Biden Position on Guns Is a Joke

The agency says that repeat crossers ā€“ migrants who are apprehended, expelled and then attempt to come in again multiple times ā€“ are skewing the numbers. For instance, officials only identified 1.15 million unique individuals in Fiscal Year 2021.

No estimate was provided for ā€œgot-aways,ā€ the thousands of migrants who evade detection and whose entry is thus never recorded.

ā€œI donā€™t think this is a surprise,ā€ Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said during a visit to El Paso on Thursday. ā€œThe Trump administration changed to policies that lower the number of illegal immigrants significantly. When the Biden administration came in, they completely went back to the old policies and accelerated this.ā€

He was referring to the rollback of the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP) program, which he and Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt sued successfully to restore, and to the halt of border wall construction, which is also under litigation now.

September data shows three out of four single adults encountered were expelled to Mexico under the Title 42 public health rule, but only one out of four families was sent back. The overall numbers for September show a 9 percent drop from the previous month, going from 208,887 to 192,001.

In the El Paso Sector, the Border Patrol is dealing with a record surge in migrant stash houses ā€“ homes, apartments, trailer homes and even barns ā€“ where smugglers keep newly arrived unauthorized foreign nationals while they arrange transportation for them to the interior of the country.

As far as DumBama's numbers, those were as phony as a three dollar bill:

Another bogus self incrimination self incriminating reference So, youā€™re now saying it was less then 2 million. Or, are you saying Trump could not catch them the second time. Either way, youā€™re wrong as shit.
Another bogus self incrimination self incriminating reference So, youā€™re now saying it was less then 2 million. Or, are you saying Trump could not catch them the second time. Either way, youā€™re wrong as shit.

That's how they gauge how many got in, by how many they catch. It's impossible for the BP to catch them all and they know it. That's why since the first time the BP was created, they threw their support behind a presidential candidate like Trump. It took him some time fighting with the House and their commie brothers in the court, but once Trump's policies came true, border crossings were reduced by 90% in 2019.

Dementia reversed all that, and not only did he reverse Trump's policies, he promised blanket amnesty to all illegals who are in the country at the time of the proclamation. That's like putting out a jar of honey by a bees nest you're trying to get rid of.

The biggest problem is he reversed Trump's Stay in Mexico policy which made asylum seekers wait outside our borders until their court date. They were then escorted to court and returned back to Mexico upon the courts decision they were not applicable for asylum. Under the Catch and Release program created by DumBama, people who applied for asylum were allowed to stay in the country until their court date which many didn't show up for. Dementia brought that failed program back.

That's how they gauge how many got in, by how many they catch. It's impossible for the BP to catch them all and they know it. That's why since the first time the BP was created, they threw their support behind a presidential candidate like Trump. It took him some time fighting with the House and their commie brothers in the court, but once Trump's policies came true, border crossings were reduced by 90% in 2019.

Dementia reversed all that, and not only did he reverse Trump's policies, he promised blanket amnesty to all illegals who are in the country at the time of the proclamation. That's like putting out a jar of honey by a bees nest you're trying to get rid of.

The biggest problem is he reversed Trump's Stay in Mexico policy which made asylum seekers wait outside our borders until their court date. They were then escorted to court and returned back to Mexico upon the courts decision they were not applicable for asylum. Under the Catch and Release program created by DumBama, people who applied for asylum were allowed to stay in the country until their court date which many didn't show up for. Dementia brought that failed program back.

Wow. Biden is rewriting Trumps agenda that violated human rights and caged children. Followed by the old dementia fear mongering. Not very impressive when Trump couldnā€˜t read three syllable words. Of course, not being able to read never stopped Trump or his supporter Humpers from making up shit.

Boy, youā€™re sure vacillating off the 3 million claim with each rebuttal. White supremacy is hard to rationalize isnā€™t it ?
Wow. Biden is rewriting Trumps agenda that violated human rights and caged children. Followed by the old dementia fear mongering. Not very impressive when Trump couldnā€˜t read three syllable words. Of course, not being able to read never stopped Trump or his supporter Humpers from making up shit.

Boy, youā€™re sure vacillating off the 3 million claim with each rebuttal. White supremacy is hard to rationalize isnā€™t it ?

Wow. Biden is rewriting Trumps agenda that violated human rights and caged children. Followed by the old dementia fear mongering. Not very impressive when Trump couldnā€˜t read three syllable words. Of course, not being able to read never stopped Trump or his supporter Humpers from making up shit.

Boy, youā€™re sure vacillating off the 3 million claim with each rebuttal. White supremacy is hard to rationalize isnā€™t it ?

So what will this country look like when it's a minority supremacy? Detroit? My city of Cleveland? Baltimore? Venezuela? Guatemala?

Yeah, those caged children. You mean those same caged children the MSM published with pictures of them under DumBama? So where is Dementia keeping those children? In containers. You know, those trailers you see on boats sitting in California harbors? Oh, and don't try to see what's inside. Dementia won't let anybody inside who doesn't work for the government.

People stopped coming here when Trump policies were in place because they knew it would be fruitless. Stay in Mexico is not violating anybody's human rights. Forcing Mexico to stop migrants from crossing their country to get to ours is not a violation of human rights. Having asylum seekers applying at a US embassy in their own country is not a violation of human rights. These are all policies that stopped a majority from coming here in the first place. Dementia reversed all of them and now we have a disaster on our hands.
Here's what Joe Biden has repeatedly said he want to do about guns in America.

1. Ban what he calls "assault weapons"
2. Ban high-capacity magazines.
3. Hold gun Manufacturers "accountable"

Strike 1....Strike 2......Strike 3

First, according to the second amendment of the Constitution, the right to bears arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED (exactly what Biden is proposing to do)

Second, I don't think Biden, or any of his leftist friends, clueless about guns, have any idea what they're talking about, when they loosely throw the phrase "assault weapons". I've heard some of them refer to the AR-15 rifle as an assault weapon , when it's just an ordinary rifle, that fires one shot with each pull of the trigger.

Third, unlike Biden's claim that high capacity magazines have no place in a civilized society, and his question of why there is a need for that, there easily could be a need. What if a whole gang of thugs show up in your front yard ? (let's say 10-15 of them). A 6 shooter wouldn't cover that.

Third, gun manufacturers have nothing to do with any of this. In addition to the guns possessed by police, there are far more guns in the hands of law-abiding people (with CCW permits), than there are criminals in possession of them. And you cant blame an inanimate object. Some people kill or injure others with a car. Wanna ban cars ? Some people are attacked with baseball bat. Wanna ban baseball bats ? Some people are killed with a kitchen knife. Wanna ban them ?

Lastly, banning assault rifles (whatever anybody defines that to be) or any kind of rifle, doesnt ,match up with the facts. Relatively, very few people are killed with rifles.
Here's what Joe Biden has repeatedly said he want to do about guns in America.

1. Ban what he calls "assault weapons"
2. Ban high-capacity magazines.
3. Hold gun Manufacturers "accountable"

Strike 1....Strike 2......Strike 3

First, according to the second amendment of the Constitution, the right to bears arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED (exactly what Biden is proposing to do)

Second, I don't think Biden, or any of his leftist friends, clueless about guns, have any idea what they're talking about, when they loosely throw the phrase "assault weapons". I've heard some of them refer to the AR-15 rifle as an assault weapon , when it's just an ordinary rifle, that fires one shot with each pull of the trigger.

Third, unlike Biden's claim that high capacity magazines have no place in a civilized society, and his question of why there is a need for that, there easily could be a need. What if a whole gang of thugs show up in your front yard ? (let's say 10-15 of them). A 6 shooter wouldn't cover that.

Third, gun manufacturers have nothing to do with any of this. In addition to the guns possessed by police, there are far more guns in the hands of law-abiding people (with CCW permits), than there are criminals in possession of them. And you cant blame an inanimate object. Some people kill or injure others with a car. Wanna ban cars ? Some people are attacked with baseball bat. Wanna ban baseball bats ? Some people are killed with a kitchen knife. Wanna ban them ?

Lastly, banning assault rifles (whatever anybody defines that to be) or any kind of rifle, doesnt ,match up with the facts. Relatively, very few people are killed with rifles.
Holding manufactures accountable would mean they would be sued out of existence.
Here's what Joe Biden has repeatedly said he want to do about guns in America.

1. Ban what he calls "assault weapons"
2. Ban high-capacity magazines.
3. Hold gun Manufacturers "accountable"

Strike 1....Strike 2......Strike 3

First, according to the second amendment of the Constitution, the right to bears arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED (exactly what Biden is proposing to do)

Second, I don't think Biden, or any of his leftist friends, clueless about guns, have any idea what they're talking about, when they loosely throw the phrase "assault weapons". I've heard some of them refer to the AR-15 rifle as an assault weapon , when it's just an ordinary rifle, that fires one shot with each pull of the trigger.

Third, unlike Biden's claim that high capacity magazines have no place in a civilized society, and his question of why there is a need for that, there easily could be a need. What if a whole gang of thugs show up in your front yard ? (let's say 10-15 of them). A 6 shooter wouldn't cover that.

Third, gun manufacturers have nothing to do with any of this. In addition to the guns possessed by police, there are far more guns in the hands of law-abiding people (with CCW permits), than there are criminals in possession of them. And you cant blame an inanimate object. Some people kill or injure others with a car. Wanna ban cars ? Some people are attacked with baseball bat. Wanna ban baseball bats ? Some people are killed with a kitchen knife. Wanna ban them ?

Lastly, banning assault rifles (whatever anybody defines that to be) or any kind of rifle, doesnt ,match up with the facts. Relatively, very few people are killed with rifles.
I fail to see the humor. (-:
So what will this country look like when it's a minority supremacy? Detroit? My city of Cleveland? Baltimore? Venezuela? Guatemala?

Yeah, those caged children. You mean those same caged children the MSM published with pictures of them under DumBama? So where is Dementia keeping those children? In containers. You know, those trailers you see on boats sitting in California harbors? Oh, and don't try to see what's inside. Dementia won't let anybody inside who doesn't work for the government.

People stopped coming here when Trump policies were in place because they knew it would be fruitless. Stay in Mexico is not violating anybody's human rights. Forcing Mexico to stop migrants from crossing their country to get to ours is not a violation of human rights. Having asylum seekers applying at a US embassy in their own country is not a violation of human rights. These are all policies that stopped a majority from coming here in the first place. Dementia reversed all of them and now we have a disaster on our hands.
What a rant of white supremacy BS. Thatā€™s hilarious if it wasnā€™t so sad. One thing I give Humpers credit for, is that everytime any links your motives to your fear of non whites, you donā€™t deny it.

What you should really fear, and many of you are, is being afraid of your ignorance . The 3 most dangerous cities to live in ? Ha haā€¦guess thatā€™s where you think minority rules. Nopeā€¦white rules in these.
1. Anchorage, Alaska
2. Memphis, Tennessee Mississippi-Arkansas
3. Lubbock, Texas
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What a rant of white supremacy BS. Thatā€™s hilarious if it wasnā€™t so sad. One thing I give Humpers credit for, is that everytime any links your motives to your fear of non whites, you donā€™t deny it.

What you should really fear, and many of you are, is being afraid of your ignorance . The 3 most dangerous cities to live in ? Ha haā€¦guess thatā€™s where you think minority rules. Nopeā€¦white rules in these.
1. Anchorage, Alaska
2. Memphis, Tennessee Mississippi-Arkansas
3. Lubbock, Texas

My source says differently. According to them, the five most dangerous cities in the US for 2022 are

  • Detroit, MI
  • Memphis, TN
  • Birmingham, AL
  • Baltimore, MD
  • St. Louis, MO
Few people would agree with that. Trump carries a pistol and is a lifelong member of NRA.
I doubt that Obama has ever fired a pistol.

There is even some question if he ever fired a shotgun.

Wow. Biden is rewriting Trumps agenda that violated human rights and caged children. Followed by the old dementia fear mongering. Not very impressive when Trump couldnā€˜t read three syllable words. Of course, not being able to read never stopped Trump or his supporter Humpers from making up shit.

Boy, youā€™re sure vacillating off the 3 million claim with each rebuttal. White supremacy is hard to rationalize isnā€™t it ?
Separate the nation into a few smaller countries. Then go from there.

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