Biden now threatening state of texas...Jan 18 or else

The most common way of getting a state to go along is withholding Federal funds for things like highways. it is how they forced Florida to raise their drinking age
Yeah money is usually the tool but I don't know if it's going to be that way this time. The flood of people coming through on the border is disproportionately affecting Texas and Texas has a legitimate gripe in saying they are not benefiting from the union because the union has abandoned their responsibility to that state.

There are very few states that could make a probable go of it on their own. Texas just might be one of them. Texas has a long history of trade with Mexico that goes back before the States where a thing. The fact that the two-faced sanctuary cities located hundreds of miles from the border are now screaming at the top of their lungs because they can't handle the influx more or less exposes the faults of the current border policies maintained by the federal government.

In this instance Texas could probably beat them in court.
Well there are a number of things that can be done. I assume that all the Texas law enforcement offices file federal tax returns.That's the first place they can get hiit.

I'm not sure about Texas but I know here in Massachusetts State employees do not pay in to the social security system because the state maintains its own system. If Texas is like that they can offer some shielding to their compliant law enforcement officers who are standing against federal government regulations and authority.

I seriously doubt that Biden will send any type of military contingent to the state because that would give Texas an excuse to sue them for secession. Remember the deal that Texas has with the union is not the same as the other states. They already have one foot out.

Texas has a legitimate gripe They are a border state that has to suffer the consequences of bad decisions made by non-border states. They have a right to protect themselves. In a showdown of federal agents versus Texas rangers My money is on the rangers. I seriously doubt that it will come to that kind of a confrontation I think most of it will take place administratively through the money system.

It would be great if Texas forces Biden to send in the Feds to arrest the entire government of Texas.

That would be hilarious.
Well there are a number of things that can be done. I assume that all the Texas law enforcement offices file federal tax returns.That's the first place they can get hiit.

I'm not sure about Texas but I know here in Massachusetts State employees do not pay in to the social security system because the state maintains its own system. If Texas is like that they can offer some shielding to their compliant law enforcement officers who are standing against federal government regulations and authority.

I seriously doubt that Biden will send any type of military contingent to the state because that would give Texas an excuse to sue them for secession. Remember the deal that Texas has with the union is not the same as the other states. They already have one foot out.

Texas has a legitimate gripe They are a border state that has to suffer the consequences of bad decisions made by non-border states. They have a right to protect themselves. In a showdown of federal agents versus Texas rangers My money is on the rangers. I seriously doubt that it will come to that kind of a confrontation I think most of it will take place administratively through the money system.

Are you kidding? Do you guys realize how many illegal employers in Texas hire undocumented workers? More than non border states do.

We have an illegal employer problem. Say it.
Are you kidding? Do you guys realize how many illegal employers in Texas hire undocumented workers? More than non border states do.

We have an illegal employer problem. Say it.
We have an illegal alien problem.

News flash: the current flood of illegals are not working. They are enjoying a taxpayer-funded vacation!
It would be great if Texas forces Biden to send in the Feds to arrest the entire government of Texas.

That would be hilarious.
I don't think it would happen peacefully.
They're almost forced to find a solution through the bureaucracy other than that bullets could literally fly.
Are you kidding? Do you guys realize how many illegal employers in Texas hire undocumented workers? More than non border states do.

We have an illegal employer problem. Say it.
Yeah I'm aware of that I'm also aware of the fact that Texas is one of Mexico's biggest trading partners. It's definitely a complex situation.

Having said that though in the past bus loads of workers come across the border in the morning and go back across the border at night. The current situation is different The influx has amounted to an invasion That threatens to explode the municipal systems on the border. Can't allow that to happen chaos will follow very quickly.
Texas needs to hold a referendum, a Texit, to see if the folk want Texas to leave the US Republic.

Imagine the states are the member states, and the White House is the EU Parliament dictating to those states. You guys are suffering the same problem as us Brits did, but we left the EU.

Will any US state wake up and hold a referendum?
We have an illegal alien problem.

News flash: the current flood of illegals are not working. They are enjoying a taxpayer-funded vacation!
Not to mention that there are nefarious individuals coming across the border in that invasion.
Biden is in violation of his sworn duties as a president, if he won't do anything, the state has no choice but to secure that border.
Texas needs to hold a referendum, a Texit, to see if the folk want Texas to leave the US Republic.

Imagine the states are the member states, and the White House is the EU Parliament dictating to those states. You guys are suffering the same problem as us Brits did, but we left the EU.

Will any US state wake up and hold a referendum?

I hope they try it. A few years later when they are conquered...again...reconstruction can be imposed...again. Only this time, there needs to be a 100 year window before they can petition to rejoin the union. No more half measures this time.
You clearly don't understand the implications of what you are saying.

Even if assumed true, "the fix" is to sue the administration in a court of law.

Blocking Federal presence at the border is an unconstitutional state act regardless of validity of your claim.
You don't understand the situation. Biden has shown a complete disregard for the law. He can authorize his lackeys in DHS to file suit and Texas can counter claim.

Violating the law, as Biden is doing, is an unconstitutional act.

When will Biden send in the military to confront Texas law enforcement in order to continue his violation of law?
Texas has a legitimate gripe They are a border state that has to suffer the consequences of bad decisions made by non-border states. They have a right to protect themselves. In a showdown of federal agents versus Texas rangers My money is on the rangers. I seriously doubt that it will come to that kind of a confrontation I think most of it will take place administratively through the money system.

A nonTexan's opinion on what Texas should do.
“The President shall be Commander in Chief . . . of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States. ”This Commander-in-Chief Clause gives the President the supreme right of command of the nation’s military forces. These forces included not only the regular army and navy, but also the militia when called forth for national purposes. The Framers had no conception of modern reserve forces; they expected that the militia would be the nation’s primary military reserve. When called into federal service, the President would have the same right of command over the militia that he had over the regular army and navy.

Take it to court already.

Fuck the courts.


Send the busses full of illegals to the WHITE HOUSE, and tell them they can sleep on the lawn.

Make those capitol police dumbfucks earn their living for a change.
To anyone not living out on the moon it’s clear that Government of the US has a pre-eminent right to enforce its borders.

Texas refusing Federal presence at a border is clearly unconstitutional with a side of ludecrous.

Go complain to Joe Biden.

He's the one BREAKING the law.
Will the military follow? The democrat solution is to fill the military with non citizen invaders who do not consider Americans fellow countrymen.
It's hard to imagine Sloppy Joe sending in an armored battalion to forcibly remove Texas law enforcement. I'm not sure Biden's battalion, commanded by a tranny, is really going to be effective.
There was a federal presence. They were facilitating the invasion. They had to go. They are in violation of the Constitution.
. The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.
Domestic violence INCLUDES BLM RIOTS.

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