Biden ‘misunderestimated’ Kevin McCarthy, and it led to a major conservative victory

Biden ‘misunderestimated’ Kevin McCarthy, and it led to a major conservative victory

2 Jun 2023 ~~ By Matt Mowers

When debt ceiling negotiations reached a fever pitch, President Biden made a crucial mistake. To steal a word coined by former President George W. Bush, he severely misunderestimated the strategic prowess of Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (Calif.).
In doing so, Biden inadvertently paved the way for McCarthy and the Republican Congress to achieve remarkable conservative victories that will have a lasting impact on the nation.
House Republicans’ shrewd maneuvering resulted in the largest reduction in spending in history — a rollback of nondefense spending to fiscal 2022 levels, the implementation of work requirements for government benefit programs and the successful clawback of billions in unspent funds from COVID-19 programs.
These accomplishments became possible even though Biden and his administration had maintained for months that they would never negotiate on the debt ceiling.
The debt ceiling negotiations were a battleground for ideological clashes between the two major parties. Biden, perhaps blinded by the initial success of his policy agenda under one-party rule and the bumpy process to kick off the most recent Congress, failed to recognize his adversary’s tactical acumen.
McCarthy just orchestrated the largest spending reduction in U.S. history, including substantial cuts across various sectors of government expenditure. This feat not only demonstrates Republican commitment to fiscal responsibility but also highlights his ability to galvanize support and achieve tangible results.
Finally, the success in clawing back billions of unspent funds from COVID programs highlights a commitment to fiscal accountability. McCarthy recognized the need to scrutinize the distribution and utilization of COVID funds and fought to reclaim unspent dollars. This action not only safeguards taxpayer money, but also ensures that these resources are allocated efficiently and effectively to address the ongoing challenges of the pandemic.
President Biden’s failure to fully comprehend McCarthy’s capabilities during the debt ceiling negotiations has had far-reaching consequences. These conservative victories have set a precedent for responsible fiscal governance, welfare reform and enhanced accountability. It is only a first step, but America is better off for McCarthy’s bold actions.

Indeed. It was a fake Uniparty “victory” that kicked the can with complete fabrication and camouflage. A huge LIE!
We do not have regular order in Congress. More non-budgeting continuing resolutions for decades. Not budgets, not bills and no conferencing.
Tricksters. And this “writer” is an apparatchik on crystal meth. Federal Reserve bunco crap. 44 trillion in debt. Not repayable. Slaves to a private bank.
The gaslighting will continue until we cheer over the major conservative victory.
When the Hill chalks this up as “fooling the Democrats” and a “victory for Republicans,” it is certain it is a loss for all American taxpayers.
The country is going further in debt.

There is no victory for anybody.

Just more big government disaster.

Biden ‘misunderestimated’ Kevin McCarthy, and it led to a major conservative victory

2 Jun 2023 ~~ By Matt Mowers

When debt ceiling negotiations reached a fever pitch, President Biden made a crucial mistake. To steal a word coined by former President George W. Bush, he severely misunderestimated the strategic prowess of Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (Calif.).
In doing so, Biden inadvertently paved the way for McCarthy and the Republican Congress to achieve remarkable conservative victories that will have a lasting impact on the nation.
House Republicans’ shrewd maneuvering resulted in the largest reduction in spending in history — a rollback of nondefense spending to fiscal 2022 levels, the implementation of work requirements for government benefit programs and the successful clawback of billions in unspent funds from COVID-19 programs.
These accomplishments became possible even though Biden and his administration had maintained for months that they would never negotiate on the debt ceiling.
The debt ceiling negotiations were a battleground for ideological clashes between the two major parties. Biden, perhaps blinded by the initial success of his policy agenda under one-party rule and the bumpy process to kick off the most recent Congress, failed to recognize his adversary’s tactical acumen.
McCarthy just orchestrated the largest spending reduction in U.S. history, including substantial cuts across various sectors of government expenditure. This feat not only demonstrates Republican commitment to fiscal responsibility but also highlights his ability to galvanize support and achieve tangible results.
Finally, the success in clawing back billions of unspent funds from COVID programs highlights a commitment to fiscal accountability. McCarthy recognized the need to scrutinize the distribution and utilization of COVID funds and fought to reclaim unspent dollars. This action not only safeguards taxpayer money, but also ensures that these resources are allocated efficiently and effectively to address the ongoing challenges of the pandemic.
President Biden’s failure to fully comprehend McCarthy’s capabilities during the debt ceiling negotiations has had far-reaching consequences. These conservative victories have set a precedent for responsible fiscal governance, welfare reform and enhanced accountability. It is only a first step, but America is better off for McCarthy’s bold actions.

Indeed. It was a fake Uniparty “victory” that kicked the can with complete fabrication and camouflage. A huge LIE!
We do not have regular order in Congress. More non-budgeting continuing resolutions for decades. Not budgets, not bills and no conferencing.
Tricksters. And this “writer” is an apparatchik on crystal meth. Federal Reserve bunco crap. 44 trillion in debt. Not repayable. Slaves to a private bank.
The gaslighting will continue until we cheer over the major conservative victory.
When the Hill chalks this up as “fooling the Democrats” and a “victory for Republicans,” it is certain it is a loss for all American taxpayers.
Total sellout to the left and the military-industrial complex...."Defense" spending needs the biggest haircut of all, and it's still growing.

McCarthy is a McFuckup.
The country is going further in debt.

There is no victory for anybody.

Just more big government disaster.
/——-/ I agree, but we didn’t get here overnight and it will take a generation of cuts to get us solvent. Rest assured if democRATs regain Congress they will go back to spending like drunken sailors.
/——-/ I agree, but we didn’t get here overnight and it will take a generation of cuts to get us solvent. Rest assured if democRATs regain Congress they will go back to spending like drunken sailors.
I understand what you are saying. Unfortunately that is the reality of politics in America.

However, compromise may get a deal done but that doesn't mean the deal is fiscally responsible.

The only sane responsible thing for us to be doing is drastically reducing the size of the bloated federal government.

Taking a small bite out of it isn't going fix anything.

For instance, McCarty was bragging that for once they were going to spend a little less this year than last year. Of course he forgot to mention how bloated and enormous last year's spending was and we had to borrow $1.5 trillion dollars more than we took in.

We need to be spending a lot less. Like trillion less.
Biden and the dems made no major concessions at all.

Biden and the dems lost nothing they cared about at all.

Republicans look stupid yet again.

this debt ceiling non-sense was a big fail and the GOP attempt to sabotage Biden's booming labor market failed.
Both sides complaining/claiming victory means a compromise was achieved. The two party system worked as advertised.
There is not a two party system.

There is only one party. It is the party of big government.

Democrats are the bat shit crazy branch and the Republicans are the more moderate.

Both are dedicated to maintaining this monstrosity of a Federal government that we have.

You saw how the two branches compromised to give us more debt and basically continue the same bloated debt ridden government that we have.
Government attracts corrupt bastards looking to line their own pockets and LOSERS who can't get a job in the private sector who want to mooch off the rest of us. It's corrupt from one end to the other.

Biden ‘misunderestimated’ Kevin McCarthy, and it led to a major conservative victory

2 Jun 2023 ~~ By Matt Mowers

When debt ceiling negotiations reached a fever pitch, President Biden made a crucial mistake. To steal a word coined by former President George W. Bush, he severely misunderestimated the strategic prowess of Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (Calif.).
In doing so, Biden inadvertently paved the way for McCarthy and the Republican Congress to achieve remarkable conservative victories that will have a lasting impact on the nation.
House Republicans’ shrewd maneuvering resulted in the largest reduction in spending in history — a rollback of nondefense spending to fiscal 2022 levels, the implementation of work requirements for government benefit programs and the successful clawback of billions in unspent funds from COVID-19 programs.
These accomplishments became possible even though Biden and his administration had maintained for months that they would never negotiate on the debt ceiling.
The debt ceiling negotiations were a battleground for ideological clashes between the two major parties. Biden, perhaps blinded by the initial success of his policy agenda under one-party rule and the bumpy process to kick off the most recent Congress, failed to recognize his adversary’s tactical acumen.
McCarthy just orchestrated the largest spending reduction in U.S. history, including substantial cuts across various sectors of government expenditure. This feat not only demonstrates Republican commitment to fiscal responsibility but also highlights his ability to galvanize support and achieve tangible results.
Finally, the success in clawing back billions of unspent funds from COVID programs highlights a commitment to fiscal accountability. McCarthy recognized the need to scrutinize the distribution and utilization of COVID funds and fought to reclaim unspent dollars. This action not only safeguards taxpayer money, but also ensures that these resources are allocated efficiently and effectively to address the ongoing challenges of the pandemic.
President Biden’s failure to fully comprehend McCarthy’s capabilities during the debt ceiling negotiations has had far-reaching consequences. These conservative victories have set a precedent for responsible fiscal governance, welfare reform and enhanced accountability. It is only a first step, but America is better off for McCarthy’s bold actions.

Indeed. It was a fake Uniparty “victory” that kicked the can with complete fabrication and camouflage. A huge LIE!
We do not have regular order in Congress. More non-budgeting continuing resolutions for decades. Not budgets, not bills and no conferencing.
Tricksters. And this “writer” is an apparatchik on crystal meth. Federal Reserve bunco crap. 44 trillion in debt. Not repayable. Slaves to a private bank.
The gaslighting will continue until we cheer over the major conservative victory.
When the Hill chalks this up as “fooling the Democrats” and a “victory for Republicans,” it is certain it is a loss for all American taxpayers.
an op ed from maga
Matt Mowers is the former senior White House adviser in the U.S. Department of State under former President Trump.
  • There will now be no Republican-led government shutdown - part of the agreement.
  • There will be no future debt-ceiling hostage taking for the rest of Biden's term - this was a 2 year deal.

Congrats! 🤣🤣🤣
Their deal, the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023, pares back federal spending by at least an estimated $234 billion over the next two years, but it barely dents a debt that is still expected to exceed $50 trillion by the end of the decade.

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