Biden Now and Five Years Ago

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
He had an occasional senior moment back then which indicated he had the possible onset of dementia and this was brought up in in 2020. Biden's supporters dismissed it as nonsense, but when you look at the Biden of 2019 and the Biden of today there is a remarkable difference. Even in his lucid moments he is not the man from five years ago. This man is not fit for another presidential term and Democrats need to stop gaslighting people. This is too important of an issue.

He had an occasional senior moment back then which indicated he had the possible onset of dementia and this was brought up in in 2020. Biden's supporters dismissed it as nonsense, but when you look at the Biden of 2019 and the Biden of today there is a remarkable difference. Even in his lucid moments he is not the man from five years ago. This man is not fit for another presidential term and Democrats need to stop gaslighting people. This is too important of an issue.

You’re telling me he was retarded five years ago and hasn’t improved with age? That’s interesting.
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You’re telling me he was retarded five years ago and hasn’t improved with age? That’s interesting.
I think you mean you're retarded? You give off that vibe.

As far as Biden is concerned, I remember, before he announced he was seeking reelection, a reporter asked him if he would be running for reelection, and he gave them a vacant stare and said, in a barely audible voice, "you'll see", and I knew right there he would never make it through campaign season.
He had an occasional senior moment back then which indicated he had the possible onset of dementia and this was brought up in in 2020. Biden's supporters dismissed it as nonsense, but when you look at the Biden of 2019 and the Biden of today there is a remarkable difference. Even in his lucid moments he is not the man from five years ago. This man is not fit for another presidential term and Democrats need to stop gaslighting people. This is too important of an issue.

But he defeated Medicaid...
41% of Democrats and 80% of Independents say Joe Biden does not have the mental and cognitive health to serve as President

Unfortunately, the man who is his opponent is once again Donald John Trump. Republicans and conservatives will not give him up. I believe THAT is the main reason Biden chose to run for re-election. Had Trump been vanquished, I believe Biden would have rode off into the sunset to enjoy his golden years. Like it or not, this is the terrible choice I knew we would end up with. Keep running with the old fart who clearly is tired, exhausted, and beyond the capability to do the job (but won't step aside), or the old fart who is a lying, malignant narcissist hell bent on a revenge tour. Turn this country back over to Trump and his alt-right minions (like Bannon and Miller), and you won't recognize this country inside of two years.

We deserve better than these two. Unfortunately, as I said months ago, voters will now have to look down at the ballot and be forced to make the difficult choice.
Sorry, I'm still gonna choose Biden. Trump can't be allowed power again.
This is just one comparison, it doesn;t at all do justice to his decline. We all saw it in during the Primaries. It was abundantly clear during the 2020 election when Trump was flying around the country doing rallies while Biden didn't campaign at all. At all. The media continued to lie to you in the way the Soviets would do in the 1970s and they will ALL be at work next week. Well paid, living comfortably while America declines and the world burns.

Now America has 13-16M new illegal immigrants in less than four years, most from countries in which 9 of the top 10 most violent cities exist. Even Joe himself acknowledges that an illegal murdered a pregnant woman, one of many. You now have multiple wars and the threat of it escalating into Western Europe.

Those behind the scenes and in the global elite who wanted Biden simply because it would give them power instead of the outsider hate America and her Republic. They are no ally to America and her quality of life and future influence. They hate their citizens who fight wars while they drink champagne laughing at the idiots who vote for slick, manufactured candidates rather than policies.

All of this was avoidable.

Europe saw America and decided they want part of this. Enter the far right.
Unfortunately, the man who is his opponent is once again Donald John Trump. Republicans and conservatives will not give him up. I believe THAT is the main reason Biden chose to run for re-election. Had Trump been vanquished, I believe Biden would have rode off into the sunset to enjoy his golden years. Like it or not, this is the terrible choice I knew we would end up with. Keep running with the old fart who clearly is tired, exhausted, and beyond the capability to do the job (but won't step aside), or the old fart who is a lying, malignant narcissist hell bent on a revenge tour. Turn this country back over to Trump and his alt-right minions (like Bannon and Miller), and you won't recognize this country inside of two years.

We deserve better than these two. Unfortunately, as I said months ago, voters will now have to look down at the ballot and be forced to make the difficult choice.
Sorry, I'm still gonna choose Biden. Trump can't be allowed power again.
Are you mad? Biden was not going anywhere. Obama didn't want him to run in 2020 yet he did.
Unfortunately, the man who is his opponent is once again Donald John Trump. Republicans and conservatives will not give him up. I believe THAT is the main reason Biden chose to run for re-election. Had Trump been vanquished, I believe Biden would have rode off into the sunset to enjoy his golden years. Like it or not, this is the terrible choice I knew we would end up with. Keep running with the old fart who clearly is tired, exhausted, and beyond the capability to do the job (but won't step aside), or the old fart who is a lying, malignant narcissist hell bent on a revenge tour. Turn this country back over to Trump and his alt-right minions (like Bannon and Miller), and you won't recognize this country inside of two years.

We deserve better than these two. Unfortunately, as I said months ago, voters will now have to look down at the ballot and be forced to make the difficult choice.
Sorry, I'm still gonna choose Biden. Trump can't be allowed power again.
The Republican Party has to transition from the Country Club ones. Even though Trump has money. There is resistance. And we have seen it for a couple of decades as the movement has grown. The House and Senate has many closeted Progs it seems. Showing up when important Prog votes are needed to get passed. Different ones voting for different legislation. Trump will clean this up. It needs cleaning. Progs will keep moving into insane agendas and printing more and more federal reserve notes for it. They need to take a hit on the chin for the 2020 lies.
I am speaking about 2024. Biden ran to defeat Trump in 2020. Had Trump been sent packing after 2020, I don't think Biden would have run for re-election.
He likes being President, he sees his sons legal problems and assumes he will be anointed because the media and his handlers tell him how great he is. It's ego and a false sense of accomplishment.

Listen to the political experts who say that Biden has been an amazing president. They say his policies have been great for the American people. They can;t help but bs themselves and others.

If his policies have been so good why does he have record low approval? This is among more than average number of Dems being polled I'm sure.

He may end of stepping down but all it will mean is that the next slick, well packaged career politician will step in to adopt the same policies. They want California from Florida to Alaska and they may well get it. Get ready for the media to be 100% on board whatever they decide. It has never been what is best for America.
Sure, just like he did last time.... :scared1:
Trumps first term was more like the first term Obamas was SUPPOSED to be. Instead, Obama extended much of GWB in his first term. So much so that they needed to bring racial divide into the second term in order to try and get elected.
He had an occasional senior moment back then which indicated he had the possible onset of dementia and this was brought up in in 2020. Biden's supporters dismissed it as nonsense, but when you look at the Biden of 2019 and the Biden of today there is a remarkable difference. Even in his lucid moments he is not the man from five years ago. This man is not fit for another presidential term and Democrats need to stop gaslighting people. This is too important of an issue.

The job ages everyone who's had it and Biden is possibly the most shocking example of that.
He had an occasional senior moment back then which indicated he had the possible onset of dementia and this was brought up in in 2020. Biden's supporters dismissed it as nonsense, but when you look at the Biden of 2019 and the Biden of today there is a remarkable difference. Even in his lucid moments he is not the man from five years ago. This man is not fit for another presidential term and Democrats need to stop gaslighting people. This is too important of an issue.

Imagine where he'll be in 4 years.
The Republican Party has to transition from the Country Club ones. Even though Trump has money. There is resistance. And we have seen it for a couple of decades as the movement has grown. The House and Senate has many closeted Progs it seems. Showing up when important Prog votes are needed to get passed. Different ones voting for different legislation. Trump will clean this up. It needs cleaning. Progs will keep moving into insane agendas and printing more and more federal reserve notes for it. They need to take a hit on the chin for the 2020 lies.
You're a lying, dog faced pony soldier.

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