Biden let's Russian ships roam around our hemisphere

Doesn't sound too safe to me. Why not confront the enemy at sea like the Chinese navy does? This shows the difference between Biden and Trump regarding how they handle Russia.

---Russian naval ships, including nuclear-powered submarine, to visit Cuba---

Stop pretending that such things didn't happen when Trump was president. Because you haven't seen Lavrov sitting in the Oval office with Biden telling him secrets.
How about the nuclear subs Putin's sending to Cuba?

That, along with his invasion of Ukraine, really ratchets up my confidence in the Democrats and their role as the "adults" on the World Stage.

So. Fucking. Dumb.
Stop pretending that such things didn't happen when Trump was president. Because you haven't seen Lavrov sitting in the Oval office with Biden telling him secrets.

Oh look, it's the white guy who pretends to be black online because he's a very twisted person.

I used to think you were a Karen, but now I've been informed you're actually a white male.

Seek help dude.
JFK got praised for (as well as historically criticized for) his blockade of Cuba during the Cuban missile crisis.

The man had balls.

Potato has no balls and no brains.

In fairness, however, perhaps it makes more sense not to light a fuse which is likely to end in a nuclear conflagration.
We are spreading capitalism at the point of a gun, Russia is spreading communism at the point of a gun. Pick your team and stfu.
Doesn't sound too safe to me. Why not confront the enemy at sea like the Chinese navy does? This shows the difference between Biden and Trump regarding how they handle Russia.

---Russian naval ships, including nuclear-powered submarine, to visit Cuba---

So you want nuclear war?
No fan of Bidet but I wonder what he, or any other potus, is supposed to do about it?
You don't know? Are you serious? Let me refer your question to the events of 1962. The problem, its origines, and the solution are exactly the same. Keep your nose in Washington unless you want it broken ..... broken again just like in 1962.
Doesn't sound too safe to me. Why not confront the enemy at sea like the Chinese navy does? This shows the difference between Biden and Trump regarding how they handle Russia.

---Russian naval ships, including nuclear-powered submarine, to visit Cuba---

I joined the Navy in 1978. The Russians have been doing this since before then. We have also. In 1985, my guided missile cruiser was sent through the Bosphorus and Dardanelles into the Black Sea to conduct surveillance operations on the Soviet Fleet. They knew we were coming because you have to declare your passage and receive permission from the Turks. While we were there, Konstantin Chernenko died. We declared ourselves out of there, and headed back to the Med. Shortly thereafter, their aircraft carrier Kiev left port in the Black Sea and headed for the Med. We spent the next month or so tailing it all around the Med all the way to a known Soviet anchorage off Libya. I spent many hours riding in their carriers wake, watching their VTOL Yak Forger aircraft landing from directly underneath. This is old stuff, and nothing new.

A year and a half prior, I flew with a Navy P-3 squadron out of Jacksonville NAS down the coast to locate a Soviet intelligence ship had been sitting off Cape Canaveral likely intercepting telemetry from the space shuttle. Flying about 100 feet off the water we scared the hell out of a lot of large pleasure craft off the Florida coast. Apparently the Moma-class AGI had headed north after the launch to monitor our subs leaving Kings Bay, GA, a port where a few years earlier a similar ship had monitored my submarine as we left on a deterrent patrol.

In my three deployments to the Mediterranean, Black, and Red Seas, we were constantly overflown by Soviet aircraft, always being intercepted by our carriers.

I can assure you that this is nothing new, and is much ado about nothing, Same shit! Different day!
Doesn't sound too safe to me. Why not confront the enemy at sea like the Chinese navy does? This shows the difference between Biden and Trump regarding how they handle Russia.

---Russian naval ships, including nuclear-powered submarine, to visit Cuba---

Just Russian scare tactics to scare American cowards into voting for Trump so putin readily absorb Ukraine after Trump gives him the ok.

Don't fall for it.

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