Biden now threatening state of texas...Jan 18 or else

Those cities got people shipped there by Abbott who is trying to get a jon in a Trump administration. A crippled racist. How pathetic.
Abbott didn't force illegal aliens to bus to Chicago .. What evidence do you have to drive your racial narrative that is always the topic of your posts?
Congress is the problem not Biden. Abbbottt is not doing anybodys job.
LOL .. As Biden said explicitly, "the buck stops with him..." except when something goes wrong, which it has much of the time, then it's someone else's responsibility. Biden is accountable .. Congress is responsible.

Abbott is enforcing illegal immigration security measures because Biden and his administration are doing everything to thwart it. There are two active litigations now from the Biden administration, and a direct "stand down" order from Biden to prevent Texas from securing their own border. Texas will ignore it of course, because it's just another "Obama Red Line"
I laugh when one of you race baiting MAGA nutjobs call me what you are. There have been more than a few busloads sent to these cities. Funny how we didn't have this problem before trump took office and he is the one who left the mess at the border you numbskulls blame Biden for. Abbott has no right to do what he's doing.

He has every right to send people where they say they want to go, but the feds have sent many more than TX.

LOL .. As Biden said explicitly, "the buck stops with him..." except when something goes wrong, which it has much of the time, then it's someone else's responsibility. Biden is accountable .. Congress is responsible.

Abbott is enforcing illegal immigration security measures because Biden and his administration are doing everything to thwart it. There are two active litigations now from the Biden administration, and a direct "stand down" order from Biden to prevent Texas from securing their own border. Texas will ignore it of course, because it's just another "Obama Red Line"

Texas should tell Biden to fuck off.

Texas should tell Biden to fuck off.
They already have .. they booted federal officers out of Eagle Pass to thwart the flow of illegals .. and they'll ignore Bidens "red line" moment because he won't do anything.
Yes, that's simple capitalism 101, but situation is that those rules don't apply as much. There's work to be done that Americans are avoiding ono account of the jobs don't have the ability to pay a wage they would accept.
BECAUSE the wages have been destroyed by illegal immigration and H1B visas.
You don't understand the situation. Biden has shown a complete disregard for the law. He can authorize his lackeys in DHS to file suit and Texas can counter claim.

Violating the law, as Biden is doing, is an unconstitutional act.

When will Biden send in the military to confront Texas law enforcement in order to continue his violation of law?

You are just re-wrapping what you've said without addressing what I've explained to you.

Whatever you think about what Biden is completely MOOT.

Feds have the pre-eminent constitutional power to enforce the borders. Texas can't block their presence at the border. Period, end of story.
You are just re-wrapping what you've said without addressing what I've explained to you.

Whatever you think about what Biden is completely MOOT.

Feds have the pre-eminent constitutional power to enforce the borders. Texas can't block their presence at the border. Period, end of story.
They can and they are.

Watcha gonna do about it, soiboi?
Texas is not being invaded. Name the Army invading Texas. Just because you idiots call mass migration an invasion doesn't make it one.

24K Chinese, 22K Russians, Iranians, Syrians, Iraqis and many, many more. 164 different countries it total, adding up to more than 10 million and counting. Yeah, the US is being invaded and xiden refuses to defend our borders. I guess you're going to tell me they are all here to do landscaping and pluck fruit and chickens, right?

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You are from New England. What do you know?

Well...I know that I drive past a hotel-turned-illegal-alien-flophouse at least 4 days a week. I know that there are dozens more in the area. I know that the fentanyl in this area is sold-exclusively-by illegals from the Dominican Republic.

That the US really needs to do is have a 3 judge panel made up of SCOTUS justices who meet regularly to overturn the latest crazy things red states try to pull. Their docket will be three times as large as the actual SCOTUS docket. It literally never ends with these people.

I agree, as long as the three judges are Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and Amy Coney-Barret.
The only militia here is the KKK.

The KKK was chased out of Texas when we turned the state red.

Most of them went to Virginia, and you voted for them:

Since Seal Team 6 doesn't have any assassinations on their calendar, they could arrest Abbott and wheel him into a holding cell. The park would instantly be cleared of national guardsmen.
The KKK was chased out of Texas when we turned the state red.

Most of them went to Virginia, and you voted for them:

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No no no, in 1965, the parties swapped. The racist Dixiecrats became communists and the bleeding heart party of Lincoln became racist. They all swapped….just like they swapped red and blue back like 20 years ago.

The proper laws are already in place, they just aren't being enforced.
That's what everybody is waiting for. It's all in the methods used to enforce the laws as they are perceived by individual states. Then it could be that the federal government sees it differently?

And then the question of whether this will be the issue on which the feds take a stand?

I think the situation still isn't ripe enough to cause a shooting, but it can't be long now.

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