Biden needed a script to know what to say to Kamala Harris during basement hideout call

Pathetic how there was no A/C and electricity at their first speaking event. It's a foreshadow of expecting plenty of outages if they are elected...

With regards to how he's holding the phone, it looks as though he wants whatever Harris is saying to be picked up by the speakers. I say this because, not only is the phone's microphone pointed towards Biden's laptop, but it's angled towards it as well. That wouldn't necessarily help, but I wouldn't expect Biden to know it wouldn't help.

As for a "script", I don't see an issue with that. Biden knows this is something that'll be picked up by news services around the world and, accordingly, he wants to make sure that he doesn't miss or skip over anything important. It's like using cue cards or, Hell, even a teleprompter.

There are so many things for which we can be critical of Biden, and rightly so. I just don't think this is one of them...
With all due respect, Canon...if you need a script to make a simple phone call like've got no business running for one of the most demanding jobs on the planet! Biden is becoming a punch line only nobody is laughing!
Knowing the day and date is overrated. Biden will never shuffle out of a back room with Putin, looking like he's been buggered senseless, and side with Putin against the US Intel community.
Ah, Dude? Biden pretty much has that look on his face every day! Just saying...
Some kid in Somalia will be wearing this shirt with his 2020 49er super bowl champion hat. :oops:
Some kids are smarter than others.
Clearly some adults too. ;)

With regards to how he's holding the phone, it looks as though he wants whatever Harris is saying to be picked up by the speakers. I say this because, not only is the phone's microphone pointed towards Biden's laptop, but it's angled towards it as well. That wouldn't necessarily help, but I wouldn't expect Biden to know it wouldn't help.

As for a "script", I don't see an issue with that. Biden knows this is something that'll be picked up by news services around the world and, accordingly, he wants to make sure that he doesn't miss or skip over anything important. It's like using cue cards or, Hell, even a teleprompter.

There are so many things for which we can be critical of Biden, and rightly so. I just don't think this is one of them...
With all due respect, Canon...if you need a script to make a simple phone call like've got no business running for one of the most demanding jobs on the planet! Biden is becoming a punch line only nobody is laughing!

Well, with all due respect, he's not ordering a pizza. It's not a simple phone call. It's the single most important phone call he'll ever make.

Again, I don't disagree that Biden's not up to the task. But this is something for which there's no genuine criticism...
What's wrong with an agenda for a meeting? I mean sure Trump only uses notes when talking to the press, but it's generally considered a good idea to have a plan of points you want to make and make sure you hit all of them.

I'd agree that Biden's view of American society is pretty much the same that he had in 1998 I'm hoping that on my 70th bday, and 72nd at the least, I'll choose to never entertain a new thought. I may start watching Perry Mason (the Raymond Burr one) on TV too. (I think I've already seen every Gunsmoke at least once (-))
An agenda would be normal.
It wasn't an agenda. You can see that it is a word for word script.
And agenda and a script is two different things
With regards to how he's holding the phone, it looks as though he wants whatever Harris is saying to be picked up by the speakers. I say this because, not only is the phone's microphone pointed towards Biden's laptop, but it's angled towards it as well. That wouldn't necessarily help, but I wouldn't expect Biden to know it wouldn't help.

As for a "script", I don't see an issue with that. Biden knows this is something that'll be picked up by news services around the world and, accordingly, he wants to make sure that he doesn't miss or skip over anything important. It's like using cue cards or, Hell, even a teleprompter.

There are so many things for which we can be critical of Biden, and rightly so. I just don't think this is one of them...
With all due respect, Canon...if you need a script to make a simple phone call like've got no business running for one of the most demanding jobs on the planet! Biden is becoming a punch line only nobody is laughing!

Well, with all due respect, he's not ordering a pizza. It's not a simple phone call. It's the single most important phone call he'll ever make.

Again, I don't disagree that Biden's not up to the task. But this is something for which there's no genuine criticism...

If it's so obvious that Biden isn't up to the task...then why is he the Democrat's candidate? What's going on here? Don't we have political campaigns to weed out the people who AREN'T up to the task? Do you remember when Howard Dean's campaign went up in flames just because his little yelping scream made people think he might be losing it? Biden makes Dean look like the best candidate EVER and he's not being challenged on it! How can the media go along with this? Isn't it their role in the process to help the people make an informed choice? Have they decided to totally turn their backs on that role simply because they dislike Trump so much? This whole "anyone but Trump" narrative that's being put forth is reckless and terribly dangerous!
What's wrong with an agenda for a meeting? I mean sure Trump only uses notes when talking to the press, but it's generally considered a good idea to have a plan of points you want to make and make sure you hit all of them.

I'd agree that Biden's view of American society is pretty much the same that he had in 1998 I'm hoping that on my 70th bday, and 72nd at the least, I'll choose to never entertain a new thought. I may start watching Perry Mason (the Raymond Burr one) on TV too. (I think I've already seen every Gunsmoke at least once (-))
An agenda would be normal.
It wasn't an agenda. You can see that it is a word for word script.
And agenda and a script is two different things
ok. Did you get your glasses recently.

What's wrong with an agenda for a meeting? I mean sure Trump only uses notes when talking to the press, but it's generally considered a good idea to have a plan of points you want to make and make sure you hit all of them.

I'd agree that Biden's view of American society is pretty much the same that he had in 1998 I'm hoping that on my 70th bday, and 72nd at the least, I'll choose to never entertain a new thought. I may start watching Perry Mason (the Raymond Burr one) on TV too. (I think I've already seen every Gunsmoke at least once (-))
An agenda would be normal.
It wasn't an agenda. You can see that it is a word for word script.
And agenda and a script is two different things

In that zoomed in photo, the text is barely readable. To refer to it as a "script" is really pretty funny...
What's wrong with an agenda for a meeting? I mean sure Trump only uses notes when talking to the press, but it's generally considered a good idea to have a plan of points you want to make and make sure you hit all of them.

I'd agree that Biden's view of American society is pretty much the same that he had in 1998 I'm hoping that on my 70th bday, and 72nd at the least, I'll choose to never entertain a new thought. I may start watching Perry Mason (the Raymond Burr one) on TV too. (I think I've already seen every Gunsmoke at least once (-))
An agenda would be normal.
It wasn't an agenda. You can see that it is a word for word script.
And agenda and a script is two different things
ok. Did you get your glasses recently.

That is a script. An agenda is simply an outline of what you want to say.
For instance...

A) Discuss reasons for choosing her.

That is not what this is... the sheet literally says word for word what he is going to say... look up the definition for a script...and...
What's wrong with an agenda for a meeting? I mean sure Trump only uses notes when talking to the press, but it's generally considered a good idea to have a plan of points you want to make and make sure you hit all of them.

I'd agree that Biden's view of American society is pretty much the same that he had in 1998 I'm hoping that on my 70th bday, and 72nd at the least, I'll choose to never entertain a new thought. I may start watching Perry Mason (the Raymond Burr one) on TV too. (I think I've already seen every Gunsmoke at least once (-))
An agenda would be normal.
It wasn't an agenda. You can see that it is a word for word script.
And agenda and a script is two different things

In that zoomed in photo, the text is barely readable. To refer to it as a "script" is really pretty funny...
Then you have very bad eyes.
What's wrong with an agenda for a meeting? I mean sure Trump only uses notes when talking to the press, but it's generally considered a good idea to have a plan of points you want to make and make sure you hit all of them.

I'd agree that Biden's view of American society is pretty much the same that he had in 1998 I'm hoping that on my 70th bday, and 72nd at the least, I'll choose to never entertain a new thought. I may start watching Perry Mason (the Raymond Burr one) on TV too. (I think I've already seen every Gunsmoke at least once (-))
An agenda would be normal.
It wasn't an agenda. You can see that it is a word for word script.
And agenda and a script is two different things
ok. Did you get your glasses recently.

That is a script. An agenda is simply an outline of what you want to say.
For instance...

A) Discuss reasons for choosing her.

That is not what this is... the sheet literally says word for word what he is going to say... look up the definition for a script...and...
That is unintelligible, kreskin. Buivle
What's wrong with an agenda for a meeting? I mean sure Trump only uses notes when talking to the press, but it's generally considered a good idea to have a plan of points you want to make and make sure you hit all of them.

I'd agree that Biden's view of American society is pretty much the same that he had in 1998 I'm hoping that on my 70th bday, and 72nd at the least, I'll choose to never entertain a new thought. I may start watching Perry Mason (the Raymond Burr one) on TV too. (I think I've already seen every Gunsmoke at least once (-))
An agenda would be normal.
It wasn't an agenda. You can see that it is a word for word script.
And agenda and a script is two different things

In that zoomed in photo, the text is barely readable. To refer to it as a "script" is really pretty funny...
Then you have very bad eyes.
You have a vivid imagination. LOL
What's wrong with an agenda for a meeting? I mean sure Trump only uses notes when talking to the press, but it's generally considered a good idea to have a plan of points you want to make and make sure you hit all of them.

I'd agree that Biden's view of American society is pretty much the same that he had in 1998 I'm hoping that on my 70th bday, and 72nd at the least, I'll choose to never entertain a new thought. I may start watching Perry Mason (the Raymond Burr one) on TV too. (I think I've already seen every Gunsmoke at least once (-))
An agenda would be normal.
It wasn't an agenda. You can see that it is a word for word script.
And agenda and a script is two different things
ok. Did you get your glasses recently.

That is a script. An agenda is simply an outline of what you want to say.
For instance...

A) Discuss reasons for choosing her.

That is not what this is... the sheet literally says word for word what he is going to say... look up the definition for a script...and...
That is unintelligible, kreskin. Buivle
What's wrong with an agenda for a meeting? I mean sure Trump only uses notes when talking to the press, but it's generally considered a good idea to have a plan of points you want to make and make sure you hit all of them.

I'd agree that Biden's view of American society is pretty much the same that he had in 1998 I'm hoping that on my 70th bday, and 72nd at the least, I'll choose to never entertain a new thought. I may start watching Perry Mason (the Raymond Burr one) on TV too. (I think I've already seen every Gunsmoke at least once (-))
An agenda would be normal.
It wasn't an agenda. You can see that it is a word for word script.
And agenda and a script is two different things

In that zoomed in photo, the text is barely readable. To refer to it as a "script" is really pretty funny...
Then you have very bad eyes.
You have a vivid imagination. LOL
Whatever.... clearly you have never written an agenda before. Me?... 100's if not a 1000
An agenda is basically a list of topics and the order in which to discuss them.
This is not a list.... as you can clearly see the letter is written to be read off of.
You don't want to see that.... I get it.
Well it is well known she gives great blow jobs in order to get a job so maybe Ole Joe decided to stop molesting children for awhile and get some head from the Ho.

In the interest of full disclosure, I would totally let Kamala Harris suck my dick...
Full disclosure, she does look like she'd be a lot of fun to get drunk with and then take her up to the room and shit-dick her. And then change hotels.

But that's a long way from VP material. C'mon man!!
What's wrong with an agenda for a meeting? I mean sure Trump only uses notes when talking to the press, but it's generally considered a good idea to have a plan of points you want to make and make sure you hit all of them.

I'd agree that Biden's view of American society is pretty much the same that he had in 1998 I'm hoping that on my 70th bday, and 72nd at the least, I'll choose to never entertain a new thought. I may start watching Perry Mason (the Raymond Burr one) on TV too. (I think I've already seen every Gunsmoke at least once (-))
An agenda would be normal.
It wasn't an agenda. You can see that it is a word for word script.
And agenda and a script is two different things

In that zoomed in photo, the text is barely readable. To refer to it as a "script" is really pretty funny...
Then you have very bad eyes.

Perhaps that's the case.

Please provide the text from that "script" here. If it's so easy to read, you should be able to do it without any issues.

Thanks so much...

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