Biden, July 8: ‘The Taliban Overrunning Everything and Owning the Whole Country Is Highly Unlikely.’

So your contention is that Trump was “competent”?

That’s hysterical
One of the first things to fall in Kabul was the prison that holds thousands upon thousands of ISIS fighters. The Taliban is actually trying to contain it.
How is it that the most volatile group that would love to kill Americans as they retreat is left unsecured by Biden?????
"So everybody -- the Rand Paul, Donald Trump, Mike Pompeo, Joe Biden view of the world here is fundamentally dangerous and irresponsible and wrong," Cheney added.

Karl also asked Cheney about the fact the majority of Americans supported the U.S. withdrawal.

I know what you republicans think of Liz Cheney, right.

If the republicans had their way, the US would be a theology like the Taliban's'
Look at Trump’s actions regarding the Kurds and ISIS
Obama/Biden let ISIS control a huge area, see below:

Maximum extent of ISIL's territorial control in Syria and Iraq, on 21 May 2015.

Trump and the Kurds crushed ISIS, and the Kurds were rewarded with oil fields.
Lies won't change that. Biden failed, Trump succeeded regarding ISIS.
"So everybody -- the Rand Paul, Donald Trump, Mike Pompeo, Joe Biden view of the world here is fundamentally dangerous and irresponsible and wrong," Cheney added.

Karl also asked Cheney about the fact the majority of Americans supported the U.S. withdrawal.

I know what you republicans think of Liz Cheney, right.

If the republicans had their way, the US would be a theology like the Taliban's'
Try as you might, you can't hide the FACT that Biden's withdrawal plan sucked. He said that the 300,000 man AFG army was competent and they cut and ran.
Biden is a disaster. Hope you didn't vote for that senile moron, aka "Putin's Bitch".
"So everybody -- the Rand Paul, Donald Trump, Mike Pompeo, Joe Biden view of the world here is fundamentally dangerous and irresponsible and wrong," Cheney added.

Karl also asked Cheney about the fact the majority of Americans supported the U.S. withdrawal.

I know what you republicans think of Liz Cheney, right.

If the republicans had their way, the US would be a theology like the Taliban's'
Hilarious. Cheney is to be listened to now according to Leftards.
Commander in Chief Biden now owns Americas greatest defeat since FDR 12/7/41.
really, would tamp do it any differently? I really want answers to my questions.
The answer is you suffer from the disease of leftism which means you are unable to think for yourself rendering any questions you pose ridiculous.
Affirmative action queer Biden promoted military officer: "We got some of dat shit going on in dat afan place".

Joe Dufus: "I don't care I have a vacation scheduled".

Affirmative action queer Biden promoted military officer: "Dat's OK bossman".
Drumpf would have had them withdrawn by May.

"It could happen, but it is tough," he said. "The fact is that, that was not a very solidly negotiated deal that (Trump) ... worked out." The president said that even if the U.S. did not meet the May 1 deadline, U.S. troops would not be in Afghanistan for much longer.
Drumpf would have had them withdrawn by May.
Yes. An organized withdrawal, not a panicked disorganized Dunkirk 2 retreat.
I know what you republicans think of Liz Cheney, right
The same thing all of you thought of her. Only difference is you're too faced about your hatred and will use her as necessary then discard her as the trash you initially considered her.

It's FUCKING HYSTERICAL how you losers use people and think we can't see right through you
President Biden, speaking July 8:

Q: Mr. President, some Vietnamese veterans see echoes of their experience in this withdrawal in Afghanistan. Do you see any parallels between this withdrawal and what happened in Vietnam, with some people feeling —

THE PRESIDENT: None whatsoever. Zero. What you had is — you had entire brigades breaking through the gates of our embassy — six, if I’m not mistaken.

The Taliban is not the south — the North Vietnamese army. They’re not — they’re not remotely comparable in terms of capability. There’s going to be no circumstance where you see people being lifted off the roof of a embassy in the — of the United States from Afghanistan. It is not at all comparable.

Biden also said that day, “the likelihood there’s going to be the Taliban overrunning everything and owning the whole country is highly unlikely.”
"So everybody -- the Rand Paul, Donald Trump, Mike Pompeo, Joe Biden view of the world here is fundamentally dangerous and irresponsible and wrong," Cheney added.

Karl also asked Cheney about the fact the majority of Americans supported the U.S. withdrawal.
Biden and Trump bear responsibility for Afghanistan: Cheney
Trump isn't president, as far as anyone knows. He left office after a coup.
Someone let Liz Cheney know. This whole mess is on Joe Biden's wrinkled shoulders.

The fact that Joe Biden has had to send 3.000 soldiers back into Kabul to secure our embassy
tells everyone what a cluster fuck Joe has presided over with no forethought or planning

I know what you republicans think of Liz Cheney, right.

If the republicans had their way, the US would be a theology like the Taliban's'
That's insane, of course. But I almost wish you had your way as your head would be mounted
on a pike and birds would be picking at your rotten skull, if your fantasy came true.

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