Biden Neglects To Commemorate D-Day, Tweets About Tulsa Massacre Instead

Biden Neglects To Commemorate D-Day, Tweets About Tulsa Massacre Instead

7 Jun 2021 ~~ By Jon Brown

President Joe Biden neglected to commemorate the 77th anniversary of D-Day on Sunday, choosing instead to post a video of himself meeting with survivors of the 1921 Tulsa Massacre.
“I met with survivors of the Tulsa Massacre this week to help fill the silence. Because in silence, wounds deepen. And, as painful as it is, only in remembrance do wounds heal,” Biden tweeted from his presidential Twitter account.

Awful things happened in American history. No one denies that. But we’re saints compared to the Chinese and the Russians. They’ve killed more that 150 milion of their own citizens in 20th Century. Not to mention the millions the Chinese have killed throughout the globe since January 2020...
Yet Chyna Joey Xi Bai Dung has either had a gap in his dementia and those around him just don't give a damn about rememberance of D-Day and the sacrifices American soldier made to make the world a better place.

Biden Neglects To Commemorate D-Day, Tweets About Tulsa Massacre Instead

7 Jun 2021 ~~ By Jon Brown

President Joe Biden neglected to commemorate the 77th anniversary of D-Day on Sunday, choosing instead to post a video of himself meeting with survivors of the 1921 Tulsa Massacre.
“I met with survivors of the Tulsa Massacre this week to help fill the silence. Because in silence, wounds deepen. And, as painful as it is, only in remembrance do wounds heal,” Biden tweeted from his presidential Twitter account.

Awful things happened in American history. No one denies that. But we’re saints compared to the Chinese and the Russians. They’ve killed more that 150 milion of their own citizens in 20th Century. Not to mention the millions the Chinese have killed throughout the globe since January 2020...
Yet Chyna Joey Xi Bai Dung has either had a gap in his dementia and those around him just don't give a damn about rememberance of D-Day and the sacrifices American soldier made to make the world a better place.
Joe never served and Hunter got a Dishonorable Discharge.
Either did Trump or his entire family.
Biden never criticized the military or their families.
Trump did.
Carter was the last President who served, then Ford, then Nixon.
And Biden has the record for exemptions

Biden Neglects To Commemorate D-Day, Tweets About Tulsa Massacre Instead

7 Jun 2021 ~~ By Jon Brown

President Joe Biden neglected to commemorate the 77th anniversary of D-Day on Sunday, choosing instead to post a video of himself meeting with survivors of the 1921 Tulsa Massacre.
“I met with survivors of the Tulsa Massacre this week to help fill the silence. Because in silence, wounds deepen. And, as painful as it is, only in remembrance do wounds heal,” Biden tweeted from his presidential Twitter account.

Awful things happened in American history. No one denies that. But we’re saints compared to the Chinese and the Russians. They’ve killed more that 150 milion of their own citizens in 20th Century. Not to mention the millions the Chinese have killed throughout the globe since January 2020...
Yet Chyna Joey Xi Bai Dung has either had a gap in his dementia and those around him just don't give a damn about rememberance of D-Day and the sacrifices American soldier made to make the world a better place.

If Xiden was president during WWII we be talking jap.
More black prior died at Tulsa than they did in Normandy.

Tulsa deserves more mourning. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a racist

"The National D-Day Memorial Foundation is one of those organizations. At its memorial site in Bedford, Virginia, there are 4,414 names enshrined in bronze plaques representing every Allied soldier, sailor, airman and coast guardsman who died on D-Day. That figure was the result of years of exhaustive research by librarian and genealogist Carol Tuckwiller on behalf of the Foundation, and remains the most accurate count of Allied fatalities within the 24-hour period known as D-Day."

How many died at Tulsa?


"The Oklahoma Bureau of Vital Statistics officially recorded 36 dead. A 2001 state commission examination of events was able to confirm 36 dead, 26 Black and 10 white. However, historians estimate the death toll may have been as high as 300."


Biden Neglects To Commemorate D-Day, Tweets About Tulsa Massacre Instead

7 Jun 2021 ~~ By Jon Brown

President Joe Biden neglected to commemorate the 77th anniversary of D-Day on Sunday, choosing instead to post a video of himself meeting with survivors of the 1921 Tulsa Massacre.
“I met with survivors of the Tulsa Massacre this week to help fill the silence. Because in silence, wounds deepen. And, as painful as it is, only in remembrance do wounds heal,” Biden tweeted from his presidential Twitter account.

Awful things happened in American history. No one denies that. But we’re saints compared to the Chinese and the Russians. They’ve killed more that 150 milion of their own citizens in 20th Century. Not to mention the millions the Chinese have killed throughout the globe since January 2020...
Yet Chyna Joey Xi Bai Dung has either had a gap in his dementia and those around him just don't give a damn about rememberance of D-Day and the sacrifices American soldier made to make the world a better place.
This proves Biden loves dead darkies more than our military

And fondling little girls and sniffing their hair the mostest biffster.
The political points Biden gets from commemorating Tulsa outweighed the points he gets for commemorating D-Day. Hard to believe that nobody on his staff mentioned D-Day at all on Saturday or Sunday, Kamala and Jill both tweeted something about it but not Joe.
Liberating the world from fascism is what the Left despise.

Shameful of a Commander in Chief to not mark one of the most pivotal events in human history that cost the lives of 2,502 Americans in order to liberate tens of millions.
They should be celebrating the battle of Midway. Now that was a turning point for an underdog, the Soviets already had the Nazis beat.
More black prior died at Tulsa than they did in Normandy.

Tulsa deserves more mourning. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a racist
The highest estimate of blacks killed in Tulsa is 300. 2,502 Americans died in the D-Day invasion, including 6 black American soldiers.

So are you lying or just completely ignorant? I can never tell with you Leftards.
More black prior died at Tulsa than they did in Normandy.

Tulsa deserves more mourning. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a racist
You better run the numbers, because I think you’re terribly mistaken.

That 300 number killed in Tulsa is highly questionable. Initial estimates were around 30, with 10 being white people.
They should be celebrating the battle of Midway. Now that was a turning point for an underdog, the Soviets already had the Nazis beat.

Better check your history again. The battle of Midway took place in June of 1942. the Russian battle turning point didn't occur until early 1943.
let’s face it, Xiden and Harris don’t really like celebrating the defeat of Fascism

Biden Neglects To Commemorate D-Day, Tweets About Tulsa Massacre Instead

7 Jun 2021 ~~ By Jon Brown

President Joe Biden neglected to commemorate the 77th anniversary of D-Day on Sunday, choosing instead to post a video of himself meeting with survivors of the 1921 Tulsa Massacre.
“I met with survivors of the Tulsa Massacre this week to help fill the silence. Because in silence, wounds deepen. And, as painful as it is, only in remembrance do wounds heal,” Biden tweeted from his presidential Twitter account.

Awful things happened in American history. No one denies that. But we’re saints compared to the Chinese and the Russians. They’ve killed more that 150 milion of their own citizens in 20th Century. Not to mention the millions the Chinese have killed throughout the globe since January 2020...
Yet Chyna Joey Xi Bai Dung has either had a gap in his dementia and those around him just don't give a damn about rememberance of D-Day and the sacrifices American soldier made to make the world a better place.
As Trump

Biden Neglects To Commemorate D-Day, Tweets About Tulsa Massacre Instead

7 Jun 2021 ~~ By Jon Brown

President Joe Biden neglected to commemorate the 77th anniversary of D-Day on Sunday, choosing instead to post a video of himself meeting with survivors of the 1921 Tulsa Massacre.
“I met with survivors of the Tulsa Massacre this week to help fill the silence. Because in silence, wounds deepen. And, as painful as it is, only in remembrance do wounds heal,” Biden tweeted from his presidential Twitter account.

Awful things happened in American history. No one denies that. But we’re saints compared to the Chinese and the Russians. They’ve killed more that 150 milion of their own citizens in 20th Century. Not to mention the millions the Chinese have killed throughout the globe since January 2020...
Yet Chyna Joey Xi Bai Dung has either had a gap in his dementia and those around him just don't give a damn about rememberance of D-Day and the sacrifices American soldier made to make the world a better place.
Bidens communist regime needs to the black community burning and lotting creating chaos to distract from Biden and China.
But that's what Trump wanted, now your mad?
The Democrat Party's obession with race IS racism.
They are tearing our country apart.
They are teaching children to hate.
They are inciting racial violence.
"The jews will not replace us"

Trump: "There very fine people on both sides".

Trump: "There very fine people on both sides".

Where's the rest of the quote?

or do you just like cherry picking to promote your agenda?
That was it.
Speaking in the lobby of Trump Tower at what had been billed as a statement on infrastructure, a combative Trump defended his slowness to condemn white nationalists and neo-Nazis after the melee in central Virginia, which ended in the death of one woman and injuries to dozens of others.

“You also had some very fine people on both sides,” Trump said.

“I’ve condemned neo-Nazis. I’ve condemned many different groups. But not all of those people were neo-Nazis, believe me,” he said.

"Believe me".
That's the word Trump uses when he's lying.

“You had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists,” Trump said. “The press has treated them absolutely unfairly.”

How could he possibly know that?
America will be salvageable only when our leaders have the intelligence, courage, and understanding, when some Jew starts shrieking about Nazis or white nationalists, to look the Jew in the eye and say, So what, Jew? because, my dear Mr. Trump, what did your condemnation of neo-Nazis and white nationalists get you? Nothing but the theft of your presidency and ongoing persecution from the neo-Bolsheviks, who hate you, who hate Christians, who hate blacks, whites, Asians, and Hispanics. There is no appeasing them or compromising with them or coexisting with them. Period.

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