Biden Owns Crisis on Border

President Biden needs to do a better job on border security. Regardless of what his predecessor did or didn’t do, the buck stops with current POTUS.


And why do you think President Pudding cares about the border? The democrat party want new, uneducated, economically desperate voters......they do not care about the border...

Neither party cares about the border except for scoring political points. One group embraces the cheap labor while the other wants their votes.
That said, it doesn’t absolve ANY POTUS from not doing the job of dealing with it.
That pretty stupid. Why would the senile guy reverse Trump orders concerning the border? It make no sense.

Of course it makes sense. What demographic is President Biden looking to wheedle?
Whether you want cheap labor or cheap votes, the influx of unskilled and often criminally inclined people would be desired. Seems to me you're just trying to cover for Biden's obvious fuckup with a false equivalency.
President Biden needs to do a better job on border security. Regardless of what his predecessor did or didn’t do, the buck stops with current POTUS.


And why do you think President Pudding cares about the border? The democrat party want new, uneducated, economically desperate voters......they do not care about the border...

Neither party cares about the border except for scoring political points. One group embraces the cheap labor while the other wants their votes.
That said, it doesn’t absolve ANY POTUS from not doing the job of dealing with it.
That pretty stupid. Why would the senile guy reverse Trump orders concerning the border? It make no sense.

Of course it makes sense. What demographic is President Biden looking to wheedle?
Whether you want cheap labor or cheap votes, the influx of unskilled and often criminally inclined people would be desired. Seems to me you're just trying to cover for Biden's obvious fuckup with a false equivalency.

Which is why in a prior post I said he needed to do a better job because the buck stops with him.
Dude, shut the fuck up about the southern border. Nobody cares. You know how I know nobody cares?

Because the guy who told people to care about a wall lost by 8 million votes to the guy who didn't give a fuck. Have a good morning. You win pie.
obviously you didn't watch the Rams Saints title game a couple a years ago
I think the international consequences of bad border policies for America are clear.

Europe has already signalled they don't like the direction America is going to go in after Trump lost, probably don't have confidence in Americas ability to succeed and remain an economic powerhouse going forward.

So, even in the face of immense pressure they signed a trade agreement with China. This was as big of a shift as any in history. It hasn't been ratified, but China is already dragging Europe to them regardless. What about Open Borders and "Woke Culture" is appealing to U.S allies?

Biden is having his Quad virtual meeting today, which is a positive step, but one has to wonder how much this was forced when the E.U turned their backs on America. I see the public reports of this meeting suggesting it is about vaccines and the like. This had to have been stated publicly to appease China, which will only embolden them and remind them how docile the West is. This in time, will ensure traditional U.S allies abandon the U.S, if many of them haven't already.

Of the Quad, I can see Japan eventually being absorbed into a Far East Asian coalition with China, once and if they believe America is no longer the global powerhouse. They will join China and it's Old Countries: HK and Taiwan. Where will S Korea land?

Australia will be squeezed, probably sign some neutrality agreement in return for the ability to keep trade open with the world. This is the dire situation being faced by that nation even as it has been the most vocal and confrontational of China. Russia will have to walk with their tail between their legs and also acquiesce to China in some form or another. They are being dwarfed by China as well.

Who will be left then? India and a couple of Eastern Bloc nations trying to remain independent and staying relevant with a rapidly declining N America (lead by Canadas fall from grace)?

America, and with it the West, is in a horrible position, and instead of addressing what is now clearly a situation of diminishing economic returns at your Southern Border, you seem to double down on it. As an outsider, it seems like really poor policy. Not even policy as much as surrender.

Again, from an outsiders standpoint, you are appear to be turning America into Central America when you allow unlimited illegal entry. This will eventually have consequences for Canada, once the burden decimates your nation.

Before that though, the entire Western world will be unable to sustain itself against the communist onslaught. The reality is, the faith in the U.S to win this battle is dwindling. Even "rah rah, America is great" from certain leaders or tough talk, won't cut it anymore. Without strong, smart policies and specific actions, the rest of the world has to consider the projections of global power in the years going forward.
Dude, shut the fuck up about the southern border. Nobody cares. You know how I know nobody cares?

Because the guy who told people to care about a wall lost by 8 million votes to the guy who didn't give a fuck. Have a good morning. You win pie.
3000 Americans die each year in road accidents involving illegal aliens. That means no insurance for grieving families.
I don't know the murder rate of Americans by illegals, but I'm sure it's in the hundreds if not thousands.
Then, you have the rapes, assaults, home invasions, and abductions.
Thousands of families affected each year.
WTF are you doing on a political website if you don't care about one of the biggest issues out there.
Following 4 years of the first president to recognize and actually address the crisis on America's southern border, Biden, in order to appease his base, created a crisis unfolding before us.

This he owns totally. And it was so fucking predictable!

View attachment 466778
We should be working with those foreign countries to help improve their economy. Under Capitalism, emmigration/immigration is merely a market based metric.
Dude, shut the fuck up about the southern border. Nobody cares. You know how I know nobody cares?

Because the guy who told people to care about a wall lost by 8 million votes to the guy who didn't give a fuck. Have a good morning. You win pie.
3000 Americans die each year in road accidents involving illegal aliens. That means no insurance for grieving families.
I don't know the murder rate of Americans by illegals, but I'm sure it's in the hundreds if not thousands.
Then, you have the rapes, assaults, home invasions, and abductions.
Thousands of families affected each year.
WTF are you doing on a political website if you don't care about one of the biggest issues out there.
Better question everybody at this forum should be asking themselves is why is a kid who pretends to be an adult is even on a political message board in the first place instead of being outside playing with his kiddie friends.:abgg2q.jpg:
Dude, shut the fuck up about the southern border. Nobody cares. You know how I know nobody cares?

Because the guy who told people to care about a wall lost by 8 million votes to the guy who didn't give a fuck. Have a good morning. You win pie.

Only idiots do NOT care about the border crisis. This should be of paramount concern to every thinking American. What's your excuse?
Dude, shut the fuck up about the southern border. Nobody cares. You know how I know nobody cares?

Because the guy who told people to care about a wall lost by 8 million votes to the guy who didn't give a fuck. Have a good morning. You win pie.

Only idiots do NOT care about the border crisis. This should be of paramount concern to every thinking American. What's your excuse?
Upgrade Ellis Island and put a world-class research hospital complex on it!
Dude, shut the fuck up about the southern border. Nobody cares. You know how I know nobody cares?

Because the guy who told people to care about a wall lost by 8 million votes to the guy who didn't give a fuck. Have a good morning. You win pie.

Only idiots do NOT care about the border crisis. This should be of paramount concern to every thinking American. What's your excuse?
Upgrade Ellis Island and put a world-class research hospital complex on it!

You realize Ellis Island isn't near our southern border, right?
Following 4 years of the first president to recognize and actually address the crisis on America's southern border, Biden, in order to appease his base, created a crisis unfolding before us.

This he owns totally. And it was so fucking predictable!

View attachment 466778

It's another Trump mess Biden has to clean up.

A mess the consequence of Trump's incompetence, bigotry, and hate.
And to think Joe didn't even beat Trump legitimately....our nation is being ruined by an illegitimate leader....
Following 4 years of the first president to recognize and actually address the crisis on America's southern border, Biden, in order to appease his base, created a crisis unfolding before us.

This he owns totally. And it was so fucking predictable!

View attachment 466778

It's another Trump mess Biden has to clean up.

A mess the consequence of Trump's incompetence, bigotry, and hate.
So, these diseased and impoverished people are making a run for the border because of "Trump's incompetence, bigotry and hate?".
This caused the crisis on the border?!
And to think Joe didn't even beat Trump legitimately....our nation is being ruined by an illegitimate leader....
And the American haters that post on this forum reveal they do indeed hate America saying Biden is cleaning up trumps corruption when lying Biden is the one that’s corrupt and this is coming from someone who has always said both parties are corrupt and one in the same.I have no problem with people not liking trump,what I have a problem with is stupid fucks like so many here who vote for Biden saying he is a good man and he is the answer,those asswipes make me sick.
Following 4 years of the first president to recognize and actually address the crisis on America's southern border, Biden, in order to appease his base, created a crisis unfolding before us.

This he owns totally. And it was so fucking predictable!

View attachment 466778

It's another Trump mess Biden has to clean up.

A mess the consequence of Trump's incompetence, bigotry, and hate.

Biden and Dimocrats encourage the third-world to invade our border, with their words and their policies.
Who are the ones who give us sanctuary states and cities? DIMOCRATS!
Who are the ones who that work to dismantle ICE and other illegal immigration enforcement? DIMOCRATS!
Who are the ones who refuse to build border walls and fences? DIMOCRATS!

Dims have the White House, the House, and the Senate, and it's no coincidence that we are seeing a big surge of unskilled illegals invading our border right now.
Following 4 years of the first president to recognize and actually address the crisis on America's southern border, Biden, in order to appease his base, created a crisis unfolding before us.

This he owns totally. And it was so fucking predictable!

View attachment 466778

It's another Trump mess Biden has to clean up.

A mess the consequence of Trump's incompetence, bigotry, and hate.

Biden and Dimocrats encourage the third-world to invade our border, with their words and their policies.
Who are the ones who give us sanctuary states and cities? DIMOCRATS!
Who are the ones who that work to dismantle ICE and other illegal immigration enforcement? DIMOCRATS!
Who are the ones who refuse to build border walls and fences? DIMOCRATS!

Dims have the White House, the House, and the Senate, and it's no coincidence that we are seeing a big surge of unskilled illegals invading our border right now.
Abolish your worthless and alleged war on drugs. All it does is create refugees.

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