Biden Owns Crisis on Border


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2012
Prague, Czech Republic
Following 4 years of the first president to recognize and actually address the crisis on America's southern border, Biden, in order to appease his base, created a crisis unfolding before us.

This he owns totally. And it was so fucking predictable!

Dude, shut the fuck up about the southern border. Nobody cares. You know how I know nobody cares?

Because the guy who told people to care about a wall lost by 8 million votes to the guy who didn't give a fuck. Have a good morning. You win pie.
Following 4 years of the first president to recognize and actually address the crisis on America's southern border, Biden, in order to appease his base, created a crisis unfolding before us.

This he owns totally. And it was so fucking predictable!

View attachment 466778

When Yahoo goes after a Dem, it's a serious situation.

As I've said before, if I were China I know what approach I would take to defeat America so that the world would be mine without any restrictions, one such approach would definitely be to push such illegal entry. The more the merrier, for a number of reasons. It seems China is winning on many fronts.

If I am the governments of Texas or AZ, I am offering free bus rides from my state to NY Cali and D.C. to help those other states with their needs for illegal citizens.
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Dude, shut the fuck up about the southern border. Nobody cares. You know how I know nobody cares?

Because the guy who told people to care about a wall lost by 8 million votes to the guy who didn't give a fuck. Have a good morning. You win pie.
If they send a few busloads of these illiterate fucks to your town and overrun your school, I'm sure you'll be more than happy to pay for their housing, a new school, more teachers, food and medical care. And if you're some kid who barely squeaked through high school, the newbies will either take your job or drive your wages down. Only a fool says "nobody cares" about the biggest corporate welfare scam ever perpetrated on the US people.
Following 4 years of the first president to recognize and actually address the crisis on America's southern border, Biden, in order to appease his base, created a crisis unfolding before us.

This he owns totally. And it was so fucking predictable!

View attachment 466778

What conservatives, libertarians, and Trump supporters have to really understand...deep, deep down.....?

The democrats do not care about the crisis at the border. They don't care that those children being dragged across the border by coyotes and the drug cartels will become sex slaves, drug cartel gang members, and slave labor in sweat shops....they do not care.

What they care about is a vast majority of those illegal aliens will be made into life long democrat if they suffer in cages, get raped or murdered by coyotes...bring in more of the chinese flu from Mexico....murder, rape, torture innocent Americans.....the democrat party does not fucking care....

They just need to get them across that they can vote the democrat party more power....
Dude, shut the fuck up about the southern border. Nobody cares. You know how I know nobody cares?

Because the guy who told people to care about a wall lost by 8 million votes to the guy who didn't give a fuck. Have a good morning. You win pie.

He didn't lose. The democrat party stole the idiot.
Following 4 years of the first president to recognize and actually address the crisis on America's southern border, Biden, in order to appease his base, created a crisis unfolding before us.

This he owns totally. And it was so fucking predictable!

View attachment 466778

When Yahoo goes after a Dem, it's a serious situation.

As I've said before, if I were China I know what approach I would take to defeat America so that the world would be mine without any restrictions, one such approach would definitely be to push such illegal entry. The more the merrier, for a number of reasons. It seems China is winning on many fronts.

If I am the governments of Texas or AZ, I am offering free bus rides from my state to NY Cali and D.C. to help those other states with their needs for illegal citizens.

That would be the solution....that is a great idea......that way those new democrat voters won't take away votes from Red states.....that should be the first way to attack this insane policy.
President Biden needs to do a better job on border security. Regardless of what his predecessor did or didn’t do, the buck stops with current POTUS.

Dude, shut the fuck up about the southern border. Nobody cares. You know how I know nobody cares?

Because the guy who told people to care about a wall lost by 8 million votes to the guy who didn't give a fuck. Have a good morning. You win pie.
Many Prog voters are away from the realities. Safe in their own areas with a level of security. Its easy to be a Prog in that situation. As voters most of us have food on the table and a roof over our head. A TV, internet, a vehicle and some comforts. It is hard to go to war in a domestic civil distress situation that we are experiencing. When power is acquired by ruthless people, they do not give it up easily. You believe that Prog Politicians are pure driven believers of the tenets of the Democratic Party. They are not. Perhaps in the past they held those ideas. But not now. And that is where the issues are.
Following 4 years of the first president to recognize and actually address the crisis on America's southern border, Biden, in order to appease his base, created a crisis unfolding before us.

This he owns totally. And it was so fucking predictable!

View attachment 466778

When Yahoo goes after a Dem, it's a serious situation.

As I've said before, if I were China I know what approach I would take to defeat America so that the world would be mine without any restrictions, one such approach would definitely be to push such illegal entry. The more the merrier, for a number of reasons. It seems China is winning on many fronts.

If I am the governments of Texas or AZ, I am offering free bus rides from my state to NY Cali and D.C. to help those other states with their needs for illegal citizens.

That would be the solution....that is a great idea......that way those new democrat voters won't take away votes from Red states.....that should be the first way to attack this insane policy.

Well, it would certainly expose who is really interested in illegal immigration for the reason they suggest they are. Hand every person a $10 bill and a free trip to the big cities where opportunity lies.

Nothing wrong with that. The states being overwhelmed are simply helping out their fellow states with the benefit of more, abundant unskilled workers.
President Biden needs to do a better job on border security. Regardless of what his predecessor did or didn’t do, the buck stops with current POTUS.


And why do you think President Pudding cares about the border? The democrat party want new, uneducated, economically desperate voters......they do not care about the border...
President Biden needs to do a better job on border security. Regardless of what his predecessor did or didn’t do, the buck stops with current POTUS.


And why do you think President Pudding cares about the border? The democrat party want new, uneducated, economically desperate voters......they do not care about the border...

Neither party cares about the border except for scoring political points. One group embraces the cheap labor while the other wants their votes.
That said, it doesn’t absolve ANY POTUS from not doing the job of dealing with it.
President Biden needs to do a better job on border security. Regardless of what his predecessor did or didn’t do, the buck stops with current POTUS.


And why do you think President Pudding cares about the border? The democrat party want new, uneducated, economically desperate voters......they do not care about the border...

Neither party cares about the border except for scoring political points. One group embraces the cheap labor while the other wants their votes.
That said, it doesn’t absolve ANY POTUS from not doing the job of dealing with it.
That pretty stupid. Why would the senile guy reverse Trump orders concerning the border? It make no sense.
President Biden needs to do a better job on border security. Regardless of what his predecessor did or didn’t do, the buck stops with current POTUS.


And why do you think President Pudding cares about the border? The democrat party want new, uneducated, economically desperate voters......they do not care about the border...

Neither party cares about the border except for scoring political points. One group embraces the cheap labor while the other wants their votes.
That said, it doesn’t absolve ANY POTUS from not doing the job of dealing with it.
That pretty stupid. Why would the senile guy reverse Trump orders concerning the border? It make no sense.

Of course it makes sense. What demographic is President Biden looking to wheedle?
Dude, shut the fuck up about the southern border. Nobody cares. You know how I know nobody cares?

Because the guy who told people to care about a wall lost by 8 million votes to the guy who didn't give a fuck. Have a good morning. You win pie.
The cheese eating surrender monkey does not care about the southern border,,,,,, which means he does not care about the United States

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