Biden Loosing Mental Control. Making Threats

You are a moron... IF we unleashed our energy producers, we could fix this... Begging for handouts is NOT going to fix anything and making threats won't work either.

This idiot has his foot on their throats, killing them, and now he's going to make threats... This idiot has to go..
Why would our oil corporations drill more? They like their profits just fine.

Can you post the domestic oil production numbers to make your case.
But the question I want to know is are they gouging us? Are they making more profits than ever, while we suffer with their unusually high profit margins during this high inflationary period for us citizens??
The government is the entity that is gouging us. With terrible Leftest polices that have created massive inflation, high cost of fuel, millions of Illegals flooding in, two quarters of recession, tremendous debt with nothing to show for it and decreased family income. That desn't even include higher taxation and oppressive regulations.
There could be a real possibility of that after the beatdown the Dems will take in a week. They’ll blame Joe and make him take the fall.
Oops, Then we'll have to deal with the giggle head Kamaltoe Harris.
I wonder if Biden knows knows the difference between "losing" and "loosing"?
The government is the entity that is gouging us. With terrible Leftest polices that have created massive inflation, high cost of fuel, millions of Illegals flooding in, two quarters of recession, tremendous debt with nothing to show for it and decreased family income. That desn't even include higher taxation and oppressive regulations.
What specific policy are you referring too?

And the rest of your whiny grievances are hilarious.
Biden has "been gone" for a long time.

I can't imagine the stupidity of these nitwits that voted for him.
Even when he was there he was a empty suit.....dumber than dumb.....even Sam Donaldson way back when biden first ran for President said he was too dumb to be President.

Can you post manufacturing job numbers under Biden!
Potatohead inherited a recovering post pandemic economy complete with a vaccine and he blew it.

Now we have massive inflation, an invasion on our Southern border, two quarters of recession, high cost of energy that will only get worse, decreased family income and massive debt with nothing to show for it.

Complete failure as a President. Of course he was helped by a Democrat controlled House and Senate. Hopefully that will end soon.
Even when he was there he was a empty suit.....dumber than dumb.....even Sam Donaldson way back when biden first ran for President said he was too dumb to be President.
We warned these Moon Bats that Potatohead was going to be a disaster. Hell, the sonofabitch had a 46 year record of being an imbecile. He has never got anything right in his life.
Even when he was there he was a empty suit.....dumber than dumb.....even Sam Donaldson way back when biden first ran for President said he was too dumb to be President.

Yeah, that first time Biden should have lied about his wealth and size of his hands.
We warned these Moon Bats that Potatohead was going to be a disaster. Hell, the sonofabitch had a 46 year record of being an imbecile. He has never got anything right in his life.
Awwwww. just another whiny poor loser.

Say isn't unemployment lower now than when the former 1-term fuckup was in office?

Yes, yes it is.
They really shouldn't let the Vegetable out any more.

He is really a very sad spectacle to behold. :rolleyes:
The Dems are already floating the idea of "nationalizing" all energy production.
They would do it in a minute if they thought they could get away with it.

Biden is just doing the bidding of his puppet masters like a loyal spokestard.

Scratch a progressive & you find a tyrant itching to take total control

Say it, just say it out loud!

Scratch a progressive and you find the Gestapo in there.
Say it, just say it out loud!

Scratch a progressive and you find the Gestapo in there.
The gestapo wanted to nationalize energy production?

Instead of being the political police of a murder.
But the question I want to know is are they gouging us?

Oil companies do not set the price of oil...the stock market does.

They can't gouge if they don't set the price.

The price of oil started going up on day 1 of the biden admin. when he banned all drilling on public lands and killed many pipeline projects.

Where ever they strike oil...they need to build a pipeline in order to get the oil to a refinery. If they can't build a pipeline...there is no point in drilling there.

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