the virus.
For that you idiots called him a racist.
Do you know what McCain saId during the debate, we will be there forever.

They should of sent in the CIA to take Osama Bin Laden down.

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Republican presidential front-runner Sen. John McCain on Thursday defended his statement that U.S. troops could spend "maybe 100" years in Iraq -- saying he was referring to a military presence similar to what the nation already has in places like Japan, Germany and South Korea.

oh it was Iraq, same thing, and were still there.
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The pandemic, changing the IRS code for the rich to enrich themselves, Illegal immigration, the wall, and Afghanistan, it that enough for you.
1. Trump developed, tested, approved, manufactured, and had vaccine jabs in about 10-months, when Fauci said it could take 4-years. Xiden can't get the FDA to approve any of the vaccines in 7-months and counting. You're welcome.
2. Tax cuts helped everyone as witnessed by the record low unemployment of 3.5%, you're welcome.
3. Trump had illegal immigration stopped with his new wall and his remain in Mexico policy, you're welcome.
4. Trump would have gotten us out of AFG much more competently than Xiden, that you even mention AFG after Xiden's shitshow is laughable. Just look at Xiden's video saying that the 300,000 man AFG army will defeat the Taliban, duh.

So stop lying and admit the truth, Trump was competent, Xiden is INCOMPETENT.
There was no village, the city people and Gov Snyder was the cause of it. We have no communist president now or never.
We move further and further left in direction. For giving people rights we are moving into craziness. Toddlers getting transgendered with parent educated to think it is okay. A percentage of people empowered involved with pedophile accusations. And this is just the start. Obama Was President when Flint had its water problems. He was numero uno. Remember, you are the strong central government people.
It only took them a week to overrun Afghanistan. Here’s my shocked face that Biden has continued his 50 year streak of accomplishing nothing positive.
View attachment 525941
Biden’s Afghanistan Predictions Were All Wrong: ‘Highly unlikely’ Taliban will overrun Afghanistan, Biden said in July.
one of the biggest reasons Afghan forces are not fighting is they believe that they will not get any future support from the current admin in DC ..... and sneaking US forces out of Bagram in the middle of the night adds credence to their beliefs . US troops left their key Afghanistan base at 3 a.m. without telling their allies, leaving 5,000 Taliban prisoners in their cells, reports say
I really want an answer to my questions.
When the Soviets pulled out in 1989 it took two years for the government they installed to fall.
When the US pulled out in 2021 the government they installed quit before US troops were fully out.
When you elect the dumbest man to sit in the US Senate for much of the past 40 years you really shouldn't be shocked when he struggles as President. Joe Biden wasn't fit to be President of the United States BEFORE he started to slip into senility! Now it borders on farce!
Who would of known better? He put our stock in the military and the military let him down.
Our military wasnt on the battlefield

You mean the afghan army did what biden should have known they would do

btw, I initially supported the withdrawal

but after hearing arguments on both sides I now see the value of remaining there

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