Biden Must Be Canceled

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
No, no, no. I'm not saying that the right should cancel Biden. I'm saying that the left should cancel Biden. After all, his ancestors owned slaves. There must be no statues, or anything of the kind for Biden. He is a national embarrassment due to his past, not to mention the many things he has done in his own life which have been chronicled before which are worthy of his cancelness.

I just can't believe that during his lowest poll numbers since getting elected due to several major gaffs of his Administration he all of a sudden creates these vaccine mandates...

This from the party that chants "A woman's body is a woman's choice" apparently means nothing when it comes to Vaccines...then we must strap her into a chair by force and pump her full of them.

Just doesn't make a lot of sense...

It's a massive violation of state's rights and exceeding his authority.
Nevermind the absolute disregard for the constitution... either he doesn't know it or doesn't care. But it's not a good thing for him to do on several fronts. Timing and substance.

Never seen anyone self destruct like this since Dukakis driving a tank.
"US Secretary of State Blinken evaded the question of who in the White House has the authority to interrupt the broadcasts of Biden's speeches, which happens very often"
His doctors

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