Biden just pledged to shut down 60% of America’s electric power

Solar and wind do not produce at night and that is insignificant? That is when homes need the most electricity.
Wind just doesn't drop that much at night. With Wind there is actually too much energy at night... this is already happening in Europe, we know the numbers from the grid, this is not speculation.
Yes, commercial business is mostly shutdown but wind and solar do not supply commercial or industry.
Wind and Solar do provide commercial... Actually it is so popular that server farms in europe buy wind farms (to offset there use)... You must have a very local ised view of how wind is produced... It is produced and usually put into the grid, can you please tell me how commercial businesses only use the fossil produced energy?
Industry, much industry requires 24/7 power. There are many processes that can not be interrupted. The idea that electricity usage at night is insignificant is simply a flippant opinion stated off the top of cowboy's head.
That is why we use power grids... We various ways of balance output... Denmark hasn't had a major outage in power and they are 55% electricity produced by wind.
Further, with electric car charging, heating, and air conditioning homes, we very much need a significant amount of power at night.

Again, actual evidence in Europe shows that there is a surplus of power from wind at night... Are you saying that they magically invented power they don't want?
You seriously think, "natural resources" are sparrows?

Either way I love this argument. It is something not proven. How many birds killed by cats and buildings.

I had a cat for 7 years and never once did it kill a hawk or eagle.

Buildings, hawks and eagles are not flying into buildings.

Look up natural resources, it is ridiculous that they must be explained.

Hey I love this argument as well... The statistics are readily available...

You are going for, I owned a cat and never saw him kill a bird, therefore cats don't kill birds... Did you find hard to get a job in science?


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That is why we use power grids... We various ways of balance output... Denmark hasn't had a major outage in power and they are 55% electricity produced by wind.
Denmark is a piss poor example of the power of wind

Denmark imported 18.75 terawatt-hours of electricity in 2022, down from over 20 terawatt-hours one year earlier. The figure recorded in 2021 was the largest volume of electricity imported by the country in more than a decade. Denmark imports electricity from Sweden, Norway, Germany, and the Netherlands.Jul 12, 2023

Again, actual evidence in Europe shows that there is a surplus of power from wind at night... Are you saying that they magically invented power they don't want?
Green energy is failing Denmark and all of Europe

Europe’s Crisis: Blame Green Energy Policy​

By Steve Goreham -- June 28, 2023
“The lesson from Europe is that reliance on wind, solar, and imported natural gas is expensive and risky energy policy. If you experience a low-wind year, a cold winter, an embargo, or a war, you can’t turn up the wind and solar.”

The year 2022 was an energy disaster for Europe. Citizens and businesses suffered from astronomical prices for natural gas and electricity, sky-high home energy bills, shuttered industrial plants, and bankrupt companies. Observers have blamed COVID-19 supply chain disruptions and the Russian invasion of Ukraine, but Europe’s green energy policies was the elephant in the room.
Free and abundant, JUST LIKE OIL AND COAL. We just need to buy millions of solar panels and wind turbines and then destroy 100's of millions of acres of land. Other than that, it is free.
Where are your 100s of millions of land.. Denmark produces 55% of its energy today from Wind... They don't have anything like the land available... You are just throwing out scre tactics... Today 23% of Texas Electricity comes from Solar and Wind, it is already beating Coal...
Return on investment is 7 years, so after the CEO's take million dollar bonuses from the government subsidies, after all the major investors are paid off with government subsidies, then it still takes another 7 years to pay off the solar and wind.
So you are just ranting there... You have put down no actual evidence... In many cases the Governments own the turbines or local coops... This means more local ownership in these projects, just because the GOP gives everything to big corp doesn't mean others do...
Look at StatOil in Norway and uderstand that there are other ways of taking advantage of natural resources and make the beneficiary the people...
Problem you have in US is that GOP privatise everything... The people are allowed to own stuff as this would be called Big Government... Look at Norway a country of 5.4 million people have a trust fund worth $1.5 trillion... and that was all Big Government..
That is $278,000 per each citizen, every feel you just got ripped off by privatisation... We have MAGA/GOP heads here everyday screaming for Oil and Gas companies to get better deals and how dare Biden Admin negotiate with them.
Europe disagrees with your roses assessment

Statista › topics › e...
Electricity in Denmark - statistics & facts

Feb 8, 2023 — Throughout 2021 and 2022, monthly electricity prices soared in Denmark, part of an energy supply shortage that affected most of Europe. In ...

The Local Denmark › could-den...
Could Denmark suffer electricity blackouts this winter?

Sep 27, 2022 — Denmark's Energy Agency says it has plans in place to implement short, localised power cuts in case of acute electricity shortages this winter.
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty › nord-stream...
Danish Island Near Nord Stream Leaks Suffers Unexplained Power Outage

An unexplained power outage has hit an island in Denmark near the location where there was an alleged "sabotage" attack on the Nord Stream gas pipelines.
Denmark is a piss poor example of the power of wind

Denmark imported 18.75 terawatt-hours of electricity in 2022, down from over 20 terawatt-hours one year earlier. The figure recorded in 2021 was the largest volume of electricity imported by the country in more than a decade. Denmark imports electricity from Sweden, Norway, Germany, and the Netherlands.Jul 12, 2023

Yea... But how did the export?

This is very common Europe (just like states in US)... Norway has a lot of cheap power in the spring...

They are a net importer but only by 7-8 twh...

But Europe as a whole is now 40% Wind and Solar...
Green energy is failing Denmark and all of Europe

Europe’s Crisis: Blame Green Energy Policy​

By Steve Goreham -- June 28, 2023

The year 2022 was an energy disaster for Europe. Citizens and businesses suffered from astronomical prices for natural gas and electricity, sky-high home energy bills, shuttered industrial plants, and bankrupt companies. Observers have blamed COVID-19 supply chain disruptions and the Russian invasion of Ukraine, but Europe’s green energy policies was the elephant in the room.
Steve Goreham is debunked hack... Get serious...

He has no education in Climate science...

Europe disagrees with your roses assessment

Statista › topics › e...
Electricity in Denmark - statistics & facts

Feb 8, 2023 — Throughout 2021 and 2022, monthly electricity prices soared in Denmark, part of an energy supply shortage that affected most of Europe. In ...

View attachment 875402
The Local Denmark › could-den...
Could Denmark suffer electricity blackouts this winter?

Sep 27, 2022 — Denmark's Energy Agency says it has plans in place to implement short, localised power cuts in case of acute electricity shortages this winter.
View attachment 875403
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty › nord-stream...
Danish Island Near Nord Stream Leaks Suffers Unexplained Power Outage

An unexplained power outage has hit an island in Denmark near the location where there was an alleged "sabotage" attack on the Nord Stream gas pipelines.
The energy supply shortage was from Gas...

Are you blaming Gas supply problem on Wind?

Denmark and other countries were saying that but it didn't happen... EU was actually very good at buying the power they needed..
Where are your 100s of millions of land.. Denmark produces 55% of its energy today from Wind... They don't have anything like the land available... You are just throwing out scre tactics... Today 23% of Texas Electricity comes from Solar and Wind, it is already beating Coal...
Good point, Denmark is so tiny it is not 1% the size of the USA nor is Denmark in any way important as an industrialized country.

Denmark is as insignificant as its needs for electricity.

Denmark has not shutdown one conventional power plant. Not one.

Denmark imports electricity every year as the wind dies down

Denmark, must export power at an extremely discounted rate when it does produce.

Denmark's green energy policy fails as does all of Europe, as I will continue to demonstrate

A little research, however, reveals that wind power does not in fact live up to the claims made by its advocates [see part I], that its impact on the environment and people's lives is far from benign [see part II], and that with such a poor record and prospect the money spent on it could be much more effectively directed
Steve Goreham is debunked hack... Get serious...

He has no education in Climate science...
Let us test your education.

How much has the USA spent on wind turbines. Total cost since we began installing them.
The energy supply shortage was from Gas...

Are you blaming Gas supply problem on Wind?

Denmark and other countries were saying that but it didn't happen... EU was actually very good at buying the power they needed..
No, the wind quit blowing, and as you stated some countries depend on 50% of their power to come from wind. You can not blame the shortage on gas when unreliable wind proves that wind does not always blow.

The U.K. went all-in on wind power. Here's what happens when it stops ...

Sep 16, 2021 — But just as Europe needs energy the most, the wind in the North Sea has stopped blowing, forcing regional energy markets to scramble for gas ...
The energy supply shortage was from Gas...

Are you blaming Gas supply problem on Wind?

Denmark and other countries were saying that but it didn't happen... EU was actually very good at buying the power they needed..
Gas supply, the gas supply problem was caused by your idea, that Gas is a problem hence European policy was and is to switch to wind and solar power.

Brilliant, favor wind over gas then blame gas when there is no wind
Good point, Denmark is so tiny it is not 1% the size of the USA nor is Denmark in any way important as an industrialized country.

Denmark is as insignificant as its needs for electricity.

Denmark has not shutdown one conventional power plant. Not one.

Denmark imports electricity every year as the wind dies down

Denmark, must export power at an extremely discounted rate when it does produce.

Denmark's green energy policy fails as does all of Europe, as I will continue to demonstrate

A little research, however, reveals that wind power does not in fact live up to the claims made by its advocates [see part I], that its impact on the environment and people's lives is far from benign [see part II], and that with such a poor record and prospect the money spent on it could be much more effectively directed
Actually Denmark is building its off shore to be a net exporter... So they building capacity.

I don't know where are you going with the wind dies down... It just doesn't die down that much at night..
This is the wind around one of Denmark's wind farms this week..

Please point the major drop, maybe on average inland but not by the sea..

But I was only point to Denmark as an example... Europe as a whole is over 40% renewables... They are leading in tech on this too, because this is what the market wants...
Climate deniers opinion is effectively dead... The market is deciding that Green is cheaper and better...

No wars fought over wind turbines so far...
Gas supply, the gas supply problem was caused by your idea, that Gas is a problem hence European policy was and is to switch to wind and solar power.

Brilliant, favor wind over gas then blame gas when there is no wind
It wasn't a case of no wind... Actually turned out that wind saved the day when the people who supply Gas turned out to be pricks that invade other countries.
That is the thing about Wind... Don't have to rely on some dictator's actions...
Let us test your education.

How much has the USA spent on wind turbines. Total cost since we began installing them.
Wind has delivered $140 billion of investment in the last decade. In 2022 alone, the industry invested $13 billion in new projects.

For that the have 10.3% of the electricity production...

So what does $140 billion buy you these days..

Not even 5% of the Iraq War which was fought over Oil...

Wouldn't it have been far wiser investing the money investing more money in renewables rather than in a sand pit in the Middle East while trying to secure access to Oil...
The true cost of fossil fuels is crazy high...
No, the wind quit blowing, and as you stated some countries depend on 50% of their power to come from wind. You can not blame the shortage on gas when unreliable wind proves that wind does not always blow.

The U.K. went all-in on wind power. Here's what happens when it stops ...

Sep 16, 2021 — But just as Europe needs energy the most, the wind in the North Sea has stopped blowing, forcing regional energy markets to scramble for gas ...
Yep that what happens...

But the wind will come back and we will use it again... I don't think you get it... We mix Gas with Wind and many other sources including Nuclear... But wind is one of the back bone which offering more and more power to the grid...

Gas is leveraged especially in a short fall as Gas is great for stop gaps if experiencing tempory high demand. Gas Plants are cheap to keep operational as a back up.. Small Dams were we pump up sea water and let off during the day as a big battery is the next big thing..
Actually Denmark is building its off shore to be a net exporter... So they building capacity.

I don't know where are you going with the wind dies down... It just doesn't die down that much at night..
This is the wind around one of Denmark's wind farms this week..
View attachment 875414

Please point the major drop, maybe on average inland but not by the sea..

But I was only point to Denmark as an example... Europe as a whole is over 40% renewables... They are leading in tech on this too, because this is what the market wants...
Climate deniers opinion is effectively dead... The market is deciding that Green is cheaper and better...

No wars fought over wind turbines so far...
I have shown that Denmark imports a vast amount of electricity, yearly.

I have also shown Denmark has to export wind electricity and extremely cheap rates.

Denmark has too much wind when it blows, too little wind when it does not blow.

Denmark's cost of electricity is high.

Denmark is not an industrial country that needs vast amounts of power.

Denmark has failed as a green energy country and as an example of what can be done
Yep that what happens...

But the wind will come back and we will use it again... I don't think you get it... We mix Gas with Wind and many other sources including Nuclear... But wind is one of the back bone which offering more and more power to the grid...

Gas is leveraged especially in a short fall as Gas is great for stop gaps if experiencing tempory high demand. Gas Plants are cheap to keep operational as a back up.. Small Dams were we pump up sea water and let off during the day as a big battery is the next big thing..
You don't get it and you have no facts to support your imagination.

America will never pump sea water into a dam with wind power. Unless the government or our tax money is given to the corporation that does it.

Wind turbines are not powerful enough to pump water to fill a reservoir.

Wind turbines and solar power do not pump the water needed in California, how will the fill a reservoir.

Filling a reservoir would be the pinnacle of stupidity.

And with salt water, what would that do to the aquifer.

Your comment proves you know nothing and just make things up based on what you heard
You don't get it and you have no facts to support your imagination.

America will never pump sea water into a dam with wind power. Unless the government or our tax money is given to the corporation that does it.

Wind turbines are not powerful enough to pump water to fill a reservoir.

Wind turbines and solar power do not pump the water needed in Californiaw will the fill a reservoir.

Filling a reservoir would be the pinnacle of stupidity.

And with salt water, what would that do to the aquifer.

Your comment proves you know nothing and just make things up based on what you heard

I don't think you get it... They pump water up and use it as a battery... This is very common...

Here is one in Ireland

small one in Us

Here is a list of them

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