Biden let's convicted criminals off the hook

Actually, there are LOTS of people who have been put in prison for simple marijuana possession, and nothing else. And yeah, I'd take that bet, as I know people who were caught for a simple possession charge (meaning they only had marijuana, there were no other charges involved) who did jail time. A lot of it depends on the state you were caught in, and when you were caught. A couple of decades ago? A single joint could have gotten a person a year in prison, with no other charges attached in a lot of states. Now? Most states have either legalized or decriminalized it, so the most you'd get is a slap on the wrist (fine), unless you were in the 4 states where it is still fully illegal. Those places, you have a very good chance of going to jail.

It is still illegal on the federal level so there is no state where it is "legal."
I make no comment about the wisdom of the Federal position on MJ. What I am saying is that NOBODY is in FEDERAL PRISON simply because they were caught with a small (personal) quantity of MJ. It simply does not happen. The FBI and/or U.S. Marshals would be wasting their fucking time - and they know that - pursuing such "criminals."

The people who will benefit from this Biden action are ALL factually guilty of other, more serious crimes, and they pleaded down ("pled" if you prefer) to the lesser crime of possession. And while Biden is not the sharpest tack in the drawer, even he knows it.

Accordingly, this is YET ANOTHER fraudulent attempt by Biden to buy votes using lies and distortion of reality.

Wrong. There are lots of people who were sent to jail simply for having marijuana in their possession. And, if you ever get the chance (or have the desire to do so, but I doubt it from reading your posts), you can check out a very good documentary on the history of cannabis in the US called "Grass", narrated by Woody Harrelson. It chronicles the history of marijuana, from it being legal (and smoked by a lot of middle class white people), to it becoming illegal (because of a federal agent named Anslinger who hated black and brown people, and was looking for a way to lock them up), to it's history over the years, to modern day times, just before states started to legalize it. It's an interesting documentary, especially when you find out the reason it was made illegal in the first place was because of greed and racism. Matter of fact, the laws concerning marijuana when it was first made illegal were positively Draconian, as well as the large Catch-22 that helped to make it illegal in the first place. Marijuana has many medical benefits as well as many places where the leftover plant material can be commercially used.
Wrong. There are lots of people who were sent to jail simply for having marijuana in their possession. And, if you ever get the chance (or have the desire to do so, but I doubt it from reading your posts), you can check out a very good documentary on the history of cannabis in the US called "Grass", narrated by Woody Harrelson. It chronicles the history of marijuana, from it being legal (and smoked by a lot of middle class white people), to it becoming illegal (because of a federal agent named Anslinger who hated black and brown people, and was looking for a way to lock them up), to it's history over the years, to modern day times, just before states started to legalize it. It's an interesting documentary, especially when you find out the reason it was made illegal in the first place was because of greed and racism. Matter of fact, the laws concerning marijuana when it was first made illegal were positively Draconian, as well as the large Catch-22 that helped to make it illegal in the first place. Marijuana has many medical benefits as well as many places where the leftover plant material can be commercially used.
We are talking FEDERAL. You are not!
I make no comment about the wisdom of the Federal position on MJ. What I am saying is that NOBODY is in FEDERAL PRISON simply because they were caught with a small (personal) quantity of MJ. It simply does not happen. The FBI and/or U.S. Marshals would be wasting their fucking time - and they know that - pursuing such "criminals."

The people who will benefit from this Biden action are ALL factually guilty of other, more serious crimes, and they pleaded down ("pled" if you prefer) to the lesser crime of possession. And while Biden is not the sharpest tack in the drawer, even he knows it.

Accordingly, this is YET ANOTHER fraudulent attempt by Biden to buy votes using lies and distortion of reality.

Why don't you shut your ignorant mouth. You have no proof of this yet you slander people.
He is not soft on crime. It they have kept themselves straight, I have no issues with it.
Actually, while the pardon effects thousands, those currently incarcerated are relatively small.

Today, however, few people — less than 150 — are in federal prison simply for cannabis possession
Joe Biden, soft on crime again.

---Biden to pardon thousands convicted of marijuana possession---

I wonder if any of these people agreed to plead guilty to a lesser charge of marijuana possession in exchange for dropping much more serious charges?????

I would be willing to bet that the majority of them did, even though I have zero data on the subject.
I wonder if any of these people agreed to plead guilty to a lesser charge of marijuana possession in exchange for dropping much more serious charges?????

I would be willing to bet that the majority of them did, even though I have zero data on the subject.
That is a question to go to the office of the pardon attorney. You realize that the Biden declaration didn't actually pardon anyone. What it did was to allow people to apply for a pardon with the office of the pardon attorney. The pardon attorney will determine if they meet the needed criteria, such as conviction for simple possession only.

Regulations can add additional requirements regarding other charges not convicted of, or the original indictments.

My intent by this proclamation is to pardon only the offense of simple possession of marijuana

and not any other offenses related to marijuana or other controlled substances.

This pardon does not apply to individuals who were non-citizens not lawfully present in the United States at the time of their offense.

The Attorney General, acting through the Pardon Attorney, is directed to develop and announce application procedures for certificates of pardon

The Attorney General, acting through the Pardon Attorney, shall review all properly submitted applications and shall issue certificates of pardon to eligible applicants in due course.
I wonder if any of these people agreed to plead guilty to a lesser charge of marijuana possession in exchange for dropping much more serious charges?????

I would be willing to bet that the majority of them did, even though I have zero data on the subject.
Why would law enforcement want to drop a more serious crime?
Why would law enforcement want to drop a more serious crime?
Happens all the time. There are several reasons include a guarantee of getting the perp off the street.

Surely you have heard plea bargains, right? It's where charges are dropped or downgraded in echange for a guilty plea which avoids a complicated and expensive trial.

My intent by this proclamation is to pardon only the offense of simple possession of marijuana
That's encouraging. We'll see if it is true.

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