Biden kills 8 million jobs...

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With one stroke of he sympathy or apology nor explanation....

Oh wait....

What you're saying is that the oil companies wanted this pipeline so that they'd have to hire 8 million more people than they now have and have to pay 8 million more salaries?

Funny, I would have expected that the pipeline would have meant a severe reduction in employees thereby making the pipeline a profitable venture for the oil companies.

I guess those oil companies just care about the common good and not about profits, right?

The pipeline means more oil production, which means more work to increase production, which means more jobs. The company's motive being profit is irrelevant. Motivation is what makes Capitalism, in contrast to Communism, actually work. It is why every Communist or Socialist country inevitably degenerates into a shithole. You sound like a typical leftist thinking the pie never gets bigger and it's only about what share everyone gets.

So you're saying that current production levels are not meeting demand?

That's funny, oil and gas prices are moderately low, indicating that production is meeting demand very well.

Or is it that the Oil companies want to create a glut of oil on the markets to drive the prices down? Somehow that doesn't work in their favor.

Perhaps the Oil companies just want the pipeline so they can reduce costs by cutting that so hard to understand?

You should learn a little about economics before you start blathering!
With one stroke of he sympathy or apology nor explanation....

Oh wait....

What you're saying is that the oil companies wanted this pipeline so that they'd have to hire 8 million more people than they now have and have to pay 8 million more salaries?

Funny, I would have expected that the pipeline would have meant a severe reduction in employees thereby making the pipeline a profitable venture for the oil companies.

I guess those oil companies just care about the common good and not about profits, right?

The pipeline means more oil production, which means more work to increase production, which means more jobs. The company's motive being profit is irrelevant. Motivation is what makes Capitalism, in contrast to Communism, actually work. It is why every Communist or Socialist country inevitably degenerates into a shithole. You sound like a typical leftist thinking the pie never gets bigger and it's only about what share everyone gets.

So you're saying that current production levels are not meeting demand?

That's funny, oil and gas prices are moderately low, indicating that production is meeting demand very well.

Or is it that the Oil companies want to create a glut of oil on the markets to drive the prices down? Somehow that doesn't work in their favor.

Perhaps the Oil companies just want the pipeline so they can reduce costs by cutting that so hard to understand?

You should learn a little about economics before you start blathering!
Honey, if you owned and had to spend 4 days in Wyoming in January fixing an oil rig with the highest temperature being minus 34 degrees Farenheit, the lowest, -50, you might have a little more respect for what it takes to keep the nation's transportation rolling, and factories warm in inclement weather when even the best workers call in sick in the dead of night with area hospitals must have ambulances ready, backup fuel heaters ready in a power outage, not to mention gas powered farm and ranch equipment running to save livestock who got caught in a snowdrift somewhere on 300 mountainside acres on just one of hundreds of cattle outfits.
With one stroke of he sympathy or apology nor explanation....

Oh wait....

What you're saying is that the oil companies wanted this pipeline so that they'd have to hire 8 million more people than they now have and have to pay 8 million more salaries?

Funny, I would have expected that the pipeline would have meant a severe reduction in employees thereby making the pipeline a profitable venture for the oil companies.

I guess those oil companies just care about the common good and not about profits, right?

The pipeline means more oil production, which means more work to increase production, which means more jobs. The company's motive being profit is irrelevant. Motivation is what makes Capitalism, in contrast to Communism, actually work. It is why every Communist or Socialist country inevitably degenerates into a shithole. You sound like a typical leftist thinking the pie never gets bigger and it's only about what share everyone gets.

So you're saying that current production levels are not meeting demand?

That's funny, oil and gas prices are moderately low, indicating that production is meeting demand very well.

Or is it that the Oil companies want to create a glut of oil on the markets to drive the prices down? Somehow that doesn't work in their favor.

Perhaps the Oil companies just want the pipeline so they can reduce costs by cutting that so hard to understand?

You should learn a little about economics before you start blathering!

The economy is about to re-open since the politically motivated economic shutdown is no longer needed by the Democrats. Oil production is down 2,000,000 barrels a day during this shutdown. When the economy is re-opened, we will be needing more oil. Fossil fuels and nuclear energy are the backbone of our energy policy.

Shutting down the pipeline is cutting jobs and production. This is the opposite of what we need to do. I will never understand the line of thinking that suggests that laying off workers and reducing production is how companies make money. It's like you think those evil oil companies have some magical non-varying income and it's all about not sharing it with those pesky employees.

People often complain that companies make their money off the labor of their employees. I agree, they certainly do. That is why those companies want to keep them working.
You can skip this if you remember the Hong Kong flu pandemic back in the late 1960s. We lost a million people in 67-68. By early 1970, four million people had died of the same. The worst pandemic in the last century though, was 1918. By then the carnage was between 25 and 50 million. In 1971, I met Mrs Edna Stowe Thomas who lost her only husband, a dentist in 1918. I listened to her telling his story and saw a tear dart down her still beautiful face. She pioneered an independent dental cleansing business in which she cleaned and examined Wyoming people's teeth and recommending those with cavities to visit their dentist for repair or removal. She was a blessing to her community and our church.
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