Biden “on a war footing” to dehumanize “roughly half the population who voted against him”

I mean not all of you are - but the ones who support indoctrinating small children who have no business worrying about adult activities like sex into all this nonsense are factually groomer pieces of shit spreading social contagion and you should be called out for it.
You have the luxury of internet anonymity to enjoy no repercussions for these kind of slurs. But in RL, you call someone a groomer, expect to eventually get your teeth knocked down your throat.
You have the luxury of internet anonymity to enjoy no repercussions for these kind of slurs. But in RL, you call someone a groomer, expect to eventually get your teeth knocked down your throat.
I mean this is a good reason to be armed when sociopath groomer perverts like you engage in threats of assault and battery for correct criticism. Then carrying out such threats will be the last thing these groomers ever do, thanks to justifiable self-defense.

Needs to be more armed protest of this filth, shuttting it down, until the law catches up with sanity and bans this child abuse.
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My interview on Newsmax:
“What we’re seeing come out is the real Joe Biden. Anybody who has followed his career knows that the 2020 portrayal of him by the media as kind grandfatherly Joe Biden is a fabrication. He was deemed the father of ‘Borking,’ the vicious attacks on judicial nominees dating back many decades ago. His entire career has been one of viciously attacking people.”
4 Sep 2022 ~~ By William A. Jacobson

Joe Biden is still on the warpath against MAGA. First it was dehumanizing MAGA Republicans, in a September 1 speech that was widely panned as “one of the most menacing, bitter, angry and divisive speeches in modern US political history”:

Then Biden walked it back a bit, and said he wasn’t referring to “all” MAGA voters.
That the campaign of demonizaton was Joe’s idea and obsession was confirmed in a Politico report. That’s not surprising, he’s a nasty piece of work and has been his entire career, as I previously pointed out:
“Biden has been a corrupt sleaze his entire career, he’s a malicious flame thrower who hides behind the facade of being ‘regular Joe’ and now kind elderly Joes. He’s the worst of our political system.”​

Considering that Robert Byrd was joey Biden's close friend and mentor. Why would he have so much hate in their heart?
Joey has in fact insulted over 125 million Americans...most of them coming here LEGALLY to escape what he is pushing.
Foe Joey, there;s np going back he can't retract that speech in Philadelphia.
Seems that this is a claer time to gather, organize and take massive action to restore our Constitutional government.
The Stasi raid on August 8th Mar a Largo was the initial attack, Joey's speech was the Blitz. This will fail.

Are you talking about the Uniter in Chief?
I mean this is a good reason to be armed when sociopath groomer perverts like you engage in threats of assault and battery for correct criticism. Then carrying out such threats will be the last thing these groomers ever do, thanks to justifiable self-defense.

Needs to be more armed protest of this filth, shuttting it down, until the law catches up with sanity and bans this child abuse.

I agree and not only are the Maoist Democart Commies grooming sociopaths doing it on the media but also to our young that are being subjected to grooming within our schools and the internet.
Awww. You poor little bitch. 😂

After 4 years of Trump talking shit to everyone, including his own party, after spending an entire summer calling everyone from teachers to Biden himself, a groomer, you clowns can sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up. No one cares if Biden was mean to you you Soy Boy bitch. 😂
That's pretty rich, coming from the Magaturd king.
I'm the King of Magaturds?!? Then I formally decree you are thereby sentenced to death by strangulation. More specifically, you shall be choked to death in the prone position by a satchel of phalluses.

:auiqs.jpg:Didn't really go how you thought, did it? Goof.
I'm the King of Magaturds?!? Then I formally decree you are thereby sentenced to death by strangulation. More specifically, you shall be choked to death in the prone position by a satchel of phalluses.

:auiqs.jpg:Didn't really go how you thought, did it? Goof.
To paraphrase Andrew Jackson, "he made the decision, now let's see him enforce it".

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