Biden may be on the cusp of another historic achievement.

A renewed Iran nuclear deal appears closer than ever. Here are the remaining sticking points

Iran appears the most optimistic it’s been in years about finally clinching an agreement on a renewed version of the 2015 nuclear deal with the U.S. and other foreign powers.

Iranian negotiating team adviser Mohammad Marandi said on Monday that “we’re closer than we’ve been before” to securing a deal and that the “remaining issues are not very difficult to resolve.” And the European Union’s “final text” proposal for the deal, submitted last week, has been approved by the U.S., which says it’s ready to quickly seal the agreement if Iran accepts it.

Still, there are obstacles to rescuing the Obama-era pact, which lifted sanctions on Iran in exchange for a range of limits on its nuclear program. Iranian negotiators responded to the EU’s proposal, pointing out the remaining issues that may yet prove impossible to reconcile.

And the stakes are high: the more time goes by, the more Iran progresses in the advancement of its nuclear technology — far beyond the scope of what the U.N.’s nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency, and the 2015 deal’s original signatories say is acceptable.

Clearly nothing is certain but there is reason for optimism. It would be quite a success for the world's and the ME's security if Iran agrees not to develop nuclear missile capabilities after the colossally idiotic decision by Trump to blow up the previous agreement. Not to mention it would likely lead to more oil being added to the world's market, further pressuring the downward price spiral oil has been on for months. Lowering the price of oil being good for the country but bad for the political fortunes of those who wish the country harm, Repubs.
Yea, great. Yet another historic failure by the Biden Regime.

Let‘s make sure Iran has nukes everybody!
We still owe Iran a glassing over the hostage crisis....You know, back when we had the second worst POTUS in history......Indeed, it looks like Tater is saying "hold my beer and watch this".

Oh, and the State Department needs to be gutted like a fish too.
Yea, great. Yet another historic failure by the Biden Regime.

Let‘s make sure Iran has nukes everybody!
Iran's far closer to a nuke now BECAUSE Trump pulled us out of the JCPOA
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Why did the Iranians pitch such a fit when Trump ordered the whacking of Iranian Terrorist Qasam Soleimani?

The fellow was a real piece of shit, the mullahs should have send the Trumpster a thank you card for taking out their trash.
Why did the Iranians pitch such a fit when Trump ordered the whacking of Iranian Terrorist Qasam Soleimani?
Why would they not?

How would we have reacted had someone assassinated CIA Director Casey back in the 80s?

HE was a real piece of shit too...

I'm not defending the creep. Make no mistake but if you take out a high ranking leader of any country they are gonna be pissed
A renewed Iran nuclear deal appears closer than ever. Here are the remaining sticking points

Iran appears the most optimistic it’s been in years about finally clinching an agreement on a renewed version of the 2015 nuclear deal with the U.S. and other foreign powers.

Iranian negotiating team adviser Mohammad Marandi said on Monday that “we’re closer than we’ve been before” to securing a deal and that the “remaining issues are not very difficult to resolve.” And the European Union’s “final text” proposal for the deal, submitted last week, has been approved by the U.S., which says it’s ready to quickly seal the agreement if Iran accepts it.

Still, there are obstacles to rescuing the Obama-era pact, which lifted sanctions on Iran in exchange for a range of limits on its nuclear program. Iranian negotiators responded to the EU’s proposal, pointing out the remaining issues that may yet prove impossible to reconcile.

And the stakes are high: the more time goes by, the more Iran progresses in the advancement of its nuclear technology — far beyond the scope of what the U.N.’s nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency, and the 2015 deal’s original signatories say is acceptable.

Clearly nothing is certain but there is reason for optimism. It would be quite a success for the world's and the ME's security if Iran agrees not to develop nuclear missile capabilities after the colossally idiotic decision by Trump to blow up the previous agreement. Not to mention it would likely lead to more oil being added to the world's market, further pressuring the downward price spiral oil has been on for months. Lowering the price of oil being good for the country but bad for the political fortunes of those who wish the country harm, Repubs.
Same old shit and nothing will come of it.
I’ve been reading this story for 6 months and it ain’t gonna happen.
Why are the demented LEFT such cuckolds for the Iranian Mullahs?
My guess is the destruction of Israel, just a guess.
The last one was a good deal.

It let Iran develop and test ballistic missiles

It let Iran export terrorism

It let Iran have nuclear weapons after 10 years

Remember, we're trying to stop Iran from having nuclear weapons, not let them have them after 10 years. We sold our soles to the devil for 10 years.
Why would they not?

How would we have reacted had someone assassinated CIA Director Casey back in the 80s?

HE was a real piece of shit too...

I'm not defending the creep. Make no mistake but if you take out a high ranking leader of any country they are gonna be pissed

My point is that the Iranian Mullahs SAY they are against terrorism, but their attitude shows otherwise.
My point is that the Iranian Mullahs SAY they are against terrorism, but their attitude shows otherwise.
You don't know shit about what the Mullah's are saying.
Are you aware that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard is an extremist (and dangerous) organization that is far to the right of "the Mullah's" and the government in general?

I doubt you know much of anything
It let Iran develop and test ballistic missiles

It let Iran export terrorism

It let Iran have nuclear weapons after 10 years

Remember, we're trying to stop Iran from having nuclear weapons, not let them have them after 10 years. We sold our soles to the devil for 10 years.
Pulling us out of the JCPOA did NOTHING to prevent any of that.

It was a stupid move
It let Iran have nuclear weapons after 10 years
The responsibility for the extent to which Iran developed nuclear weapons is on Trump. IAEA inspections showed Iran was in compliance with the agreement until the Orange Buffoon ended it.

Claim 8: The deal won’t work because Iran is going to cheat.

The Facts:

The deal is not based on trust; it’s based on verification. The IAEA will have 24/7 access to Iran’s known nuclear facilities and will be closely monitoring Iran’s supply chain of nuclear materials, centrifuge production lines, and any purchases that might be used for a nuclear program. The deal also provides timely inspections to any undeclared facilities where suspected nuclear activity may be occurring. If Iran does cheat, they will be caught and sanctions will be re-imposed.

There are also aspects of the deal that Iran can’t easily undo. Iran must dismantle two-thirds of its installed centrifuges, remove 98% of its uranium stockpile, and permanently alter the Arak Plutonium reactor before it receives any relief from economic sanctions. These actions will be verified by the IAEA and will greatly increase the time it would take Iran to obtain weapons-grade nuclear material.

The deal goes to great lengths to buttress major points of the agreement. For example, the deal does not just put limitations on centrifuge production, it also puts limitations on rotor production, and on the machines that make the rotors. The subsidiary commitments that Iran has made for the agreement are truly impressive.

Rejecting this deal means no restrictions, no verification, and no inspections of Iran’s nuclear program. Even if Iran cheats, we’ll know far more about Iran’s nuclear activities than we do now. And that will mean that all of the alternatives—including the least desirable, military action—will be more effective.
A renewed Iran nuclear deal appears closer than ever. Here are the remaining sticking points

Iran appears the most optimistic it’s been in years about finally clinching an agreement on a renewed version of the 2015 nuclear deal with the U.S. and other foreign powers.

Iranian negotiating team adviser Mohammad Marandi said on Monday that “we’re closer than we’ve been before” to securing a deal and that the “remaining issues are not very difficult to resolve.” And the European Union’s “final text” proposal for the deal, submitted last week, has been approved by the U.S., which says it’s ready to quickly seal the agreement if Iran accepts it.

Still, there are obstacles to rescuing the Obama-era pact, which lifted sanctions on Iran in exchange for a range of limits on its nuclear program. Iranian negotiators responded to the EU’s proposal, pointing out the remaining issues that may yet prove impossible to reconcile.

And the stakes are high: the more time goes by, the more Iran progresses in the advancement of its nuclear technology — far beyond the scope of what the U.N.’s nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency, and the 2015 deal’s original signatories say is acceptable.

Clearly nothing is certain but there is reason for optimism. It would be quite a success for the world's and the ME's security if Iran agrees not to develop nuclear missile capabilities after the colossally idiotic decision by Trump to blow up the previous agreement. Not to mention it would likely lead to more oil being added to the world's market, further pressuring the downward price spiral oil has been on for months. Lowering the price of oil being good for the country but bad for the political fortunes of those who wish the country harm, Repubs.
Lady, you are so full of shit it's coming out of your ears.

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