Biden Makes History: First President in 40 Years to Punt on Contacting Israel

But remember the Dems said it was Trump wrecking relationships with our allies. So far Biden has pissed off the British, Canadians, and now Israel. Biden has sucked up to CHINA and MEXICO shocker there.
The Israelis aren't allies, they're a client state.

Here are the DNC's client states:
Michigan voted for Biden, following the 63 votes cast for him earlier in Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
Yeah, except Michigan reall didnt vote for Biden. None of the others either.

Just ignorant. in Sept 2016 Obama pledged 38 billion to Israel for the next ten years.
Might be time for Israel to stary cosying up to Russia or China.
Good riddance.
I'm sure the Chinese will be QUITE interested in Israeli avionics for their aircraft and missiles.

I don't believe in Satan or demons that's for sure.

I know. 2 Corinthians 4:4

2 Corinthians 4:4 has NOTHING to do with demons.

You are blinded to their existence.

They didn't know what caused convulsions or disease or mental health issues.
Or maybe you dont

When you were a Catholic, did they teach this fundamentalist Scofield thing in Florida?
Not a Catholic. They are the Counterfeit Church.

Everything Christ said NOT to do or believe, they do or believe

Jesus: call no man "father" because you have one Father and he is in heaven
CC: their leaders are called "father"

Jesus: No man has ASCENDED into heaven except the Son of Man who came down from heaven
CC: Teach the pagan belief that heaven is the reward of the saved

You must be a Scofield fundamentalist.
But remember the Dems said it was Trump wrecking relationships with our allies. So far Biden has pissed off the British, Canadians, and now Israel. Biden has sucked up to CHINA and MEXICO shocker there.
The Israelis aren't allies, they're a client state.

Here are the DNC's client states:
Michigan voted for Biden, following the 63 votes cast for him earlier in Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
Yeah, except Michigan reall didnt vote for Biden. None of the others either.

Just ignorant. in Sept 2016 Obama pledged 38 billion to Israel for the next ten years.

1. In so very many ways, Islamofascists and Democrats share a nexus, thus putting Obama in the proverbial ‘catbird seat.’
Here is one of those ways: anti-Semitism.

Who are the eternal targets of Islamists.


What is the only country that Obama sent paid apparatchiks to target and destabilize?

“Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu” Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu

“During Israel’s 2015 elections, the Obama administration — led by Secretary of State John Kerry — illegally intervened when they attempted to defeat the reelection of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by covertly funneling State Department grants to opposition groups. The Obama administration detested Netanyahu due to his refusal to cave into Palestinian demands, a group that even refused to recognize the existence of Israel.”
Obama’s Meddling in Foreign Elections: Six Examples

And who are Obama’s pals?????


Obama-Farrakhan photo cover-up
Obama-Farrakhan photo cover-up | Tulsa Today

2. Anyone recall the hidden tape of Obama with noted anti-Semite Rashid Khalidi?

"The L.A. Times Suppresses Obama’s Khalidi Bash Tape

At the time Khalidi, a PLO adviser turned University of Chicago professor, was headed east to Columbia. There he would take over the University’s Middle East-studies program (which he has since maintained as a bubbling cauldron of anti-Semitism) and assume the professorship endowed in honor of Edward Sayyid, another notorious terror apologist."
The L.A. Times Suppresses Obama’s Khalidi Bash Tape | National Review
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The leftists do hate Israel.

They hate Israel because they hate God. Of course they dont think that, because the god of this world has infected their minds
They hate Israel because it's full of Jews.

Leftists hate Jews.

You're an idiot.

US Pledges Billions to Israel Over 10 Years in Largest ...
Sep 13, 2016 · The United States will provide Israel’s military with $38 billion during the next 10 years, officials said Tuesday, the largest batch of military assistance the U.S. has ever pledged to another ...
That's nice.
And who are Obama’s pals?????


Obama-Farrakhan photo cover-up
Obama-Farrakhan photo cover-up | Tulsa Today
You really are not smart. At all.

Yes, You Read It Right: The Right Welcomed Louis Farrakhan’s Support of Donald Trump

The right used Louis Farrakhan, who once called Hitler a “great man,” to browbeat the left for years. But now that he’s all-but-endorsing Trump? Hey, no problem!


You would especially think the Trump and GOP would make it clear they want nothing to do with Farrakhan after they recently demanded the very same of Democrats who had any ties to him. In fact, many on the right were up in arms in January when an old photo from 2005 of Barack Obama simply standing next to Farrakhan surfaced.


Just look at how the right is responding to Farrakhan celebrating Trump. We aren’t seeing a chorus of condemnation. In fact, we are seeing worse than silence as two visible conservatives actually praised Farrakhan for his words of support for Trump. Candace Owens, the spokesperson for the very pro-Trump organization “Turning Point USA” and frequent Fox News guest, took to Twitter to praise the significance of Farrakhan’s words: “In no way do I endorse Farrakhan’s views but holy crap this is a really big deal. He has just aligned himself with Trump’s administration. What is going on in the black community right now is unprecedented. Flag this. It’s relevant.”

And then recent Trump convert Glenn Beck praised Owens’ assessment that Farrakhan’s praise of Trump is “huge.” But not a peep from either Beck or Owens about Farrakhan’s documented history of anti-Semitism.

While over on Trump loving Breitbart, the headline declared “Louis Farrakhan on Trump: ‘He Is Destroying Our Enemies,” where they highlighted his support of Trump. Only in the very last paragraph of that article was Farrakhan’s anti-Semitism even mentioned--and then in passing at best.
But remember the Dems said it was Trump wrecking relationships with our allies. So far Biden has pissed off the British, Canadians, and now Israel. Biden has sucked up to CHINA and MEXICO shocker there.

Biden hasn't pissed off Canadians. Not in the slightest. Maybe the neo-cons in Alberta but they're always pissed off anyway. Most Canadians didn't want that pipeline built and fiercely opposed it. And we're very grateful that Trump is gone.

Biden also hasn't pissed off the Brits either, and Great Britain can ill afford to get pissed off at anyone at the moment since Johnson has botched the initial covid response and done a very bad job with Brexit.

In fact, the ONLY people who are pissed off at Biden are the Russians, and I don't consider that a bad thing.
Veggie Joe didn’t piss off KKKanadians?

Even Black Face Boi Trudeau was pissed.

Looks like you are just as clueless about KKKanada as you are the USA.

Israel isn't a democracy, it's an 'apartheid regime ...
Jan 12, 2021 · Israel is no longer a democracy but an "apartheid regime" devoted to cementing the supremacy of Jews over Palestinians, the country's best-known human rights group said in a report published Tuesday.

Yes, when you start building hiways and roads to enhance transportation of goods to communities, and the only on and off ramps to that highway are to the Jewish settlements, with no access to or from these roads for Palestinian settlements, it's hard to call this anything but Apartheid.
Link to these highways?
This can’t be a surprise, fits the Obama narrative, somebody better inform him he is the President, or is he?

Biden has no ideas of his own, so far he is nothing more than 4 more years of Obama.

You say that like it's a BAD thing. Obama is responsible for the "greatest economic recovery ever" as Trump called it.
Barry Hussein had the worst recovery in history, moron.


1. In so very many ways, Islamofascists and Democrats share a nexus, thus putting Obama in the proverbial ‘catbird seat.’
Here is one of those ways: anti-Semitism.

Who are the eternal targets of Islamists.


What is the only country that Obama sent paid apparatchiks to target and destabilize?

“Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu” Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu

“During Israel’s 2015 elections, the Obama administration — led by Secretary of State John Kerry — illegally intervened when they attempted to defeat the reelection of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by covertly funneling State Department grants to opposition groups. The Obama administration detested Netanyahu due to his refusal to cave into Palestinian demands, a group that even refused to recognize the existence of Israel.”
Obama’s Meddling in Foreign Elections: Six Examples

That is silly.
Muslim have never hated Jews.
In fact, when Mohammad was hiding out from the Meccans, in Medina, it was the Hebrew who allied with him and help him to defeat the Meccans.
Jews and Muslims have always gotten along well because the share the same Old Testament, and have almost the same religion, including dietary constraints. Halel is equivalent to Kosher.
When Palestine was ruled by Muslims for the last 1400 years, no harm was done to any Jews there.
It was only Christian crusaders that harmed Jews, and Muslims like Saladin protected them.
Moslem like the Moors hired Jews as Viziers, to run Spain for them.
Israel isn't a democracy, it's an 'apartheid regime ...
Jan 12, 2021 · Israel is no longer a democracy but an "apartheid regime" devoted to cementing the supremacy of Jews over Palestinians, the country's best-known human rights group said in a report published Tuesday.

Yes, when you start building hiways and roads to enhance transportation of goods to communities, and the only on and off ramps to that highway are to the Jewish settlements, with no access to or from these roads for Palestinian settlements, it's hard to call this anything but Apartheid.
Link to these highways?

It is well known that Arabs are not allowed to use the same schools, hospitals, or even the same roads as Jews. All of Palestine is constantly under military blockade, with Arabs being totally and completely discriminated against to the point it is clear the Jews are trying to force them all out of their own country.
First President in 40 Years to Punt on Contacting Israel

Let's face facts, Doc, Joe is a good punter. Just ask his wife Jill. I expect Joe will be punting to Kammy long before his four years are out!

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Well them old Catholics don’t like Jews much, eh?

I think it is more likely that Democrats have no use for Jews besides their votes. Democrats have shown in their actions their disdain for Israel. Amazing how many American Jews continue to vote Democrat; a party that left them a long time ago.

Strangely, if you lived in brooklyn you lived next to Jews and Blacks all your life....
Well them old Catholics don’t like Jews much, eh?

I think it is more likely that Democrats have no use for Jews besides their votes. Democrats have shown in their actions their disdain for Israel. Amazing how many American Jews continue to vote Democrat; a party that left them a long time ago.

That's why Obama pledged $38 billion to them just before he left office.. Largest gift in history.. Of course the Israelis were pissed; they wanted $50 billion.
Hebron: Separate roads for Jews, Palestinians
Mar 07, 2013 · The segregated Jewish-Palestinian bus lines offered by the Afikim bus company in the West Bank have caused quite the stir recently, ... claiming that the paved road is intended "for Jews only"
Israel isn't a democracy, it's an 'apartheid regime ...
Jan 12, 2021 · Israel is no longer a democracy but an "apartheid regime" devoted to cementing the supremacy of Jews over Palestinians, the country's best-known human rights group said in a report published Tuesday.

Yes, when you start building hiways and roads to enhance transportation of goods to communities, and the only on and off ramps to that highway are to the Jewish settlements, with no access to or from these roads for Palestinian settlements, it's hard to call this anything but Apartheid.
Link to these highways?


1. In so very many ways, Islamofascists and Democrats share a nexus, thus putting Obama in the proverbial ‘catbird seat.’
Here is one of those ways: anti-Semitism.

Who are the eternal targets of Islamists.


What is the only country that Obama sent paid apparatchiks to target and destabilize?

“Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu” Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu

“During Israel’s 2015 elections, the Obama administration — led by Secretary of State John Kerry — illegally intervened when they attempted to defeat the reelection of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by covertly funneling State Department grants to opposition groups. The Obama administration detested Netanyahu due to his refusal to cave into Palestinian demands, a group that even refused to recognize the existence of Israel.”
Obama’s Meddling in Foreign Elections: Six Examples

That is silly.
Muslim have never hated Jews.
In fact, when Mohammad was hiding out from the Meccans, in Medina, it was the Hebrew who allied with him and help him to defeat the Meccans.
Jews and Muslims have always gotten along well because the share the same Old Testament, and have almost the same religion, including dietary constraints. Halel is equivalent to Kosher.
When Palestine was ruled by Muslims for the last 1400 years, no harm was done to any Jews there.
It was only Christian crusaders that harmed Jews, and Muslims like Saladin protected them.
Moslem like the Moors hired Jews as Viziers, to run Spain for them.

"That is silly.
Muslim have never hated Jews. "

You have just catapulted yourself to the head of the imbecile class.....and taken the one who applied that emoticon, with you.

Jews had lived in Iraq for some 2600 years, but the origin of this mass Muslim movement was in 627. At that time, Mohammed, defending Medina, judged the Jewish tribe to be guilty of aiding the Meccan attackers, and oversaw such acts as the beheading of 900 captives of the Banu Qurayzah tribe, he watched the bodies thrown into a pit.(… in his 1895 biography of Muhammad ("Mahomet and Islam", London, 1895, p. 151), which relied entirely on the original Muslim sources, the scholar Sir William Muir observed:

"The massacre of the Banu Coreiza was a barbarous deed which cannot be justified by any reason of political necessity the indiscriminate slaughter of the whole tribe cannot be recognized otherwise than as an act of monstrous cruelty?")

a. The extermination of the Jews of Medina represents the iconic moment in Islam, just as the Sermon on the Mount is the iconic moment of Christianity, or the parting of the Red Sea is for the Jews. Edwin Black in his book, “ The Farhud: The Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust.”

b. “Our hatred for the Jews dates from God's condemnation of them for their persecution and rejection of Isa (Jesus) and their subsequent rejection of His chosen Prophet." He added "that for a Muslim to kill a Jew, or for him to be killed by a Jew ensures him an immediate entry into Heaven and into the august presence of God Almighty." November 23, 1937, Saudi Arabia's King Ibn Saud told British Colonel H.R.P. Dickson. Official British document, Foreign Office File No. 371/20822 E 7201/22/31; Elie Kedourie, Islam in the Modern World, (London: Mansell, 1980), pp. 69-72.

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