Biden Politicizes The Military In Vicious Partisan Speech

You're full of shit, bitch. History has proven the Trump knew more than them.
Oh may god help you. Your statement disrespects the US military more than anything said on this thread.
You truly our an embarrassment to our country.
Whatever Biden is does not take away from what Trump is. Integrity and honor is nothing Trump has been associated wit. The reason is power and greed arme more important than integrity and honor.
Trump hates integrity and honor. He attacks integrity and honor. He surrounds mimself with people with integrity and honor. If the have integrity and honor the will not do what he asks them.
The military is based on integrity and honor. That is not what Trump wants. He disrespects the military.
Joe has a half century of playing the game. Trump was a novice when he started, and we know his personality. He did not do bad. He was never given a chance. A grace period from the 95% controlled Prog media and entertainers. What we saw everyday was a disgrace. Progs caused riots and insurrections. Trump let the Prog cities and states do their own self destruction. I know this. There will come a time in local areas where it will not be nice, and these mediocre Prog leaders will lead many to their deaths.
Bone spurs are not a pre-existing condition.
Wow! You are one stupid motherfucker. If you already have them, then by definition they are a preexisting condition.

Your TDS makes you stupider by the day.
Wow! You are one stupid motherfucker. If you already have them, then by definition they are a preexisting condition.

Your TDS makes you stupider by the day.
How has Donald Trump perservered all these years?

Our first disabled President since FDR

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