Biden leads Trump by 10% in hypothetical 2024 matchup (Marquette)

You go by what the fools on hate TV tell you.

You've never had a thought in your pathetic live.


A Reich Member is about to regale us with how a system where the means of production is under the absolute control of the state, in which the state sets production levels, what products will be produced. in what quantity, and at what price they will be sold under a totalitarian dictatorship, where individualism is repressed - brutally - in favor of the collective, where individual rights are supplanted in favor of group privilege, where dissent against the party, the Reich, or collectivism is a criminal act, where religion is highly regulated, and doctrine determined by the state.

Go ahead and tell us how this is REALLY oh so very different than the socialism you democrats promote....
You're a fucking idiot; Florida Gov. DeSantis won’t condemn Nazi rally in Orlando

Democrats don't promote that. Did you really think the forum needed more evidence you're insane, Fruitcake?

The don't promote WHAT, Farouk?

Ah, you think you can gaslight us - as the lying Nazi fuck you are.

So, DOES the democrat Reich seek to have the means of production controlled by the state?

Wow, the filthy Nazi vermin sure do when it comes to health care.

But that's just 1/6th of the economy - what about the rest?

Oh, except government is ALREADY 1/3rd of the economy, so you fascist scheme would put government in charge of over half of the means of production right from the start.

But what about TO EACH according to his needs - the other half of the Nazi credo?

Oh, well Allah damn, you Nazi fucks are all in on that too.

Well, you fascist vermin sure don't want us under a totalitarian dictatorship, where individualism is repressed.

Oh, wait.

Okay, so you hate individualism and civil rights and want a command and control economy...

Surely you filthy fuck Nazis wouldn't criminalize dissent against your Reich?

Well, you lied for your Reich, Farouk, but you're far too fucking stupid to pull it off. :thup:
Florida Gov. DeSantis won’t condemn Nazi rally in Orlando And all he talks about are those on the Left who are Nazis; :laughing0301: :spinner: 😂 :rofl: :auiqs.jpg:

Ohhh, look at the fucking liar.

Well, that's Nazis for you.


Florida Gov. DeSantis calls Nazi rally participants ‘jackasses,’ fires back at those calling on him to condemn the event}​

You filthy pile of shit liar.

Fucking liar.

DeSantis STRONGLY condemned you cvnts.

"What I'm going to say is, these people—these Democrats—who are trying to use this as some type of political issue to try to smear me as if I had something to do with it, we're not playing their game," he said.

He dismissed the rally-goers as "some jacka**es doing this on the street" and said state law enforcement should "hold them accountable" for "doing stuff on the overpass" but did not comment on their ideology.}

You fucking liar you.

Hey, you're a Nazi cvnt - you lie - it's what you do.

I mean, you're a pile of shit.
Ohhh, look at the fucking liar.

Well, that's Nazis for you.


Florida Gov. DeSantis calls Nazi rally participants ‘jackasses,’ fires back at those calling on him to condemn the event}​

You filthy pile of shit liar.
They're all Republicans you dumb fuck.
And almost all rapists and murderers in Blue Cities are Democrats.
What's your point?
:aargh: 🤮 :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :spinner: 😂 :rofl: 🤪 This idiot is all about what about isms.

The point is you idiot, your butt buddy censor talks about Nazis as Democrats on every post. They're not. They're Republicans, and that rally proved it.
:aargh: 🤮 :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :spinner: 😂 :rofl: 🤪 This idiot is all about what about isms.

The point is you idiot, your butt buddy censor talks about Nazis as Democrats on every post. They're not. They're Republicans, and that rally proved it.
The point is you are always on the side of Democrats and Blacks no matter how violent they are.
And yes, shooting people left and right is taking over a city's government.
The point is you are always on the side of Democrats and Blacks no matter how violent they are.
And yes, shooting people left and right is taking over a city's government.
Dude, get a fucking clue for once in your miserable life. I pander to facts, the truth, and documentation. Something you are paralyzed to fight against. That is your number one problem.
Dude, get a fucking clue for once in your miserable life. I pander to facts, the truth, and documentation. Something you are paralyzed to fight against. That is your number one problem.
You pander to nothing.
Prove the emotionally disturbed Rs who showed up at the capital were members of an organization.
They were as disorganized as the people who joined BLM, yet the Rs are bad while the violent assholes are good.
You pander to nothing.
Prove the emotionally disturbed Rs who showed up at the capital were members of an organization.
They were as disorganized as the people who joined BLM, yet the Rs are bad while the violent assholes are good.
They were bused in and stayed at hotels stealing the towels.
Brandon will be in a nursing home before his first term is over. (He better hope Andrew Cuomo isn’t on its board of directors.)

But it would be a gas — well, actually, it would be a shart — to see Brandon debate Trump or DeSantis on a national stage. They say Nixon’s five o’clock shadow made him look bad on the debate against John F. Kennedy. I suspect the optics of having the first blast of explosive diarrhea on a Presidential debate stage would make for worse optics for the demented old Brandon.

The big question is how the left-wing apparatchik main stream media would spin that into a good and positive debate performance by Senile Joe.
You pander to nothing.
Prove the emotionally disturbed Rs who showed up at the capital were members of an organization.
They were as disorganized as the people who joined BLM, yet the Rs are bad while the violent assholes are good.
Brandon will be in a nursing home before his first term is over. (He better hope Andrew Cuomo isn’t on its board of directors.)

But it would be a gas — well, actually, it would be a shart — to see Brandon debate Trump or DeSantis on a national stage. They say Nixon’s five o’clock shadow made him look bad on the debate against John F. Kennedy. I suspect the optics of having the first blast of explosive diarrhea on a Presidential debate stage would make for worse optics for the demented old Brandon.

The big question is how the left-wing apparatchik main stream media would spin that into a good and positive debate performance by Senile Joe.
Wouldn't that be great. Let's ask Trump about his attempt to overthrow the 2020 election when he tried to use fake electors, recalculate votes, and steal voting machines.

Biden leads Trump by 10% in hypothetical 2024 matchup (Marquette)​

You mean that THE MOST POPULAR PRESIDENT OF ALL TIME in history who beat out the Darling of The Left Barzerk Obumma Himself by over FIFTEEN MILLION votes only leads a SHAMED, DISGRACED, OUTCAST, TWICE IMPEACHED soon to be convicted to life in jail for crimes against humanity flim-flam man like Trump by only 10%??

After his first, signature year? :shok:

I hope you ain't counting that as a roaring success! :nono:
It looks like Trump was so bad that even the unpopular Joe Biden would beat him again.
Trump supporters should ready their "voting machines cheated" claims.

Trump can hold a rally enen though he is not currently running for anything and get 15,000 people to show up. Not bad.

But Biden can get an entire stadium of over 60,000 people to chant. “Let’s go Brandon pr “F**k Joe Biden.“

Some will say Joe is winning.

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