Biden Made a Choice Between Brittany Griner and Paul Whelan?

Are you aware that Whelan was dishonorably discharged from the military and he was arrested in Russia allegedly doing some shady stuff?

Why does the fact that he's former military automatically give him precedent over anyone else?
that means nothing when you consider he traded a lesbo basketball player for the FUCKING MERCHANT OF DEATH,,

how in any world is that a good trade??
This pretty much sums it up.

From the official White House podium on the matter...

"...Brittney is more than an athlete, more than an Olympian. She is an important role model and inspiration to millions of Americans, particularly the LGBTQI+ Americans and women of color...”

Yeah, that refusing to come out of the locker room until the National Anthem is over really is inspirational for Americans.
So one was brought home, when only one could be brought home. That’s a good thing.

I agree. We do not leave anyone behind, we keep working to get their release.
Not at the price the blithering nincompoop Pedo Joe paid.
No, that's a fact. Biden traded someone that will cost American lives in the future. For someone that will support him. Fuck off!
How long until the Merchant of Death is dealing the arms Veggie Joe left behind in Afghanistan to terrorist organizations looking to kill Americans?
How long until the Merchant of Death is dealing the arms Veggie Joe left behind in Afghanistan to terrorist organizations looking to kill Americans?
Biden's children will get 10%, because he is on the way out.
NBC News has already reported that the stuttering shit clown was given a choice of either dude. He made the cowardly choice which was the most sure bet since Alabama beat Our Lady of Sorrows 118-0.


There Were 17 Americans in Russian Prisons. Only 1 Mattered to the Left

Unfortunately, they're all the wrong race, sexuality or gender.

10 Dec 2022 ~~ By Daniel greenfield

Here’s another of the men whom Biden left behind to extract a black lesbian pothead who hates America because she embodies his rotten base.
A teacher from Oakmont who’s been detained in Russia for more than a year remains in custody.​
This summer, Butler native Marc Fogel was sentenced to 14 years in a maximum security prison after he was caught with 17 grams of medical marijuana for a spine condition.​
The U.S. State Department had previously asked Russia to release American citizen Fogel on humanitarian grounds. Prior to that request, a group of nine bipartisan senators called on Secretary of State Antony Blinken to immediately designate Fogel as “wrongfully detained.”​
Not a priority. If Marc wants to become one, he needs to claim that he changed gender, learn to play basketball and jeer the national anthem.​
He’d still have to overcome the handicap of “being assigned white at birth”.
Fogel, 61, was arrested in August 2021 for possessing 17 grams of what he said was medical marijuana. The former history teacher, like Griner, was arrested in Moscow when the pot was found in his luggage.​
Fogel was sentenced to 14 years in prison in June — just over a month before Griner was handed a nine-year sentence.​
“Have there have been any similar efforts regarding [the release of] American Marc Fogel, who was also in Russia, also arrested on marijuana charges? How is his case different — or why [are] the actions for Marc Fogel different than these?” asked NPR journalist Franco Ordoñez.​
“We take seriously our responsibility to assist US citizens abroad and are monitoring the situation. Any specifics on Marc Fogel or any others, I would refer you to the State Department for additional information on those specific cases,” Jean-Pierre said. “Every case is different. Every case, there are different ways that I can talk about them. So I don’t want to get ahead of that. So I would refer you to the State Department.”​
It is different. Marc isn’t a leftist celebrity who checks all the identity politics boxes.
Notice how little you’ve heard about him. Or about all the other Americans in Russian prisons. According to Russian authorities earlier this year, there were 17 Americans in Russian prisons.
Unfortunately, they’re all the wrong race, sexuality or gender. And they’re not celebrities.
This dirty deal is a reminder that the Biden administration is racist, and does everything for people who fit its identity politics criteria while doing nothing for those who don’t.

Seems that if ordinary decent, productive, law-abiding citizens have the United States State Department and Diplomatic Corps acting for them, they don't need enemies, they're already screwed.
Biden and his merry racist Maoist crime syndicate then went into overdrive reacting to their woke liberal lunatic base and gave Griner special treatment above all other US citizens held in Russian custody and gave up our most valuable Russian asset to get her back. It’s completely insane, unfair, inequitable, and unjustifiable. But, why would we expect anything less of Biden Inc?
Not unlike our erudite Supreme Court justice that testified under oath that she didn’t know what a woman was. She, too, checked the right boxes (though I’ve no idea if she is or is not a dyke, as I don’t recall hearing anything about her sexuality one way or the other; however, I feel quite sure that if she WERE a dyke that would have been made widely known by an adoring press).
I really have no problem with wanting to bring Griner home. Yeah, she's a world-class bitch, but she is also an American citizen.

What Biden's team should have done was said, "you want the gold bar, you are going to give us both, or its no deal and we have other ways of making you talk. er... give up prisoners."

But, unlike Trump, Biden is Putin's little bitch.
What “other ways” do we have?

There was no choice. Putin wanted the “bicycle assassin” held in Germany for Whelan.

We don’t have that option
What “other ways” do we have?

There was no choice. Putin wanted the “bicycle assassin” held in Germany for Whelan.

We don’t have that option
You tell Putin to pound sand. Both for the Merchant of Death or no deal.

Your Vegetable Messiah was punked on the world stage.....again.
What “other ways” do we have?

There was no choice. Putin wanted the “bicycle assassin” held in Germany for Whelan.

We don’t have that option
he had the option to say fuck off and not trade the MERCANT OF DEATH for an american hating pos basketball player,,
Dude, black America hating lesbo FFS.

I never said it was a good exchange; I'm questioning why you feel a man dishonorably discharged from the military who is accused of much more serious crimes should have taken precedent over her.

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