Biden now threatening state of texas...Jan 18 or else

Does the Biden administration really want a shootout between the Texas National Guard and the Feds?
Does the Biden administration really want a shootout between the Texas National Guard and the Feds?

Obviously no, and there is no reason for it if Texas doesn't commit gross violation of the laws by refusing court orders.

Any other questions?
You are full of laughable, unsupportable bullshit.

Your every post is just some half-baked argument of convinience you make up on the fly.

Let me explain to you some reality:

Texas will to be taken to court, lose the case and will be ordered to comply with the Feds. If by some stroke of insanity they refuse court order they will be made to comply by US armed forces. THE END

That's all very melodramatic but I don't see Sloppy Joe sending in the military to confront Texas law enforcement.

I think what is being missed is the absurdity of Biden's actions. He is explicitly violating immigration law and is now making threats to Texas demanding that they not interfere with his law breaking.
I'm a REALITY supporting Democrat who is trying to introduce you to it.

REALITY is that by US law, border enforcement is pre-eminent domain of the US Federal government.

The sooner you get to terms with this reality the sooner you can get back down to planet earth.

You are obviously missing the REALITY (<--- note my use of bolded caps for dramatic effect), that the Federal government is in direct violation of federal immigration law.
That's all very melodramatic but I don't see Sloppy Joe sending in the military to confront Texas law enforcement.

I think what is being missed is the absurdity of Biden's actions. He is explicitly violating immigration law and is now making threats to Texas demanding that they not interfere with his law breaking.

Thats just your political opinion.

True absurdity is rightwingers imagining that the courts will somehow find that the Federal government has no right to be present at the border to enforce it's imigration laws.

It will never happen - that is the REALITY of law that needs to be aknowledged no matter what your politics are.
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I'm a REALITY supporting Democrat who is trying to introduce you to it.

REALITY is that by US law, border enforcement is pre-eminent domain of the US Federal government.

The sooner you get to terms with this reality the sooner you can get back down to planet earth.
As a despicable vermin democrat the party gives you whatever reality the party thinks you should have.
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Absurdity is rightwingers imagining that the courts will find that the Federal government has no right to be present at the border to enforce imigration laws.
Absurdity is Dems / Socialists suggesting the Federal government is actually enforcing immigration law. Immigration law is being ignored by the Biden Dems / Socialists.

Absurdity is Dems / Socialists suggesting Biden will order troops, armor, etc., to confront Texas law enforcement to keep the unsecured border open to illegals.
Absurdity is Dems / Socialists suggesting the Federal government is actually enforcing immigration law.

All I can say to such silly statements is...good luck making it in court.

I told you what willl happen. All you have to do is watch it happen to know it's true.
Thats just your political opinion.

True absurdity is rightwingers imagining that the courts will somehow find that the Federal government has no right to be present at the border to enforce it's imigration laws.

It will never happen - that is the REALITY of law that needs to be aknowledged no matter what your politics are.
Yeah, they know this. The only goal here is to dress it up as federal over-reach. I think the feds should arrest Abbott for human trafficking why they are down there.
You are obviously missing the REALITY (<--- note my use of bolded caps for dramatic effect), that the Federal government is in direct violation of federal immigration law.

“Texas cannot disregard the United States Constitution and settled Supreme Court precedent,” said Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Brian M. Boynton, head of the Justice Department's Civil Division. “We have brought this action to ensure that Texas adheres to the framework adopted by Congress and the Constitution for regulation of immigration.”

As outlined in the complaint, Texas’s law would create two new state crimes that attempt to regulate immigration, with charges ranging from a misdemeanor to a felony. Additionally, SB 4 would give state judges the ability to order removal from the United States. The Supreme Court, in Arizona v. United States, has previously confirmed that decisions relating to removal of noncitizens from the United States touch “on foreign relations and must be made with one voice.” SB 4 impedes the federal government’s ability to enforce entry and removal provisions of federal law and interferes with its conduct of foreign relations.

The suit was filed on behalf of the United States, including the Justice Department, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of State.

Thats just your political opinion.

True absurdity is rightwingers imagining that the courts will somehow find that the Federal government has no right to be present at the border to enforce it's imigration laws.

It will never happen - that is the REALITY of law that needs to be aknowledged no matter what your politics are.
The reality is that Biden is explicitly ignoring immigration law. The reality is that the Dems / Socialists will need to pursue litigation that allows them to continue violating the law.

Note that I used bolded text for that added sense of urgency and melodrama.
“Texas cannot disregard the United States Constitution and settled Supreme Court precedent,” said Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Brian M. Boynton, head of the Justice Department's Civil Division. “We have brought this action to ensure that Texas adheres to the framework adopted by Congress and the Constitution for regulation of immigration.”

As outlined in the complaint, Texas’s law would create two new state crimes that attempt to regulate immigration, with charges ranging from a misdemeanor to a felony. Additionally, SB 4 would give state judges the ability to order removal from the United States. The Supreme Court, in Arizona v. United States, has previously confirmed that decisions relating to removal of noncitizens from the United States touch “on foreign relations and must be made with one voice.” SB 4 impedes the federal government’s ability to enforce entry and removal provisions of federal law and interferes with its conduct of foreign relations.

The suit was filed on behalf of the United States, including the Justice Department, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of State.

That's a long copy and paste.

How soon will Biden send in the military to allow his human trafficking Syndicate to continue?
Well there are a number of things that can be done. I assume that all the Texas law enforcement offices file federal tax returns.That's the first place they can get hiit.

I'm not sure about Texas but I know here in Massachusetts State employees do not pay in to the social security system because the state maintains its own system. If Texas is like that they can offer some shielding to their compliant law enforcement officers who are standing against federal government regulations and authority.

I seriously doubt that Biden will send any type of military contingent to the state because that would give Texas an excuse to sue them for secession. Remember the deal that Texas has with the union is not the same as the other states. They already have one foot out.

Texas has a legitimate gripe They are a border state that has to suffer the consequences of bad decisions made by non-border states. They have a right to protect themselves. In a showdown of federal agents versus Texas rangers My money is on the rangers. I seriously doubt that it will come to that kind of a confrontation I think most of it will take place administratively through the money system.

The most common way of getting a state to go along is withholding Federal funds for things like highways. it is how they forced Florida to raise their drinking age
The reality is that Biden is explicitly ignoring immigration law.

You clearly don't understand the implications of what you are saying.

Even if assumed true, "the fix" is to sue the administration in a court of law.

Blocking Federal presence at the border is an unconstitutional state act regardless of validity of your claim.
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That's a long copy and paste.

How soon will Biden send in the military to allow his human trafficking Syndicate to continue?
Will the military follow? The democrat solution is to fill the military with non citizen invaders who do not consider Americans fellow countrymen.

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